Staff Profile
Professor Volker Pickert
Professor of Power Electronics
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 6684
- Address: Newcastle University
School of Engineering
Merz Court
Newcastle upon Tyne
Prof Pickert studied Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Science and Technology (RWTH) Aachen, Germany and the University of Cambridge, UK. During his study in Aachen he worked for three years as a student assistant at the Institute of Automotive Systems (IKA), working in the field of hybrid electric vehicles. After the completion of his studies Prof Pickert received a three year PhD scholarship from the Research Committee of Newcastle University for research in the field of power electronics. Following his PhD, he spent six years in industry before returning to academia. From 1998 to 1999 he worked as an application engineer and later as product manager for Semikron GmbH, Germany. From 1999 to 2003 he worked in the research and development department within the Volkswagen Group, Wolfsburg, Germany. As the group leader for electric power drive trains for electric vehicles he was responsible for power electronics systems, electric drives and vehicle electrical systems for electric and fuel cell vehicles. In October 2003 Prof Pickert was appointed as Senior Lecturer at Newcastle University and he became Professor of Power Electronics in 2011. In 2012 Prof Pickert became the Head of the Electrical Power Group. Within eight years he managed to grow the size of the group to above 100 researchers, doubled the number of awarded projects, doubled the number of articles and quadrupled research income. In 2020 Prof Pickert became the Director of Discipline for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) coordinating all research and teaching activities relevant to EEE. In 2020 Prof Pickert also became the Director of the EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre in Sustainable Electric Propulsion which will train over 50 PhD student over the next 5 years.
- Summary:
- Value of total directly awarded grants and contracts: £20M
- Number of received funded projects: 62
- Number of publications and presentations: 180
- Number of past/active supervised Research Associates & PhD students (main): 42
- Major Management Roles:
- 8 years - Head of Electrical Power Group (14 academic staff, 34 Research Associates, 65 PhD students).
- 1 year - Director of Discipline for Electric and Electronic Engineering.
- Leadership:
- I established that Newcastle University has become a leading academic centre for electric vehicle research in the UK. In 2013, 50% of the group project income was on electric vehicle related research.
- As Degree Program Director, I grow the MSc program Electrical Power from 8 students in 2003 to 62 students in 2011 bringing in significant income to the School
- Editor-in-Chief of the IET Power Electronics (highest IF3.7). Manage 70 Editors and Associate Editors.
- Director of the EPSRC CDT in Sustainable Electric Propulsion. The Centre will train over 50 PhD students.
- Research Impact:
- I developed a new chip temperature estimation technique that is implemented in all Control Techniques (now Nidec Co.) high performance electric drives (produced 250,000 units).
- In 2017 I started working in a new research area called dynamic conductive road charging. This topic has generated publicity in terms of press releases, public affairs and broadcastings.
- I established a novel method in health monitoring of power converters that has been fully accepted as the leading standard within the academic community. The key article has a citation rate of 25 citations per annum since 2013. I have over 40 publications in the field of health monitoring and I received the innovation award from the Faculty of Science and Engineering for my work.
- Teaching:
- In 2011 and in 2017 I was nominated for the “Best Lecturer of the Year” award within the Faculty of Science and Engineering.
- I wrote the Industrial Project Guideline Handbook that has become the master template for all Schools within Newcastle University raising teaching standards.
- Esteem:
- In 2010 I was the Chair of the bi-annual international IET Power Electronics, Machines and Drives Conference in Brighton.
- Advisory panel of the IET flagship event: World first TTXGP electric motor bike racing at the famous TT racing event.
- Selection of keynote speeches: (ITEC), Dearborn, Michigan, 2015, (ITEC-Pacific), Bangkok, Thailand, 2018. (CIPS), Berlin, Germany, 2020.
01/1994 I was the 1st exchange student between the Institute of Power Electronics and Electric Drives (Prof. Skudelny), RWTH Aachen University and the Department of Electrical Engineering (Prof Williamson), Cambridge University.
09/1994 Received a full PhD studentship from the Newcastle University Research Council.
11/2011 Denny Medal Award for most worthy paper published in the Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology. The Denny Medal is awarded annually since 1893 from the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology (IMarEST).
09/2013 Innovation of the Year Award for “Intelligent Gate Drive Design for High-Reliability Power Electronic Devices” from SaGE Faculty.
07/2018 My research team won the European Siemens Power Electronics Tapas Challenge competing against 230 other institutions in Europe.
08/2018 Best Paper Award at IEEE International Conference on Computing Electronics & Communications Engineering (iCCECE), Essex, UK.
09/2019 Received The IET Outstanding Editor-in-Chief Award for excellent management of the IET Power Electronics journal.
A. Conference chairman
- IET Power Electronics, Machines and Drives Conference (PEMD), Brighton, April 2010 (320 delegates from 32 countries).
- IET conference workshop on “Electric Vehicles – the journey from power station to wheel“, Birmingham, August 2011 (90 delegates from 11 countries)
- European Centre for Power Electronics (ECPE) on Availability on Power Electronics in Automotive and Aircrafts, Stuttgart, July 2019 (expect over 100 delegates from over 10 countries)
B. Keynotes
- More Electric Transport – Activities in the UK, IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo (ITEC), Dearborn, Michigan, 14-17 June 2015
- Tracked Electric Vehicles (TEV) Project, IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific), Bangkok, Thailand, 06-09 June 2018
- Present and Future of Fault tolerant Drives applied to Transport Applications, IEEE International conference on Integrated Power Electronics systems (CIPS), Berlin, Germany, 24-26 March 2020 (postponed due to Covid-19)
C. Session chair
- Power Electronics, Machines and Drives Conference (PEMD), Dublin, April 2006.
- 2nd European Ele-Drive Transportation Conference (EET), Brussels, May 2007.
- Power Electronics, Machines and Drives Conference (PEMD), York, May 2008.
- Power Conversion Intelligent Motion, (PCIM), Nuremberg, May 2009.
- Power Conversion Intelligent Motion, (PCIM), Nuremberg, May 2011.
- 14th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), Birmingham, August/September 2011.
- Power Electronics, Machines and Drives Conference (PEMD), Birmingham, May 2012.
- IET Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Conference 2013 (HEVC), London, November 2013.
- Power Conversion Intelligent Motion (PCIM), Nuremberg, May 2015.
- Power Electronics, Machines and Drives Conference (PEMD), Liverpool, April 2018.
- IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific), June 2018
- IEEE MTT-S Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC) and IEEE PELS Workshop on Emerging Technologies: Wireless Power (WoW), London, June 2019
D. Organising and Steering Committees
- 18th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition (EVS18), Berlin, October 2000.
- IET Power Electronics, Machines and Drives Conference (PEMD), Dublin, April 2006.
- 2nd European Ele-Drive Transportation Conference (EET), Brussels, May 2007.
- Power Conversion Intelligent Motion, (PCIM), Nuremberg, May 2007.
- IET Power Electronics, Machines and Drives Conference (PEMD), York, May 2008, (Conference Vice Chairman).
- Power Conversion Intelligent Motion, (PCIM), Nuremberg, May 2008.
- 3rd IET Hybrid and Eco-Friendly Vehicles Conference 2008, Warwick, December 2008.
- Power Conversion Intelligent Motion, (PCIM), Nuremberg, May 2009.
- IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, (VPPC), Dearborn, Sep. 2009.
- Power Conversion Intelligent Motion, (PCIM), Nuremberg, May 2010.
- 6th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems, (CIPS), Nuremberg, March 2010.
- Power Conversion Intelligent Motion, (PCIM), Nuremberg, May 2011.
- 14th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), Birmingham, August/September 2011.
- 7th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems, (CIPS), Nuremberg, March 2012.
- IET Power Electronics, Machines and Drives Conference (PEMD), Bristol, April 2012 – International Advisory Panel
- Power Conversion Intelligent Motion (PCIM), Nuremberg, May 2013.
- NMI workshop, Power Electronics for the smart home, Newcastle, July 2013.
- IET Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Conference 2013 (HEVC), London, November 2013.
- PLECS workshop, Modelling and simulation of power electronic systems, Newcastle, March 2014.
- Power Conversion Intelligent Motion (PCIM), Nuremberg, May 2014
- Power Conversion Intelligent Motion (PCIM), Nuremberg, May 2015
- 8th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems (CIPS), Nuremberg, March 2014
- Power Conversion Intelligent Motion (PCIM), Nuremberg, May 2016
- 9th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems (CIPS), Nuremberg, March 2016
- Power Conversion Intelligent Motion (PCIM), Nuremberg, May 2017
- 11th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems (CIPS), Stuttgart, March 2018
- 3rd International Electric Vehicle Technology Conference & Exhibition (IEVTech), Bangkok, June 2018
- IEEE International Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), Bangkok, June 2018
- IEEE MTT-S Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC) and IEEE PELS Workshop on Emerging Technologies: Wireless Power (WoW), London, June 2019
E. Selected invited presentations at universities outside UK
- China: Zhejiang University, Dalian University of Technologies, Xiuha University, North
- China Electric Power University, Harbin Institute of Technologies, Nanjing Normal
- University, Chongqing University
- Malaysia: The National University of Malaysia
- Germany: RWTH Aachen
- Canada: Mc Master University
- Japan: The University of Tokyo
- USA: Massachusetts University of Technology (MIT)
I regularly serve as a reviewer for the following journals and conferences:
Springer Publishing House --- IET Circuits, Devices & Systems --- IET Electric Power Applications --- IET Power Electronics --- IET Electronic Letters --- IET Power Electronics, Machines and Drives Conference (PEMD) --- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II --- IEEE Vehicle Power Propulsion Conference (VPPC) --- IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Conference(IECON) --- IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics Conference (ISIE) --- IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics --- IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics --- Power Conversion Intelligent Motion (PCIM) --- International Universities' Power Engineering Conference (UPEC) --- Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE) --- The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (COMPEL)--- Institution of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) --- International Journal of the Federation of European Simulation Societies (EUROSIM) --- International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education (IJEEE), Elsevier Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory --- Elsevier Journal Applied Energy.
- Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC)
- Qatar National Research Foundations (QNRF)
- Business plans from industries asking for financial support from regional development agencies or other funding organisations.
- Singapore National Research Foundation (SNRF)
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
- Energy Innovation Programme Office (EIPO-Singapore)
- Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG-Austria)
- Irish Research Council
External examiner for the MSc programme Automotive Technology Management at Cranfield University 2011-2014
External examiner for the MSc programme Electrical and Electronic Engineering at University of Sheffield 2014-2019
External examiner for the UG programme Mechatronic at University of Nottingham (China & Malaysia) 2018-2021
Number of internal Ph.D. examinations: 3
Tushita Abeyasekera, Max Parker, Warren Blewitt
Number of external UK Ph.D. examinations: 13
Ciprian Antaloae (Cranfield University), Dave Williams (Sheffield University), Peter James (Manchester University), Ponggorn Kulsangcharoen (Nottingham University), Dirk Kok (Sunderland University), Jonathan Davidson (Sheffield University), Ahmed Badawy (Strathclyde University), Xin Zhang (Sheffield University), Attahir Murtala Aliyu (Nottingham University), Jose Ortiz-Gonzalez (Warwick University), Ahmed Al-Karakchi (Northumbria University), Quirin Kellner (Warwick University), Kee B Nam (Sheffield University), Shangjian Dai (Sheffield University).
Number of international Ph.D. examinations: 3
Mika Ikonen (Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland), Annegret Klein-Hessling (RWTH Aachen, Germany), Otto Kreutzer (Friedrich Alexander Universiteat, Germany).
2002 Member of the European Standardization Group for emissions measurements of hybrid electric vehicles.
2005 Royal Society of Chemistry, White paper on future power drive trains.
2008-2010 One North East think-tank group for future regional development.
2009 IET Technical Advisor for TTXGP - World's First Zero Carbon, Clean Emission Electric Bike
Grand Prix.
2009-2012 Performance Test Track Steering Committee.
2010-2013 IET Power Generation, Conversion and Utilisation (PGCU) professional network Executive Team.
2010 IET Safety Aspects of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Steering Group.
2010-2011 NMI Power Electronics Strategy Group on the White paper “Power Electronics – The UK
Strategy” for Mark Prisk, Minister of State for Business and Enterprise.
2011 North East representative for the Automotive Interest Group at Business, Innovation and
Skills/Local Enterprise Partnerships (BIS/LEP).
2012-2014 International Advisory Board for “Encyclopaedia of Automotive Engineering” book from Wiley
Online Library, Online ISBN: 9781118354179.
2012 Wireless Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles (Technical Insights), D2EA—TI, Frost &
2012 Study on Disruptive Innovation in eMobility, PRO-INNO Projects (http://grips-
2014 Founding member of the IET Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD) technical and
professional network.
2018 Supporting founding member of the Faraday Institution.
2019 Contributing Author for the Wireless Power Transfer for Electric Vehicles Task 26 Report written
for the Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Technology Collaboration Programme funded by the
International Energy Agency IEA.
Research activities published in newspapers/podcast/television (selections)
24.9.2009: Smoothing drive to green motoring, The Journal
25.6.2013: Avid hoping to quadruple its manufacturing capacity, The Journal
11.6.2014: Support available for business innovation, The Journal
11.5.2015: Journal Vision 2020, The Engineer
01.7.2017: UK needs better charging network for electric vehicles, Engineering & Technology
19.5.2017: TEV Project teams up with Newcastle University to create highways of the future, Scottish
Business News
26.7.2017: Diesel Patrol Ban, BBC News at Five
08.5.2018: New motorways could see vehicles driving in platoons at 125mph, Design, Products &
05.2.2019: Café Scientifique: The Electric Car Revolution, how will it transform our lives? (Podcast)
07.3.2019: AVID Learning: Electric Vehicle Technology Podcast, Episode 24, Interview with Prof Pickert
Total Value of Awarded Grants and Contracts: £29,211,919 (includes £3.5M from industrial partners to support CDT)
EPSRC Funding:
Other Funding:
Consultancy Funding:
Undergraduate Teaching
• EEE3003 Introduction to the Basics of Modern Power Electronics (Undergraduates)
• EEE4091 UG individual projects
• EEE4008 ECAD
• EEE4095 Study projects
Postgraduate Teaching
• EEE8012 Power Electronics - Design & Implementations (MSc)
• EEE8074 MSc individual projects
Since the beginning of my academic career I have been lecturing “Introduction to the Basics of Modern Power Electronics” for the Undergraduate Programme and “Power Electronics – Design & Implementations” for the Master Programme. For 9 years I was also module leader of the MSc coursework module and I was running the e-learning module MSc “Advanced Power Electronic Devices” for 4 years. The MSc coursework module is a laboratory based teaching module and the e-learning module was designed for distance learning. All modules are annually revised and some of them have been completely changed over years in order to increase students’ learning outcomes and to make subjects more exciting. For example the lecture “Power Electronics – Design & Implementation” formerly called “Power Electronics” did not include any practical design aspects. Over a two year period topics of the module were changed and two new sections discussing design methods and selection criteria for power components have been included. The name of the module was also changed in 2013 to reflect the radical changes made. The new sections provide students with the tools required by industry to design power converters. The old lecture material did not reflect this requirement. In addition handouts are now available and tutorial questions have been generated, helping students to measure their progress. In the future I will introduce self-learning study material based on PSPICE. With the help of the simulator students can learn more in-depth the material that has been lectured to them. The PSPICE material has been developed over the last three years using MSc project students and undergraduate students and the material is tested at the moment prior the launch. The success of constantly changing lecture material and changing teaching methods is reflected in the student feedback I receive. I am consistently achieving high overall ratings in my modules: e.g. in 2018 my average score was “4.4”, in 2012 I achieved “4.5” and in 2016 it was “4.3” (“5.0” is the maximum).
I taught for 9 years the MSc coursework module that has seen the most radical changes. This module is not a taught lecture. All activities are taken place in the laboratory. When taking over the module I scrapped all experiments and replaced them with experiments which now link with the contents of ongoing lectures. In addition each experiment has become more challenging and fulfils now latest Health and Safety standards. Finally the course structure and the marking scheme were changed. Students are now working in either groups or individually depending on the experiment. A port-folio assessment allows a faire marking scheme. I was able to convince the School to invest in new equipment (~£50k) in order to make these changes happen. The outcome of the module change is reflected in the attendance number from 75% (before the changes) to now 99% and in a new bespoke laboratory.
- Eikani A, Amirkhani M, Farmahini Farahani E, Pickert V, Mirsalim M, Vaez-Zadeh S. Robust Wireless Power Transfer for EVs by Self-Oscillating Controlled Inverters and Identical Single-Coil Transmitting and Receiving Pads. Energies 2025, 18(1), 211.
- Kamel T, Zangiabadi M, Dong H, Tian Z, Wade N, Pickert V, Tricoli P. Practical Demonstration and Novel Optimization Control for a Smart Soft Open Point to Maximize the Synergy between the DC Metro Line and the LV Distribution Grid. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 2025, 11(1), 1298-1312.
- Ahmad Z, Wrobel R, Werner TC, Odhano S, Pickert V. A Method for Accurate Measurement of Anisotropic Thermal Conductivity of Impregnated Electrical Windings. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 2025, 61(1), 37-46.
- Werner TC, Yan Y, Karayiannis T, Pickert V, Wrobel R, Law R. Medium temperature heat pipes – Applications, challenges and future direction. Applied Thermal Engineering 2024, 236(Part A), 121371.
- Asiedu-Asante AB, Pickert V, Mamlouk M, Tsimenidis C. Evaluating Frequency Domain Reflectometry as a Tool for Lithium-Ion Battery Health Prognosis. Batteries 2024, 10(6), 185.
- Wang Z, Dai S, Zhao Y, Li G, Ji B, Pickert V, Gu B, Ding S. Current imbalance analysis of multichip influenced by parasitic inductance within PP-IEGT. Microelectronics Reliability 2024, 152, 115275.
- Li H, Wu H, Gulati I, Ali SA, Pickert V, Dlay S. An adaptive fuzzy control technique for a high-speed vehicular platoon experiencing communication delays. IET Intelligent Transport Systems 2024, 18(1), 173-185.
- Ali SA, Pickert V, Alharbi MA, Li H, Patsios H. Wheel Hub Active Power Collection Unit for Dynamic Conductive Road Charging. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 2023, 9(1), 1927-1936.
- Li H, Ali S, Gulati I, Li H, Pickert V, Dlay S. The Design and Testing of a Novel Leader-following Automatic Guide Vehicle. ES General 2023, 1, 864.
- Chen C, Pickert V, Al-Greer M, Wang Z, Knoll AC. Temperature distribution in multichip IGBT module and its impact on collector current sharing. Microelectronics Reliability 2023, 143, 114935.
- Alharbi MA, Marquez A, Dahidah MSA, Montero-Robina P, Ethni S, Pickert V, Leon J-I. Rotating Phase-Shedding for Interleaved DC-DC Converter-Based EVs Fast DC Chargers. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2023, 38(2), 1901-1909.
- Vu VB, Ramezani A, Triviño A, González JM, Kadandani NB, Dahidah MSA, Pickert V, Narimani M, Aguado J. Operation of Inductive Charging Systems under Misalignment Conditions: A Review for Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 2023, 9(1), 1857-1887.
- Ali S, Pickert V, Alharbi M, Li H, Patsios H. Operation and Control of an Active Power Collector for Roadside Feeding Electric Road System. IET Electrical Systems in Transportation 2023, 2023, 6635396.
- Yerasimou Y, Werner TC, Pickert V. On the application of liquid metal cooling for electronic switching devices. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 2023, 42, 101875.
- Yildirim B, Elgendy MA, Smith A, Pickert V. Efficiency Optimized Power Sharing Algorithm for Modular Battery Energy Storage Systems. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2023, 70(11), 11299-11309.
- Kamel T, Tian Z, Zangiabadi M, Wade N, Pickert V, Tricoli P. Smart Soft Open Points to synergically improve the energy efficiencies of interconnected railway railways with the low voltage grids. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 2022, 142(A), 108288.
- Alharbi MA, Dahidah MSA, Ali SA, Ethni S, Pickert V. Ripple-free Multiphase Interleaved Stacked Converter for High-power Applications. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2022, 37(12), 14770-14780.
- Vu V-B, Dahidah MSA, Pickert V. Efficiency-Cost Parametric-Analysis of a Three-Phase Wireless Dynamic Charging System for Electric Vehicles. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics 2022, 3(3), 482-491.
- Gashtil H, Pickert V, Atkinson DJ, Dahidah MSA, Giaouris D. Closed-Loop Voltage Control for Maximizing Inverter Output Voltage in the Field Weakening Region of Induction Machines. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics 2022, 10(6), 7514-7526.
- Li H, Wu H, Gulati I, Ali S, Pickert V, Dlay S. An improved sliding mode control (SMC) approach for enhancement of communication delay in vehicle platoon system. IET Intelligent Transport Systems 2022, 16(7), 958-970.
- Dai S, Wang Z, Wu H, Song X, Li G, Pickert V. Thermal and Mechanical Analysis of Clamping Area on the Performance of Press Pack IGBT in Series-connection Stack Application. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 2021, 11(2), 200-211.
- Lu X, Pickert V, Al-Greer M, Chen C, Wang X, Tsimenidis C. Temperature Estimation of SiC Power Devices using High Frequency Chirp Signals. Energies 2021, 14(16), 4912.
- Gashtil H, Pickert V, Atkinson DJ, Dahidah MSA, Giaouris D. Improved Voltage Boundary with Model-Based Control Algorithm for Increased Torque in the Field Weakening Region of Induction Machines. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 2021, 7(3), 1600-1614.
- Chen C, Pickert V, Ji B, Jia C, Knoll A, Ng C. Comparison of TSEP Performances Operating at Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Temperature Distribution in Multichip IGBT Power Modules. Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 2021, 9(5), 6282-6292.
- Chen C, Pickert V, Ji B, Ji C, Knoll A, Ng C. Comparison of TSEP Performances Operating at Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Temperature Distribution in Multichip IGBT Power Modules. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 2021, 9(5), 6282-6292.
- Zhan H, Wu H, Muhammad M, Lambert S, Pickert V. Combining electric vehicle battery charging and battery cell equalisation in one circuit. IET Electrical Systems in Transportation 2021, 11(4), 377-390.
- Vu VB, González-González JM, Pickert V, Dahidah MSA, Triviño A. A hybrid charger of conductive and inductive modes for Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2021, 68(12), 12021-12033.
- Yerasimou Y, Pickert V, Dai S, Wang Z. Thermal Management System for Press-Pack IGBT based on Liquid Metal Coolant. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 2020, 10(11), 1849-1860.
- Wu H, Pickert V, Ma M, Ji B, Zhang C. Stability Study and Nonlinear Analysis of DC-DC Power Converters with Constant Power Loads at the Fast Timescale. Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 2020, 8(4), 3225-3236.
- Chen C, Pickert V, Al-Greer M, Jia C, NG C. Localization and Detection of Bond Wire Faults in Multi-chip IGBT Power Modules. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2020, 35(8), 7804-7815.
- Ma J, Dahidah MSA, Pickert V, Yu J. Hierarchical Energy Balance Control Method for M3C based on Injecting Output Frequency Circulating Currents. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2020, 35(3), 2424-2435.
- Lu B, Pickert V, Hu J, Wu H, Naayagi RT, Kang W, Liao S. Determination of Stray Inductance of Low Inductive Laminated Planar Multiport Busbars Using Vector Synthesis Method. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2020, 67(2), 1337-1347.
- Wu X, Hu X, Yin X, Peng Y, Pickert V. Convex programming improved online power management in a range extended fuel cell electric truck. Journal of Power Sources 2020, 476, 228642.
- Zhang W, Wang X, Dahidah MSA, Thompson GN, Pickert V, Elgendy MA. An Investigation of Gate Voltage Oscillation and Its Suppression for SiC MOSFET. IEEE Access 2020, 8, 127781-127788.
- Vu V-B, Dahidah MSA, Pickert V, Phan V-T. An improved LCL-L Compensation Topology for Capacitive Power Transfer in Electric Vehicle Charging. IEEE Access 2020, 8, 27757-27768.
- Vu V-B, Dahidah MSA, Pickert V, Phan V-T. A High-Power Multiphase Wireless Dynamic Charging System with Low Output Power Pulsation for Electric Vehicles. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 2020, 8(4), 3592-3608.
- McDonald SP, Baker NJ, Espinoza M, Pickert V. Power-take-off topology comparison for a wave energy converter. The Journal of Engineering 2019, 2019(18), 5012-5017.
- Wu H, Pickert V, Deng X, Giaouris D, Li W, He X. Polynomial Curve Slope Compensation for Peak Current Mode Controlled Power Converters. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2019, 66(1), 470-481.
- Al-Mhana T, Pickert V, Zahawi B, Atkinson DJ. Performance Analysis of Forced Commutation Controlled Series Capacitor Rectifier for More Electric Aircraft. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2019, 66(7), 5759-5768.
- McDonald SP, Baker NJ, Pickert V. High-frequency current source converter for a direct drive powertrain in a wave energy converter. The Journal of Engineering 2019, 2019(17), 3629-3633.
- Muhammad M, Lambert S, Armstrong M, Pickert V. High Step-up Interleaved Boost Converter Utilising Stacked Half-bridge Rectifier Configuration. The Journal of Engineering 2019, 2019(17), 3548-3552.
- Al-Mhana T, Pickert V, Atkinson DJ, Zahawi B. Forced Commutated Controlled Series Capacitor Rectifier for More Electric Aircraft. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2019, 34(1), 225-235.
- Wu X, Hu X, Yin X, Li L, Zeng Z, Pickert V. Convex programming energy management and components sizing of a plug-in fuel cell urban logistics vehicle. Journal of Power Sources 2019, 423, 358-366.
- Gkizas G, Giaouris D, Pickert V. A new method on the limit cycle stability analysis of digitally controlled interleaved DC–DC converters. Control Engineering Practice 2019, 90, 111-122.
- Song X, Pickert V, Ji B, Naayagi RT, Wang C, Yerasimou Y. Questionnaire-Based Discussion of Finite Element Multi-Physics Simulation Software in Power Electronics. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2018, 33(8), 7010-7020.
- Vu V-B, Phan V-T, Dahidah MSA, Pickert V. Multiple Output Inductive Charger for Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2018, 34(8), 7350-7368.
- Yerasimou Y, Pickert V, Song X, Ji B. Liquid Metal Magnetohydrodynamic Pump for Junction Temperature Control of Power Modules. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2018, 33(12), 10583-10593.
- Mandeya R, Chen C, Pickert V, Naayagi RT, Ji B. Gate-emitter Pre-threshold Voltage as a Health Sensitive Parameter for IGBT Chip Failure Monitoring in High Voltage Multichip IGBT Power Modules. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2018, 34(9), 9158-9169.
- Wu H, Pickert V, Giaouris D, Ji B. Nonlinear analysis and control of interleaved boost converters using real-time cycle to cycle variable slope compensation. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2017, 32(2), 7256-7270.
- Lambert SM, Pickert V, Atkinson DJ, Zhan H. Transformer based equalisation circuit applied to n-number of high capacitance cells. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2016, 31(2), 1334-1343.
- Wu X, Hu X, Moura S, Yin X, Pickert V. Stochastic control of smart home energy management with plug-in electric vehicle battery energy storage and photovoltaic array. Journal of Power Sources 2016, 333, 203-212.
- Phan VT, Logenthiran T, Woo WL, Atkinson D, Pickert V. Analysis and compensation of voltage unbalance of a DFIG using predictive rotor current control. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 2016, 75, 8-18.
- Al-Busaidi A, Pickert V, Gadoue S. Single-phase rectifier circuit with output voltage enhancement for automotive generators. IET Electrical Systems in Transportation 2015, 5(3), 120-128.
- Ji B, Song X, Sciberras E, Cao W, Hu Y, Pickert V. Multiobjective design of IGBT power modules considering power cycling and thermal cycling. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2015, 30(5), 2493-2504.
- Ji B, Song X, Cao W, Pickert V, Hu Y, Mackersie J, Pierce G. In-Situ Diagnostics and Prognostics of Solder Fatigue in IGBT Modules for Electric Vehicle Drives. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2015, 30(3), 1535-1543.
- Song X, Zhang J, Kang S, Ma M, Ji B, Cao W, Pickert V. Surrogate-Based Analysis and Optimization for the Design of Heat Sinks with Jet Impingement. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 2014, 4(3), 429-437.
- Morton C, Pickert V, Armstrong M. Self-Alignment Torque as a Source of Energy Recovery for Hybrid Electric Trucks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 2014, 63(1), 62-71.
- Chen H, Ji B, Pickert V, Cao W. Real-Time Temperature Estimation for Power MOSFETs Considering Thermal Ageing Effects. IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability 2014, 14(1), 220-228.
- Babaa S, Armstrong M, Pickert V. Overview of maximum power point tracking control methods for PV systems. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering 2014, 2, 59-72.
- Giaouris D, Banerjee S, Stergiopoulos F, Papadopoulou S, Voutetakis S, Zahawi B, Pickert V, Abusorrah A, Al Hindawi M, Al-Turki Y. Foldings and grazings of tori in current controlled interleaved boost converters. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 2014, 42(10), 1080-1091.
- Morton C, Spargo C, Pickert V. Electrified hydraulic power steering system in hybrid electric heavy trucks. IET Electrical Systems in Transportation 2014, 4, 70-77.
- Xing L, Song XG, Scott K, Pickert V, Cao WP. Multi-variable optimisation of PEMFC cathodes based on surrogate modelling. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2013, 38(33), 14295-14313.
- Ji B, Pickert V, Cao W, Zahawi B. In Situ Diagnostics and Prognostics of Wire Bonding Faults in IGBT Modules for Electric Vehicle Drives. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2013, 28(12), 5568-5577.
- Elgendy MA, Pickert V, Zahawi B, Morton C, Ayob A. Dual Voltage Supply Converter for High-Speed Doubly Salient Reluctance Motors. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2013, 28(2), 1016-1024.
- Giaouris D, Stergiopoulos F, Ziogou C, Ipsakis D, Banerjee S, Zahawi B, Pickert V, Voutetakis S, Papadopoulou S. Nonlinear Stability Analysis and a New Design Methodology for a PEM Fuel Cell Fed DC-DC Boost Converter. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2012, 37(23), 18205-18215.
- Giaouris D, Banarjee S, Imrayed O, Mandal K, Zahawi B, Pickert V. Complex interaction between tori and onset of three-frequency quasi-periodicity in a current mode controlled boost converter. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 2012, 59(1), 207-214.
- Pickert V, Zahawi B, Kalpoktsoglou D. Forced commutation controlled series capacitor (FCSC) circuit applied to stand-alone wave energy conversion buoys. Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology 2011, 10(1), 15-23.
- Ambusaidi K, Pickert V, Zahawi B. New Circuit Topology for Fault Tolerant H-Bridge DC-DC Converter. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2010, 25(6), 1509-1516.
- Pickert V, Kalpaktsoglou D, Al-Busaidi A. Controlled Series Capacitor Converters applied in Generator-Sets for SHEV's. World Electric Vehicle Journal 2009, 3(-), 1-5.
- Giaouris D, Maity S, Banerjee S, Pickert V, Zahawi B. Application of Filippov method for the analysis of subharmonic instability in dc-dc converters. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 2009, 37(8), 899-919.
- Giaouris D, Banerjee S, Zahawi B, Pickert V. Stability analysis of the continuous-conduction-mode buck converter via Filippov's method. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 2008, 55(4), 1084-1096.
- Musallam M, Acarnley PP, Johnson CM, Pritchard L, Pickert V. Power electronic device temperature estimation and control in pulsed power and converter applications. Control Engineering Practice 2008, 16(12), 1438-1442.
- Musallam M, Acarnley PP, Johnson CM, Pritchard L, Pickert V. Estimation and control of power electronic device temperature during operation with variable conducting current. IET Circuits, Devices and Systems 2007, 1(2), 111-116.
- Giaouris D, Banerjee S, Zahawi B, Pickert V. Control of fast scale bifurcations in power-factor correction converters. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 2007, 54(9), 805-809.
- Pickert V, Johnson CM. Digital signal processor controlled auxiliary commutated pole converter for high-performance motor drives applications. Power Engineering Journal 2000, 14(1), 5-11.
- Johnson CM, Pickert V. Three-phase soft-switching voltage source converters for motor drives. Part 2: Fundamental limitations and critical assessment. IEE Proceedings: Electric Power Applications 1999, 146(2), 155-162.
- Pickert V, Johnson CM. Three-phase soft-switching voltage source converters for motor drives. Part 1: Overview and analysis. IEE Proceedings: Electric Power Applications 1999, 146(2), 147-154.
Book Chapters
- Ji B, Cao W, Pickert V. State-of-the-art intelligent gate drivers for IGBT power modules - monitoring, control and management at the heart of power converters. In: Control Circuits in Power Electronics: Practical Issues in Design and Implementation. Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2016, pp.309-335.
- Armstrong M, Pickert V. Power semiconductor devices. In: Drury B, ed. The Control Techniques Drives and Controls Handbook. Stevanage: Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2009, pp.109-169.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Ali S, Pickert V, Alharbi M. Overview and Technical Evaluation of Dynamic Conductive Road Charging Technologies. In: 2024 JSAE Annual Congress (Spring) in PACIFICO YOKOHAMA. 2024, Yokohama, Japan: JSAE.
- Stainthorpe B, Dahidah M, Pickert V. An Experimental Performance Comparison of GaNand Silicon based FETs in an Emergency LEDDriver. In: IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications in Europe (WiPDA Europe). 2024, Cardiff, United Kingdom: IEEE.
- Stainthorpe B, Dahidah M, Pickert V. A Synchronous Switching Method for a Variable Frequency ZVS Boost Converter. In: IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2024). 2024, Phoenix, Arizona: IEEE.
- Ahmad Z, Wrobel R, Werner TC, Pickert V. A Single-Platform Analysis of Selected Cooling Variants of Electric Machines. In: 26th International Conference on Electrical Machines ICEM 2024. 2024, Turin, Italy.
- Ali S, Pickert V, Alharbi M, Lee H. Using Wheels as a Concept for Dynamic Conductive Road Charging. In: 2023 JSAE Annual Congress (Spring). 2023, Yokohama: JSAE.
- Werner TC, Ahmad Z, Wrobel R, Pickert V. An Analysis of Liquid Metal Cooling of Electrical Machines With Windings Integrated Channels. In: 17th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-17. 2023, Cape Town, South Africa: Begell House Inc.
- Ahmad Z, Wrobel R, Werner TC, Odhano S, Pickert V. An Accurate Experimental Approach for Deriving Equivalent Thermal Conductivity of Impregnated Electrical Windings. In: 2023 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE). 2023, Nashville, Tennessee: IEEE.
- Stainthorpe B, Dahidah M, Pickert V. A Dual Output Discontinuous Conduction Mode SEPIC with Integrated Boost DC-DC Converter. In: PCIM Europe. 2023, Nuremburg, Germany: PCIM Europe.
- Galea G, Pickert V, Gibson RS, Armstrong M. Using device figure of merit to optimize transistor selection based on switching and conduction loss over a wide temperature range. In: 11th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2022). 2022, Hybrid Conference, Newcastle, UK: IET.
- Holland JM, Pickert V, Elgendy MA, Henderson G. New power converter topology for high-voltage microwave power modules (MPMs). In: 11th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2022). 2022, Hybrid Conference, Newcastle, UK: IET.
- Kamal M, Yildirim B, Ahmeid M, Pickert V, Lambert SM. Energy management techniques for rapid discharge of Li-ion batteries prior to recycling. In: 11th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2022). 2022, Hybrid Conference, Newcastle, UK: IET.
- Yildirim B, Kamal M, Elgendy MA, Smith A, Pickert V. Comparison of cascaded modular converter and central Multi-Port converter for modularization of battery packs. In: 11th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2022). 2022, Hybrid Conference, Newcastle, UK: IET.
- Zangiabadi M, Wade N, Pickert V. A sustainable solution to support the smart mobility platform in E-Lobster project. In: CIRED Porto Workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems. 2022, Porto, Portugal: Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- dos Santos GF, da Silva WG, Pickert V, da Cruz G. Tuning of a PI Speed Regulator for Electric Drives by Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. In: 2021 Brazilian Power Electronics Conference (COBEP). 2021, João Pessoa, Brazil: IEEE.
- Onwe CA, Zangiabadi M, Wade N, Feeney M, Pickert V, Chilvers I, Jakeman N. Smart Hubs 1 - A Demonstration of Electric Vehicle’s Lithium - Ion Battery Charging Characteristic and Efficient Demand Side Energy Management with Solar Photovoltaic System. In: 2021 12th International Renewable Engineering Conference (IREC). 2021, Amman, Jordan: IEEE.
- Wang X, Wu H, Pickert V. Phenomenon of Short-Time Threshold Voltage Shift and Its Application in Junction Temperature Estimation. In: 2021 IEEE 1st International Power Electronics and Application Symposium (PEAS). 2021, Shanghai, China: IEEE.
- Kamel T, Tian Z, Zangiabadi M, Wade N, Pickert V, Tricoli P. Optimized Localization for the inverting substation to maximize the breaking efficiency of the DC railways. In: IEEE 15th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG 2021). 2021, Florence, Italy: IEEE.
- Gu B, Wu H, Pickert V, Ji B, Dai S, Wang Z. Deformation analysis of Press-pack IGBT using thermal mechanical coupling method. In: International Joint Conference on Energy, Electrical and Power Engineering (CoEEPE 2021). 2021, Frankfurt, Germany: Springer.
- dos Santos GF, da Silva WG, Pickert V, da Cruz G. Comparison of PSO and SA Optimization Algorithms on the Tuning of a PI Speed Regulator for Electric Drives. In: Brazilian Power Electronics Conference (COBEP 2021). 2021, João Pessoa, Brazil: IEEE.
- Zangiabadi M, Tian Z, Kamel T, Tricoli P, Wade N, Pickert V. Analysis of the impact of energy storage a shared asset between DC railway Network and Electricity Distribution Network. In: IEEE International Power and Renewable Energy Conference (IPRECON 2021). 2021, Kollam, India: IEEE.
- Tian Z, Kamel T, Zangiabadi M, Wade N, Pickert V, Tricoli P. A study to determine the preferred locations of inverting substation for light DC railways. In: IEEE Vehicular Power and Propulsion (VPPC 2021). 2021, Gijon, Spain: IEEE.
- Zangiabadi M, Tian Z, Kamel T, Tricoli P, Wade N, Pickert V. A Smart Rail and Grid Energy Management System for increased synergy between DC Railway Networks and Electrical Distribution Networks. In: 2021 56th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC). 2021, Middlesbrough, United Kingdom: IEEE.
- Alharbi M, Dahidah MSA, Ali S, Ethni S, Kadandani N, Pickert V. A Phase Shedding Control Technique for Ripple Minimisation for EV Fast DC Charging Applications. In: 23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'21 ECCE Europe). 2021, Ghent, Belgium: IEEE.
- Gonzalez JO, Wu R, Wu H, Wang X, Pickert V, Mawby P, Alatise O. Optimisation of the gate voltage in SiC MOSFETs: Efficiency vs reliability. In: 10th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2020). 2020, Online: IET.
- Wu H, Wang X, Ortiz-Gonzalez J, Alatise O, Pickert V. Investigation into the switching transient of SiC MOSFET using voltage/current source gate driver. In: 10th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2020). 2020, Online: IET.
- Wang X, Wu H, Pickert V. Gate threshold voltage measurement method for sic mosfet with current-source gate driver. In: 10th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2020). 2020, Online: IET.
- Gu B, Wu H, Pickert V, Dai S, Wang Z, Li G, Ding S, Ji B. Condition monitoring of press-pack IGBT devices using deformation detection approach. In: 10th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2020). 2020, Online: IET.
- Vu V-B, Dahidah MSA, Pickert V, Phan V-T. Comparison of Single and Three phase Dynamic Charging Systems for Electric Vehicles. In: IEEE PELS Workshop on Emerging Technologies: Wireless Power (WoW). 2020, London, United Kingdom: IEEE.
- Yildirim B, Elgendy MA, Smith A, Pickert V. Adaptive Controller for Power Sharing in Modular Battery Energy Storage Systems. In: The 10th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2020). 2020, Online Conference: IET Digital Library.
- Alharbi M, Dahidah M, Ethni S, Ali S, Kadandani N, Pickert V. A Fast DC Charger for Electric Vehicles with Minimised Ripple through Phase-Shedding of Multiphase Interleaved Converters. In: The 11th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC). 2020, IEEE. Submitted.
- Holland JM, Pickert V, Elgendy MA, Henderson G. A critical topological review for microwave power modules. In: 10th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2020). 2020, Online: IET.
- Vu V-B, Dahidah MSA, Pickert V, Phan V-T. A Concept of Multiphase Dynamic Charging System with Constant Output Power for Electric Vehicles. In: IEEE PELS Workshop on Emerging Technologies: Wireless Power (WoW). 2020, London, United Kingdom: IEEE.
- Winterborne D, Shiref M, Snow S, Pickert V. TC48: A low cost 48V integrated drive for mild hybrid electric vehicles. In: The 9th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2018). 2019, Liverpool, UK: IET.
- Khalfalla H, Ethni S, Kadandani N, Pickert V. Resonance Frequency Detection Technique in Grid-connected Inverter Systems Based on Double-order Digitalized Filter. In: 10th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC). 2019, Sousse, Tunisia: IEEE.
- Muhammad M, Armstrong M, Elgendy MA, Lambert S, Pickert V. Reduced Order Model and Control of Non-Isolated High Gain Boost Converter. In: International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC). 2019, Sousse, Tunisia: IEEE.
- Zhang C, Zhang W, Ethni S, Dahidah M, Pickert V, Khalfalla H. Online Condition Monitoring of Sub-module Capacitors in MMC Enabled by Reduced Switching Frequency Sorting Scheme. In: The 10th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC). 2019, Sousse, Tunisia: IEEE.
- Zhang W, Dahidah MSA, Thompson G, Pickert V, Elgendy M. On Investigating EMC Filter Solutions in Soft Open Points Under Large Unbalanced Current. In: 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2019). 2019, Lisbon, Portugal: IEEE.
- Ali S, Pickert V, Alharbi M, Patsios H. Load analysis of ground-powering systems for electric vehicles. In: International Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS32). 2019, Lyon, France: EVS (Electric Vehicles Symposium).
- Wu H, Wang X, Gu B, Pickert V. Investigation of a GaN-based Bidirectional Wireless Power Converter using resonant inductive coupling. In: IEEE MTT-S Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC) (WPW 2019). 2019, London: IEEE.
- Yildirim B, Elgendy M, Smith A, Pickert V. Evaluation and Comparison of Battery Cell Balancing Methods. In: 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe. 2019, Bucharest, Romania: IEEE.
- Yildirim B, Elgendy MA, Smith A, Pickert V. Evaluation and Comparison of Battery Cell Balancing Methods. In: IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe). 2019, Bucharest, Romania: IEEE.
- Baker NJ, Almoraya A, Raihan MAH, McDonald S, Pickert V. Electric drive train design for wave energy converters. In: 2019 12th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications (LDIA). 2019, Neuchatel, Switzerland: IEEE.
- Wang X, Wu H, Pickert V. Design of an Advanced Programmable Current-Source Gate Driver for Dynamic Control of SiC Devices. In: 2019 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC). 2019, Anaheim, CA, USA: IEEE.
- Wu H, Gu B, Wang X, Pickert V, Ji B. Design and control of a bidirectional wireless charging system using GaN devices. In: 2019 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC). 2019, Anaheim, California, USA: IEEE.
- Alharbi M, Dahidah M, Ali S, Ethni S, Pickert V. Current Ripple Minimisation Based on Phase-Shedding of DC-DC Interleaved Converters for EV Charging System. In: IECON 2019 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. 2019, Lisbon, Portugal: IEEE.
- Alharbi M, Dahidah MSA, Ali S, Ethni S, Pickert V. Current Ripple Minimisation Based on Phase-Shedding of DC-DC Interleaved Converters for EV Charging System. In: 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2019). 2019, Lisbon, Portugal: IEEE.
- Alharbi M, Dahidah M, Pickert V, Yu J. Comparison of SiC-Based DC-DC Modular Converters for EV Fast DC Chargers. In: The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology. 2019, Melbourne, Australia: IEEE.
- Chen C, Pickert V, Tsimenidis C, Al-Greer M. Junction Temperature Estimation for IGBT Modules Applied to EVs Based on High-Frequency Signal Sweeping Technique. In: ITEC Asia-Pacific 2018 - 2018 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Asia-Pacific: E-Mobility: A Journey from Now and Beyond. 2018, Bangkok, Thailand: IEEE.
- Muhammad M, Lambert S, Armstrong M, Pickert V. High step-up interleaved boost converter utilising stacked half-bridge rectifier configuration. In: The 9th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2018). 2018, Liverpool UK: IET.
- Khalfalla H, Ethni S, Shiref M, Al-Greer M, Pickert V, Armstrong M. Grid Impedance Estimation for Single Phase PV Grid Tide Inverter Based on Statistical Signal Processing Techniques. In: 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC). 2018, Glasgow, UK: IEEE.
- Ali S, Pickert V, Patsios H. Grid demand reduction for high-speed dynamic road charging by narrowing inter-vehicle distance. In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles & International Transportation Electrification Conference (ESARS-ITEC). 2018, Nottingham, UK: IEEE.
- Lu X, Chen C, Al-Greer M, Pickert V, Tsimenidis C. Signal processing technique for detecting chip temperature of SiC MOSFET devices using high frequency signal injection method. In: 2017 IEEE 3rd International Future Energy Electronics Conference and ECCE Asia (IFEEC 2017 - ECCE Asia). 2017, Kaohsiung, Taiwan: IEEE.
- Ma J, Dahidah M, Pickert V, Yu J. Modular multilevel matrix converter for offshore low frequency AC transmission system. In: IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 2017, Edinburgh, UK: IEEE.
- McDonald SP, Pickert VP, Baker NJ. High-Efficiency Current-Source Converter for All-Electric Wave Energy Conversion Systems. In: European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference - EWTEC 2017. 2017, Cork, Ireland.
- McDonald SP, Pickert V, Baker N. High-Efficiency Current-Source Converter for All-Electric Wave Energy Conversion Systems. In: EWTEC 2017. 2017, Cork.
- Winterborne D, Pickert V. Dynamic optimisation of switching points in switched reluctance drives. In: 2016 IEEE 2nd Annual Southern Power Electronics Conference, SPEC 2016. 2017, Auckland, New Zealand: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Algreer M, Armstrong M, Pickert V. Comprehensive library of digital fuzzy PID control structures for power electronic systems. In: IEEE 26th International symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE). 2017, Edinburgh, UK: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Khalfalla H, Ethni S, Al-Greer M, Pickert V, Armstrong M, Phan V. An Adaptive Proportional Resonant Controller for Single Phase PV Grid Connected Inverter Based on Band-Pass Filter Technique. In: 11th IEEE International Conference on Compatibility, Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG). 2017, Cadiz, Spain: IEEE.
- Wu H, Pickert V, Lambert S, Allen P, Deng X, Zhan H. A Ripple Reduction Method for a Two Stages Battery Charger with Multi-winding Transformer using Notch Filter. In: 12th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS). 2017, Honolulu, HI, USA: IEEE.
- Vu V-B, Kamal LBM, Tay J, Pickert V, Dahidah M, Logenthiran T, Phan V-T. A multi-output capacitive charger for electric vehicles. In: IEEE 26th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE). 2017, Edinburgh, UK: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Winterborne D, Pickert V. Improving direct instantaneous torque control of switched reluctance machines with predictive flux constraints. In: 8th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machine and Drives. 2016, Glasgow, UK: Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Cao W, Chen H, Aarniovuori L, Yang N, Pickert V. Design considerations of a shunt calorimeter for high-efficiency electrical machines and drives. In: 8th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2016). 2016, Glasgow: Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Zhan H, Xiang x, Lambert SM, Pickert V, Wu H, Lu X. A cascaded transformer-based equalisation converter for series connected battery cells. In: 8th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2016). 2016, Glasgow, UK: The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Besharati M, Widmer J, Atkinson G, Pickert V, Washington J. Super-High-Speed Switched Reluctance Motor for Automotive Traction. In: Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2015 IEEE. 2015, Montreal, Quebec, Canada: IEEE.
- Yin XF, Pickert V, Wu XH, Sun H, Li W. Comprehensive Performance Optimization for Electric Vehicles equipped with AMT based on Genetic Algorithm. In: 2015 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC). 2015, Detroit, Michigan: IEEE.
- Al-Mhana T, Zahawi B, Pickert V. Symmetrical duty cycle control for FCSC converter for wave energy applications. In: 2014 9th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2014. 2014, Manchester, UK: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Wu HM, Pickert V. Stability analysis and control of nonlinear phenomena in bidirectional boost converter based on the Monodromy matrix. In: 2014 Twenty-Ninth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC). 2014, Fort Worth, TX, USA: IEEE.
- Wu H, Pickert V, Giaouris D. Nonlinear analysis for interleaved boost converters based on monodromy matrix. In: 2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2014). 2014, Pittsburgh, PA, USA: IEEE.
- Besharati M, Pullen KR, Widmer JD, Atkinson G, Pickert V. Investigation of the mechanical constraints on the design of a super-high-speed switched reluctance motor for automotive traction. In: 7th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2014). 2014, Manchester, UK: IET.
- Ji B, Song XG, Wu HM, Pickert V, Cao WP. Integrated Condition Monitoring for Vehicle-ready Power Modules. In: 2014 IEEE Congress and Expo Transportation Electrification Asia-Pacific. 2014, Beijing, China: IEEE.
- Ji B, Song X, Wu H, Pickert V, Cao W. Integrated condition monitoring for vehicle-ready power modules. In: 2014 IEEE Conference and Expo Transportation Electrification Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific). 2014, Beijing, China: IEEE.
- Wang C, Ji B, Song X, Pickert V, Cao W. IGBT condition monitoring with system identification methods. In: IEEE Transportation Electrification Asia-Pacific Conference and Expo (ITEC Asia-Pacific). 2014, Beijing, China: IEEE.
- Al-Mhana T, Pickert V, Zahawi B. FCSC converter with symmetrical short duty cycle for variable frequency applications. In: 7th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2014). 2014, Manchester, UK: IET.
- Ji B, Chen L, Cao W, Zhang M, Pickert V. Electro-thermal method for semiconductor power lossesanalysis under different modulation schemes. In: 7th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2014). 2014, Manchester, UK: IET.
- Al-Mhana T, Pickert V, Zahawi B. Impact of load variations on the operating PF of an FCSC converter applied to wave energy systems. In: IEEE Energytech 2013. 2013, Cleveland, OH, USA: IEEE.
- Wu H, Winterborne D, Ma M, Pickert V, Widmer J. DC link capacitors for traction SRM drives in high temperature automotive environments: A review of current issues and solutions. In: Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Conference. 2013, London, UK: IET.
- Ji B, Song XG, Cao WP, Pickert V. Active temperature control of Li-ion batteries in electric vehicles. In: IET Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Conference 2013. 2013, London, UK: IEEE.
- Taylor R, Pickert V, Armstrong M, Holden J. Selection of a Semi-Empirical Model for use as a Real Time Model in a Virtual Fuel Cell. In: 14th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE 2011). 2011, Birmingham, England: IEEE.
- Hassan B, Pickert V, Zahawi B. Control of five-level single-phase current-source inverters operating at high and low load conditions. In: 14th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE)/ECCE Europe Conference on Power Electronics and Adjustable Speed Drives - Towards the 20-20-20 Target. 2011, Birmingham, England: IEEE.
- Imrayed O, Zahawi B, Giaouris D, Pickert V. Reduced inductance in DC-DC converter circuits via the application of filippov's method. In: IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics for Advanced Technologies and Engineering Design. 2010, Aberdeen, UK: Springer Verlag.
- Hassan B, Pickert V, Zahawi B. Performance comparison of single-phase current-fed inverters. In: IET Power Electronics, Machines and Drives Conference (PEMD). 2010, Brighton, UK.
- Hassan B, Pickert V, Zahawi B. Performance comparison of single-phase current-fed inverters. In: 5th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD). 2010, Brighton, UK: IEEE.
- Li W, Li W, He X, Lambert S, Pickert V. Performance analysis of ZVT interleaved high step-up converter with built-in transformer. In: 5th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD). 2010, Brighton, UK: IEEE.
- Li W, Li W, He X, Lambert S, Pickert V. Performance analysis of ZVT Interleaved High Step-Up Converter with built In Transformer. In: IET Power Electronics, Machines and Drives Conference (PEMD). 2010, Brighton, UK.
- Yi Z, Li W, Yan D, He X, Lambert S, Pickert V. High step-up boost converter with coupled inductor and switched capacitor. In: 5th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD). 2010, Brighton, UK: IEEE.
- Zhao Y, Li W, Deng Y, He X, Lambert S, Pickert V. High Steo-up Boost Converter with Coupled Inductor and Switched Capacitor. In: IET Power Electronics, Machines and Drives Conference (PEMD). 2010, Brighton, UK.
- Atkinson GJ, Bennett JW, Mecrow BC, Atkinson DJ, Jack AG, Pickert V. Fault tolerant drives for aerospace applications. In: 6th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronic Systems. 2010, Nuremburg, Germany: Power Engineering Society Within VDE.
- Lambert S, Pickert V, Holden J, Xiangning H, Wuhua L. Comparison of supercapacitor and lithium-ion capacitor technologies for power electronics applications. In: IET Power Electronics, Machines and Drives Conference (PEMD). 2010, Brighton, UK.
- Lambert S, Pickert V, Holden J, He X, Li W. Comparison of supercapacitor and lithium-ion capacitor technologies for power electronics applications. In: 5th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD). 2010, Brighton, UK: IEEE.
- Okafor N, Giaouris D, Zahawi B, Banerjee S. Analysis of fast-scale instability in DC drives with full-bridge converter using Filippov's method. In: 5th IET International Conference on Power, Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2010). 2010, Brighton, UK: Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Pickert V, Cheng H, Pritchard L, Atkinson D. An experimental and computational study of water cooled heatsinks for HEV's. In: 5th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD). 2010, Brighton, UK: IEEE.
- Pickert V, Cheng H, Pritchard L, Atkinson DJ. An experimental and computational study of water cooled heatsinks for HEV’s. In: IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD). 2010, Brighton, UK: Institution of Electronic and Electrical Engineers.
- Yang B, Li W, Deng Y, He X, Lambert S, Pickert V. A novel single-phase transformerless photovoltaic inveter connected to grid. In: 5th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD). 2010, Brighton, UK: IEEE.
- Yang B, Li W, Deng Y, He X, Lambert S, Pickert V. A novel single-phase transformerless photovoltaic inverter connected to grid. In: IET Power Electronics, Machines and Drives Conference (PEMD). 2010, Brighton, UK.
- Daho I, Giaouris D, Zahawi B, Pickert V, Banerjee S. Fast-slow scale bifurcation in higher order open loop current-mode controlled dc-dc converter. In: 2nd Chaotic Modelling and Simulation International Conference (CHAOS 2009). 2009, Chania, Crete, Greece.
- Kalpaktsoglou D, Al-Busaidi A, Pickert V. Evaluation of generator-sets with power factor correction circuits. In: EPE: 13th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications. 2009, Barcelona, Spain: IEEE.
- Pickert V. Efficient use of electrical power in automotive. In: Power Electronics Workshop. 2009, Darlington, UK.
- James P, Forsyth A, Calderon-Lopez G, Pickert V. DC-DC converter for hybrid and all electric vehicles. In: The 24th International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition (EVS 2009). 2009, Stavanger, Norway.
- Pickert V, Kalpaktsoglou D, Al-Busaidi A. Controlled series capacitor converters applied in generators for SHEV’s. In: 24th International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition (EVS). 2009, Stavanger, Norway.
- Al-Busaidi A, Kalpaktsoglou D, Pickert V. Comparison of Power Factor Correction Techniques for Generator-Sets for SHEVs. In: Ecological vehicles & renewable energies conference and exhibition (EVER). 2009, Monaco.
- Staunton N, Maughan R, Pickert V. Challenges in cooling system design for hybrid electric vehicles. In: The 24th International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition (EVS 2009). 2009, Stavanger, Norway.
- Elbkosh A, Giaouris D, Pickert V, Zahawi B, Banerjee S. Stability analysis and control of bifurcations of parallel connected DC/DC converters using the monodromy matrix. In: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 2008, Seattle, Washington, USA: IEEE.
- Daho I, Giaouris D, Zahawi B, Pickert V, Banerjee S. Stability analysis and bifurcation control of hysteresis current controlled ćuk converter using Filippov’s method. In: 4th IET Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2008). 2008, York, UK: IEEE.
- Argile RN, Mecrow BC, Atkinson DJ, Jack AG, Sangha P. Reliability Analysis of Fault Tolerant Motor Topologies. In: 4th IET Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2008). 2008, York: Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Ambusaidi KA, Pickert V, Zahawi B, Bing J. PSPICE Analysis of PWM Inductorless Multilevel DC/DC Converters. In: IET Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD). 2008, York, UK: IET.
- Ambusaidi K, Pickert V, Zahawi B, Ji B. PSPICE analysis of PWM controlled inductorless fault tolerant multilevel dc/dc converters. In: IET Conference Publications: 4th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD). 2008, York, UK: IET.
- Ambusaidi KA, Pickert V. Overview of fault tolerant inductroless dc-dc converters. In: 3rd European Ele-Drive Transportation Conference (EET). 2008, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Dressler D, Pickert V, Rediess C. IGBT Driver Circuit in induction adder power applications. In: Intelligent Motion and Power Quality (PCIM). 2008, Nuremberg, Germany.
- Ambusaidi KA, Pickert V, Zahawi B, Bing J. Evaluation of Fault Tolerant Multilevel DC/DC Converters. In: Intelligent Motion and Power Quality (PCIM). 2008, Nuremberg, Germany.
- Kalpaktsoglou D, Pickert V. Controlled series capacitor converters applied to wave energy conversion buoys - A simulation study. In: IET Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD). 2008, York, UK: IET.
- Staunton N, Pickert V. Controlled Cooling in Hybrid Electric Vehicles. In: Hybrid and Eco-Friendly Vehicles Conference (HEVC). 2008, Warwick, UK.
- Staunton N, Maughan R, Pickert V. Controlled cooling in hybrid electric vehicles. In: Hybrid & Eco Friendly Vehicles Conference (HEVC 2008). 2008, Coventry, UK: Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Daho I, Giaouris D, Zahawi B, Pickert V, Banerjee S. Control of nonlinear instabilities in a system of coupled interleaved buck converters. In: IEEE Region 10 Colloquium and the Third International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, 2008 (ICIIS 2008). 2008, Kharagpur, India: IEEE.
- Elbkosh A, Giaouris D, Zahawi B, Pickert V, Banerjee S. Control of Bifurcation of Dc/Dc Buck Converters Controlled by Double-Edged PWM Waveform. In: 6th EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC 2008). 2008, Saint Petersburg, Russia: EUROMECH.
- Al-Busaidi A, Pickert V. Comparative study of rectifier circuits for series hybrid electric vehicles. In: Hybrid and Eco-Friendly Vehicles Conference (HEVC). 2008, Warwick, UK.
- Al-Busaidi A, Pickert V. Comparative study of rectifier circuits for series hybrid electric vehicles. In: Hybrid & Eco Friendly Vehicles Conference (HEVC 2008). 2008, Coventry, UK: Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Staunton N, Pickert V, Maughan R. Assessment of Advanced Thermal Management Systems for Micro-Hybrid Trucks and Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles. In: IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC). 2008, Harbin, China: IEEE.
- Gareth J, Pickert V, Cade M. A Thermal Model for a Multichip Device with Changing Cooling Conditions. In: IET Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD). 2008, York, UK: IET.
- James G, Pickert V, Cade M. A thermal model for a multichip device with changing cooling conditions. In: 4th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2008). 2008, York, UK: Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Naylor S, Pickert V. A highly modular simulation model for hybrid electric fuel cell power drive trains. In: Control. 2008, Manchester, UK.
- Pickert V, Naylor S. Overview of Power Drive Trains for Hybrid Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles. In: EET-2007 European Ele-Drive Conference. 2007, Brussels, Belgium.
- Pickert V. Fault tolerant drives. In: Presentation at the European Centre for Power Electronics. 2007, Nuremberg, Germany.
- Maity S, Bhattacharya TK, Banerjee S, Giaouris D, Zahawi B, Pickert V. Control of bifurcations in power electronic dc-dc converters through manipulation of the saltation matrix. In: Physcon. 2007, Potsdam, Germany.
- Pickert V, Ambusaidi K, Zahawi B. Computer analysis of fault tolerant H-bridge multilevel dc/dc converters. In: International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion and Power Quality, PCIM. 2007, Nuremberg, Germany: Curran Associates, Inc.
- Pickert V, Ambusaidi KA, Zahawi B. Assessment of Fault tolerant H-Bridge Multilevel DC/DC Converters by Simulation. In: Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion and Power Quality (PCIM). 2007, Nuremberg, Germany.
- Pickert V, Naylor S. A review of power drive trains for hybrid fuel cell electric vehicles (HFCEV). In: 3rd IET Conference on Automotive Electronics. 2007, Warwick, UK.
- Giaouris D, Elbkosh A, Banerjee S, Zahawi B, Pickert V. Stability of switching circuits using complete-cycle solution matrices. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology. 2006, Mumbai, India: IEEE.
- Naylor SM, Pickert V, Atkinson DJ. Optimization of compressor power supply and control systems for automotive fuel cell drive train applications. In: 2006 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 2006. VPPC '06. 2006, Windsor: IEEE.
- Huifeng C, Pickert V, Atkinson V, Pritchard L. On-line Monitoring of the MOSFET Device Junction Temperature by Computation of the Threshold Voltage. In: The 3rd IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD). 2006, The Clontarf Castle, Dublin, Ireland: IET.
- Ma DD, Zahawi B, Giaouris D, Banerjee S, Pickert V. Nonlinear behavior of self-excited induction generator feeding an inductive load. In: International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, 2006 (PEDES '06). 2006, New Delhi, India: IEEE.
- Naylor S, Pickert V, Atkinson D. Fuel Cell Drive Train Topologies - Computer Analysis of Potential System. In: IET 3rd International Conference on Power Electronics and Motion Drives (PEMD). 2006, Dublin, Ireland: The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Naylor SM, Pickert V, Atkinson DJ. Fuel cell drive train systems - Driving cycle evaluation of potential topologies. In: 2006 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 2006. VPPC '06. 2006, Windsor: IEEE.
- Giaouris D, Elbkosh A, Banerjee S, Zahawi B, Pickert V. Control of switching circuits using complete-cycle solution matrices. In: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2006 (ICIT 2006). 2006, Mumbai, India: IEEE.
- Giaouris D, Elbkosh A, Pickert V, Zahawi B, Banerjee S. Control of period doubling bifuriations in DC-DC converters. In: International Control Conference (ICC). 2006, Glasgow, UK.
- Giaouris D, Elbkosh A, Pickert V, Zahawi B, Banerjee S. Control of period doubling bifurcations in dc-dc converters. In: Proceedings of the International Control Conference (ICC). 2006, Glasgow, UK.
- Ambusaidi KA, Pickert V, Zahawi B. Computer Analysis of Fault Tolerant MultilevelDC/DC Converters. In: IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems on Industrial Growth (PEDEs). 2006, Dehli, India.
- Ambusaidi KA, Pickert V, Zahawi B. Computer aided analysis of fault tolerant multilevel DC/DC converters. In: 2006 International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES '06. 2006, New Delhi: IEEE.
- Giaouris D, Zahawi B, El-Murr G, Pickert V. Application of Wavelet Transformation for the Identification of High Frequency Spurious Signals in Step Down DC - DC Converter Circuits Experiencing Intermittent Chaotic Patterns. In: The 3rd IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2006). 2006, The Clontarf Castle, Dublin, Ireland: IEEE.
- Pickert V. Alternative Powered Vehicles: Bye Bye Oil?. In: Newcastle University Faculty Seminar. 2006, Newcastle, UK.
- Giaouris D, Zahawi B, Pickert V. Studying Intermittency with Continuous and Discrete Time Wavelet Analysis. In: International Conference on Technology and Automation (ICTA'05). 2005, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Ayob A, Pickert V, Slater HJ. Overview of low cost converters for single-phase switched reluctance motors. In: EPE. 2005, Dresden.
- Ayob A, Pickert V, Slater H. Overview of low cost converters for single-phase switched reluctance motors. In: 11th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications. 2005, Dresden, Germany.
- Giaouris D, Zahawi B, Pickert V. On the Derivations of the Monodromy Matrix of the Buck Converter. In: International Conference on Technology and Automation, ICTA 2005. 2005, Thessalonica, Greece.
- Pickert V. A comparison of power drive train topologies for fuel cell vehicles. In: Fabian workshop. 2005, Nuneaton, UK.
- Pickert V, Johnson CM. A Comparison of Pole Commutated Inverter Types for Induction Motor Drives. In: Power Conversion and Intelligent Motion PCIM. 2005, Nuremberg, Germany.
- Pickert V, Johnson CM. A Comparison of Pole Commutated Converter Types for Induction Motor Drives Applications. In: Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion and Power Quality (PCIM). 2005, Nuremberg, Germany.
- Musallam M, Acarnley PP, Johnson CM, Pritchard L, Pickert V. Open Loop Real-Time Power Electronic Device Junction Temperature Estimation. In: IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE. 2004, Corsica, CD: IEEE.
- Pickert V. Antriebstechnologien im Vergleich fuer Hybrid-Elektro-Fahrzeuge. In: 7. Symposium on Electrical Vehicles. 2002, Technische Akademie Esslingen.
- Pickert V. Bora Electric: A Concept Car to test components for power drive trains. In: Electric Vehicle Symposium. 2001, Berlin.
- Pickert V, Grisko J. Power-Packs fuer Stromversorgungen SEMITOP & MiniSKiiP. In: Batterie und Stromforum Muenchen. 1999, Muenchen.
- Pickert V. Comparison of modified Punch-Through and Non-Punchtrough IGBTs for Soft Switching Topologies. In: 8th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE '99). 1999, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Pickert V, Johnson CM. DSP controlled auxiliary resonant commutated pole inverter without switch status sensors. In: 7th International Conference on Power Electronics and Variable Speed Drives. 1998, London, UK: The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Pickert V, Johnson CM. Three-Phase Resonant Converters: An Overview. In: IEE Colloquium on Update on new power electronic techniques. 1997, London, UK: IEE.
- Pickert V, Johnson CM. Assessment of Resonant Converters for Induction Motor Drives Applications up to 100kW. In: IEE PEVD Conference Publication. 1996, London, UK: IEE.
Digital or Visual Media
- Pickert V. A Review of Power Drive Trains for Hybrid Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles. 2007. IET internet television.
- Pickert V. Introduction of the VW Bora Electric vehicle. 2001. .
- Pickert V. Future developments in fuel cell vehicles and electric vehicles. 2001. .
- Mandeya R, Chen C, Pickert V, Naayagi RT. Prethreshold Voltage as a Low-Component Count Temperature Sensitive Electrical Parameter without Self-Heating. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2018, 33(4), 2787-2791.
- Pickert V, Johnson CM. Three-phase resonant converters: An overview. IEE Colloquium (Digest) 1997, (91), 2/1-2/5.