Staff Profile
Roles and Responsibilities
Lecturer in Structural and Reliability Analysis of Offshore Structures
PhD Glasgow 1995.
BSc Shanghai 1983.
Research Interests
Broadly the structural design and analysis of ships and offshore structures.
Reliability analysis of components and systems of structures.
Reliability - based optimal design of structures.
Probabilistic analysis of marine risers.
Current Work
Application of ANN-based response surface method to strength assessment and reliability of marine structures
Effects of corrosion and crack on the strength of ships
Reliability-based performance assessment of damaged ships
Esteem Indicators
- plenary addresses or keynote papers at major conferences
- Lee Y, Chan HS, Pu Y, Incecik A, Dow RS. Global wave loads on a damaged ship. Ships and Offshore Structures 2012, 7(3), 237-268.
- Ibekwe AU, Pu Y, Dow RS. An interactive-numerical approach for ship hull girder reliability. In: ASRANet-Conference. 2012, Croydon, London, UK.
- Ibekwe AU, Pu Y, Dow RS. Reliability Analysis of Cracked Structures by an Interactive Finite Element-Based Method. In: Proceedings of the 21st International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE). 2011, Maui, Hawaii, USA: International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineering.
- Mesbahi E, Pu Y. Application of ANN-Based Response Surface Method to Prediction of Ultimate Strength of Stiffened Panels. Journal of Structural Engineering 2008, 134(10), 1649-1656.
- Ok D, Pu Y, Incecik A. Computation of ultimate strength of locally corroded unstiffened plates under uniaxial compression. Marine Structures 2007, 20(1-2), 100-114.
- Ok D, Pu Y, Incecik A. Artificial neural networks and their application to assessment of ultimate strength of plates with pitting corrosion. Ocean Engineering 2007, 34(17-18), 2222-2230.
- Pu Y, Mesbahi E. Application of artificial neural networks to evaluation of ultimate strength of steel panels. Engineering Structures 2006, 28(8), 1190-1196.
- Hosni Elhewy A, Mesbahi E, Pu Y. Reliability analysis of structures using neural network method. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 2006, 21(1), 44-53.
- Downes J, Pu Y. Reliability-based sensitivity analysis of ships. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment 2005, 219(1), 11-23.
- Incecik A, Pu Y. Structural Integrity of Floating Production Storage and Offloading Systems (FPSOs). Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers 2003, 26, 38-45.
- Pu Y, Mesbahi E, Elhewy AH. ANN-based response surface method and its application to ultimate strength of plates. In: 15th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. 2005, Seoul, Korea: ISOPE.
- Ok D, Pu Y. Corrosion Control Method By Using Clean Inert Gas to Ballast Tanks and Permanent Void Spaces in Marine and Offshore Structures. In: 3rd International Conference on Marine Science and Technology for Environmental Sustainability (ENSUS). 2005, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
- Ok D, Pu Y. Time-variant corrosion degradation, hull girder strength and fatigue assessment for ageing double hull tankers. In: Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. 2005, Seoul, Korea: International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers.
- Elhewy AH, Mesbahi E, Pu Y. Artificial neural networks and their application to composite plate reliability analysis. In: 2nd Intenational ASRANet Colloquium. 2004, Barcelona, Spain.
- Incecik A, Pu Y, Aryawan ID. Hydro-Structural Aspects Floating Offshore Floating Storage and Offloading Systems. In: ISOPE Conference. 2002, Kitakyushu, Japan.
- Downes J, Pu Y. Reliability Analysis Of The Ultimate Hull Girder Strength Of High Speed Craft. In: First Intenational ASRANet Colloquium. 2002, Glasgow, UK.
- Incecik A, Pu Y. Deterministic and Probabilistic Assessment of FPSO Hull Girder Strength. In: Eighth International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures. 2001, Shanghai, China: Elsevier.
- Ok D, Pu Y. Time-dependent reliability and ultimate strength of ageing ship. In: 3rd Postgraduate Research Conference. 2004, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: School of Marine Science and Technology.
- Downes J, Pu Y. Development of a Procedure for a Reliability Analysis of the Ultimate Longitudinal Hull-Girder Strength. In: 1st Postgraduate Research Conference, School of Marine Science and Technology. 2002, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Incecik A, Pu Y, Aryawan ID. Hydro-Structural Aspects of Floating Production Storage and Offloading Systems (FPSOs). In: 12th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. 2002, Kitakyushu, Japan: International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineering.
- Downes J, Pu Y. Reliability Analysis of the Ultimate Hull Girder Strength of High Speed Craft. In: 1st ASRANet International Colloquium. 2002, Glasgow: ASRANet.
- Downes J, Pu Y. OPTIPOD Subtask 4.4.3: Prediction of Quasi-Static Design Loads and the General Structural Arrangement of the Hull and POD Propulsion Units: Cargo Vessel. MT-2001-040, Department of Marine Technology, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle upon Tyne: 8 (Confidential) 2001.
- Hannah JO, Incecik A, Pu Y. Reliability analysis of FPSO hull girder. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE. 2001.
- Downes J, Pu Y. Report for the Verification of the Results Obtained for: Prediction of Quasi-Static Design Loads and the General Structural Arrangement of the Hull and POD Propulsion Units: Cargo Vessel. MT-2001-041 2001, 10 (Confidential).
- Pu Y, Godley MHR, Beale RG, Lau HH. Prediction of the Ultimate Capacity of Perforated Lipped Channels. Journal of Structural Engineering 1999, 125(5), 510-514.
- Pu Y, Godley MHR, Beale RG, Lau HH. Prediction of ultimate capacity of perforated lipped channels. Journal of Structural Engineering 1999, 125(5), 510-514.
- Akolawole MT, Pu Y. Numerical analysis of mechanical interaction of pipe-in-pipe flowline. In: ASME 2017 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2017, Waikoloa, Hawaii: ASME.
- Durowoju M, Pu Y, Benson S, Race J. Fatigue assessment of pipeline with plain dents under cyclic pressure loading using finite element method. In: ASME 2016 35th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE. 2016, Busan, South Korea: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
- Lin Z, Tao L, Pu Y, Murphy AJ. Fully nonlinear solution of bi-chromatic deepwater waves. Ocean Engineering 2014, 91, 290-299.
- Ibekwe AU, Pu Y, Ham WL, Dow RS. Progressive collapse analysis and reliability of a damaged hull girder. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE. 2014, San Diego, CA, USA: ASME.
- Ibekwe AU, Ham WL, Pu Y, Dow RS. Progressive collapse analysis and reliability of a damaged frigate. In: ASME 32nd Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. 2013, Nantes, France.