Staff Profile
Professor Zhiqiang Hu
Lloyds Prof of Offshore Engineering
- Telephone: +44 (191) 208 6750
- Address: School of Engineering
Newcastle University
Stephenson Building Room 4.047
Queen Victoria Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
Prof Zhiqiang Hu, Head of Marine, Offshore and Subsea Technology Group and Lloyds Professor of Offshore Engineering, received his bachelor degree (Ship Engineering), master degree (Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering) and doctor degree (Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering) in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He joined Newcastle University in 2016. He is a leading researcher with international recognition in the field of offshore engineering with focuses toward offshore renewable energy, AI in ocean engineering, structural dynamics and basin experiments. He is deputy editor of journal Ocean Engineering.
Previous positions
- 2017-2018 Senior Lecturer, School of Engineering, Newcastle University, UK
- 2016-2017 Senior Lecturer, School of Marine Science and Technology, Newcastle University, UK
- 2011-2016 Associate professor, School of Naval Architecture, Ocean & Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
- 2004-2010 Lecturer, School of Naval Architecture, Ocean & Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
- 2001-2003 Teaching assistant, School of Naval Architecture, Ocean & Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Area of expertise
- Offshore Renewable Energy
- AI in Ocean Engineering
- Offshore Hydrodynamics and Basin Experiment
- Collision and Grounding of Ships and Offshore Structures
- PhD Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
- MEng Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
- BEng Ship Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Memberships and editorial work
- Deputy editor of journal Ocean Engineering
- ISSC V.6 ( Ocean Space Utilization ) committee member
- Member of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects
Google scholar: Click here.
Research interest
- Offshore renewable energy, including floating offshore wind turbine and wave energy converter.
- AI in Ocean Engineering, focusing on application of AI technology in ocean engineering investigations.
- Offshore hydrodynamics and basin model experiment.
- Collision and grounding of ships and offshore structures.
Current research projects
- UK National Clean Maritime Research Hub. EPSRC project (Ref: EP/Y024605/1)
- EPSRC ReNU CDT project with Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult: Rigid-flexible coupled multi-body dynamic research of floating offshore wind turbines. (Ref: ReNU201)
- WAVES - Wind and Aquaculture Vessels: Emission less Sailing (Department for Transport, Ref: 10097950)
Postgraduate Teaching
- MAR8175 Fundamentals of Marine Technology
- MAR8181 Dynamics of Offshore Fixed and Floating Foundations
- MAR8182 Offshore Renewable Energy Systems
- MAR8180 Subsea Structural Systems
Undergraduate Teaching
- MAR3035 Offshore Design
- MAR3041 Offshore Engineering
- Liu J, Cai C, Song D, Zheng J, Guo X, Sun X, Hu Z, Li Q. Power output and platform motion regulation of floating offshore wind turbine using model predictive control based on coupled dynamics model. Ocean Engineering 2025, 322, 120451.
- Li Y, Hu Z. Comparative study of two cost assessment approaches to models for offshore oil and gas platform decommissioning. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science 2025, 101(1), 136-149.
- Chen P, Cheng Z, Deng S, Hu Z, Moan T. A frequency domain method for fully coupled modelling and dynamic analysis of floating wind turbines. Marine Structures 2025, 99, 103715.
- Bergua R, Wiley W, Robertson A, Jonkman J, Brun C, Pineau J-P, Qian Q, Maoshi W, Beardsell A, Cutler J, Pierella F, Hansen CA, Shi W, Fu J, Hu L, Vlachogiannis P, Peyrard C, Wright CS, Friel D, Hanssen-Bauer OW, Dos Santos CR, Frickel E, Islam H, Koop A, Hu Z, Yang J, Quideau T, Harnois V, Shaler K, Netzband S, Alarcon D, Trubat P, Connolly A, Leen SB, Conway O. OC6 project Phase IV: Validation of numerical models for novel floating offshore wind support structures. Wind Energy Science 2024, 9(4), 1025-1051.
- Zhang C, Hu Y, Hu Z, Liu Z. FE-analytical slice model and verification test for load distribution analysis and optimization of planetary gear train in wind turbine. Engineering Failure Analysis 2024, 162, 108451.
- Geng F, Yang W, Nadimi S, Hu Z. Development and prediction of scour around offshore wind turbine monopile foundations in ebb and flow tides. Ocean Engineering 2024, 311(Part 2), 118905.
- Zhang W, Su Y, Jiang Y, Hu Z, Bi J, He W. Data-driven fatigue crack propagation and life prediction of tubular T-joint: A fracture mechanics based machine learning surrogate model. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2024, 311, 110556.
- Haider R, Shi W, Cai Y, Lin Z, Li X, Hu Z. A comprehensive numerical model for aero-hydro-mooring analysis of a floating offshore wind turbine. Renewable Energy 2024, 237(Part C), 121793.
- Bergua R, Robertson A, Jonkman J, Branlard E, Fontanella A, Belloli M, Schito P, Zasso A, Persico G, Sanvito A, Amet E, Brun C, Campana-Alonso G, Martin-San-Roman R, Cai R, Cai J, Qian Q, Maoshi W, Beardsell A, Pirrung G, Ramos-Garcia N, Shi W, Fu J, Corniglion R, Lovera A, Galvan J, Nygaard TA, Dos Santos CR, Gilbert P, Joulin P-A, Blondel F, Frickel E, Chen P, Hu Z, Boisard R, Yilmazlar K, Croce A, Harnois V, Zhang L, Li Y, Aristondo A, Mendikoa Alonso I, Mancini S, Boorsma K, Savenije F, Marten D, Soto-Valle R, Schulz CW, Netzband S, Bianchini A, Papi F, Cioni S, Trubat P, Alarcon D, Molins C, Cormier M, Bruker K, Lutz T, Xiao Q, Deng Z, Haudin F, Goveas A. OC6 project Phase III: validation of the aerodynamic loading on a wind turbine rotor undergoing large motion caused by a floating support structure. Wind Energy Science 2023, 8(4), 465-485.
- Li Y, Hu Z. MADM-Q, an efficient multi-attribute decision-making support system for offshore decommissioning. Ocean and Coastal Management 2023, 243, 106732.
- Li Y, Hu Z. Hierarchical Analyst Domino Evaluation System (HADES)-A New Domino Effect Accidents Evaluating Tool. Applied Ocean Research 2023, 136, 193593.
- Zhang M, Liao X, Li S, Song S, Liu J, Hu Z. Experimental and numerical investigation of the damage characteristics of a ship side plate laterally punched by a scaled raked bow indenter. Ocean Engineering 2023, 280, 114808.
- Pereowei GO, Hu Z. Dynamic lift characteristics of a water borne WIGcraft. Ocean Engineering 2023, 288(Part 2), 116069.
- Kang H, Xu B, Shen X, Li Z, Cai X, Hu Z. Comparison of Blade Aeroelastic Responses between Upwind and Downwind of 10 MW Wind Turbines under the Shear Wind Condition. Energies 2023, 16(6), 2567.
- Li Y, Hu Z. Application of Hierarchical Analyst Domino Evaluation System (HADES) in offshore oil and gas facilities’ decommissioning: A case study. Ocean Engineering 2023, 272, 113741.
- Huang S, Hu Z, Chen C. Application of CFD–FEA coupling to predict hydroelastic responses of a single module VLFS in extreme wave conditions. Ocean Engineering 2023, 280, 114754.
- Chen P, Hu ZQ. A Study on Key Disciplinary Parameters of Artificial Intelligent-Based Analysis Method for Dynamic Response Prediction of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 2023, 145(1), 010906.
- Liu K, Zong S, Li Y, Wang Z, Hu Z, Wang Z. Structural response of the U-type corrugated core sandwich panel used in ship structures under the lateral quasi-static compression load. Marine Structures 2022, 84, 103198.
- Tang Y, He X, Li Y, Zhang R, Hu Z. Stress Analysis of Wire Strands by Mesoscale Mechanics. Journal of Ocean University of China 2022, 21(5), 1118-1132.
- Li Z, Xu B, Shen X, Xiao H, Hu Z, Cai X. Performance Analysis of Ultra-Scale Downwind Wind Turbine Based on Rotor Cone Angle Control. Energies 2022, 15(18), 6830.
- He W, Gao S, Hu Z, Xie D, Zhang Z, Wang C. Numerical evaluation on fatigue crack growth and life predictions of an FPSO mooring system. Ocean Engineering 2022, 265, 112501.
- Xu Y, Wu J, Li P, Kujala P, Hu Z, Chen G. Investigation of the fracture mechanism of level ice with extended finite element method. Ocean Engineering 2022, 260, 112048.
- He W, Xie L, Wang S, Wang C, Hu Z, Liu J. Fatigue characterization analysis of a submerged fishing farm platform through spectral-based fracture mechanics. Ocean Engineering 2022, 264, 112351.
- Chen P, Hu Z-Q. Analysis of Key Disciplinary Parameters in Floating Offshore Wind Turbines with An AI-Based SADA Method. China Ocean Engineering 2022, 36, 649-657.
- Zhang Y, Hu Z. An aero-hydro coupled method for investigating ship collision against a floating offshore wind turbine. Marine Structures 2022, 83, 103177.
- Ringsberg J, Darie I, Nahshon K, Shilling G, Vaz M, Benson S, Brubak L, Feng G, Fujikubo M, Gaiotti M, Hu Z, Jang B, Paik J, Slagstad M, Tabri K, Wang Y, Wiegard B, Yanagihara D. The ISSC 2022 Committee III.1-Ultimate Strength benchmark study on the ultimate limit state analysis of a stiffened plate structure subjected to uniaxial compressive loads. Marine Structures 2021, 79, 103026.
- Chen J-H, Pei A-G, Chen P, Hu Z-Q. Study on Gyroscopic Effect of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines. China Ocean Engineering 2021, 35(2), 201-214.
- Chen P, Chen J, Hu Z. Software-in-the-Loop Combined Reinforcement Learning Method for Dynamic Response Analysis of FOWTs. Frontiers in Marine Science 2021, 7, 628225.
- Chen P, Song L, Chen J-H, Hu Z. Simulation annealing diagnosis algorithm method for optimized forecast of the dynamic response of floating offshore wind turbines. Journal of Hydrodynamics 2021, 33(2), 216-225.
- Sun S, Hu Z, Wang C, Guo Z, Li X. Numerical Prediction of Scale Effect on Propeller Bearing Force of a Four-screw Ship. Ocean Engineering 2021, 229, 108974.
- Chen P, Jia C, Ng C, Hu Z. Application of SADA method on full-scale measurement data for dynamic responses prediction of Hywind floating wind turbines. Ocean Engineering 2021, 239, 109814.
- Wang Z, Liu K, Chen G, Hu Z. An analytical method to assess the structural responses of ship side structures by raked bow under oblique collision scenarios. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment 2021, 235(3), 773-791.
- Lyu B, Wu W, Hu Z. A novel bidirectional clustering algorithm based on local density. Scientific Reports 2021, 11, 14214.
- Wang C, Cao S, Lu S, Hu Z, Yao L, He W. A CEL study of dynamic slamming response and failure mechanism on corrugated core composite-metal sandwich structures. Ships and Offshore Structures 2021, 17(6), 1252-1275.
- Chen P, Chen J, Hu Z. Review of Experimental-Numerical Methodologies and Challenges for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines. Journal of Marine Science and Application 2020, 19(3), 339-361.
- Li S, Hu Z, Benson S. Progressive collapse analysis of ship hull girders subjected to extreme cyclic bending. Marine Structures 2020, 73, 102803.
- He W, Cui X, Hu Z, Liu J, Wang C, Yao L. Probabilistic residual ultimate strength assessment of cracked unstiffened and stiffened plates under uniaxial compression. Ocean Engineering 2020, 216, 108197.
- Xu Y, Kujala P, Hu Z, Li F, Chen G. Numerical simulation of level ice impact on landing craft bow considering the transverse isotropy of Baltic Sea ice based on XFEM. Marine Structures 2020, 71, 102735.
- Yang S, Ringsberg J, Johnson E, Hu Z. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Taut-moored Wave Energy Converter: A Validation of Simulated Mooring Line Forces. Ships and Offshore Structures 2020, 15(sup1), S55-S69.
- Zhang Y, Hu Z, Ng C, Jia C, Jiang Z. Dynamic responses analysis of a 5 MW spar-type floating wind turbine under accidental ship-impact scenario. Marine Structures 2020, 75, 102885.
- Qu X, Li Y, Tang Y, Hu Z, Zhang P, Yin T. Dynamic response of spar-type floating offshore wind turbine in freak wave considering the wave-current interaction effect. Applied Ocean Research 2020, 100, 102178.
- Zhang P, Yang S, Li Y, G J, Hu Z, Zhang R, Tang Y. Dynamic Response of Articulated Offshore Wind Turbines under Different Water Depths. Energies 2020, 2020(13), 2784.
- Zhang P, Li Y, Gu J, Yin T, Hu Z, Tang Y. Dynamic Response of a Conceptual Designed Articulated Offshore Wind Turbine. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 2020, 143(2), 024501.
- Wang Z, Hu Z, Liu K, Chen G. Application of a material model based on the Johnson-Cook and Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman model in ship collision and grounding simulations. Ocean Engineering 2020, 205, 106768.
- Chen J-H, Hu Z-Q, Liu G-L, Wan D-C. Study on Rigid-Flexible Coupling Effects of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines. China Ocean Engineering 2019, 33(1), 1-13.
- Chen J, Hu Z. Study on aerodynamic damping of semi-submersible floating wind turbines [半潜式海上浮式风机气动阻尼特性研究]. Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2019, 51(4), 1255-1265.
- He W, Lu S, Yi K, Wang S, Sun G, Hu Z. Residual flexural properties of CFRP sandwich structures with aluminum honeycomb cores after low-velocity impact. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2019, 161-162, 105026.
- Xu Y, Hu Z, Ringsberg J, Chen G. Nonlinear viscoelastic-plastic material modelling for the behaviour of ice in ice-structure interactions. Ocean Engineering 2019, 173, 284-297.
- Ji X, Li Y, Tang Y, Zhu Q, Hu Z. Damping performance of annular anti-motion structures on a cylindrical floating drilling production storage and offloading system. Ocean Engineering 2019, 192, 106590.
- Song Z, Hu Z, Ringsberg JW. Critical Void Volume Fraction Identification Based on Mesoscopic Damage Model for NVA Shipbuilding Steel. Journal of Marine Science and Application 2019, 18, 444-456.
- Chen J, Hu Z, Liu G, Wan D. Coupled aero-hydro-servo-elastic methods for floating wind turbines. Renewable Energy 2019, 130, 139-153.
- Xu Y, Hu Z, Ringsberg JW, Chen G, Meng X. An ice material model for assessment of strain rate, temperature and confining pressure effects using finite element method. Ships and Offshore Structures 2019, 14(Suppl 1), 34-44.
- Li S, Hu Z, Benson SD. An analytical method to predict the buckling and collapse behaviour of plates and stiffened panels under cyclic loading. Engineering Structures 2019, 199, 109627.
- Zhang M, Sun Q, Liu J, Hu Z, Zhang S. A study of the rupture behavior of a ship side plate laterally punched by a full-shape bulbous bow indenter. Ocean Engineering 2019, 182, 48-60.
- Song X, Wang S, Hu Z, Li H. A hybrid Rayleigh and Weibull distribution model for the short-term motion response prediction of moored floating structures. Ocean Engineering 2019, 182, 126-136.
- Zhou K, Hu Z, Zhao D. Time-Domain Analysis of the Relative Motions Between Side-by-Side FLNG and LNGC Under Oblique Waves. Journal of Marine Science and Application 2018, 17(4), 519-530.
- Li H, Hu Z, Wang J, Meng X. Short-term fatigue analysis for tower base of a spar-type wind turbine under stochastic wind-wave loads. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 2018, 10(1), 9-20.
- Zhang M, Liu J, Hu Z, Zhao Y. On resistance of a rectangular thin plate under lateral indentation by a wedge indenter. Ships and Offshore Structures 2018, 13(6), 617-629.
- Zhou K, Hu Z, Zhao D, Wan D, Meng X. Oblique wave effects on the hydrodynamic responses of side-by-side moored FLNG and LNGC. Journal of Waterway, Portal, Coastal and Ocean Engineering 2018, 144(4), 04018007.
- Zhao W, Zou L, Wan D, Hu Z. Numerical investigation of vortex-induced motions of a paired-column semi-submersible in currents. Ocean Engineering 2018, 2018(164), 272-283.
- Zhao D, Hu Z, Chen G, Lim S, Wang S. Nonlinear sloshing in rectangular tanks under forced excitation. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 2018, 10(5), 545-565.
- Shi C, Luo Y, Hu Z-Q. Non-linear burgers' sea-ice model congsidering damage effects and its numerical application 考虑失效的非线性Burgers'海冰模型及其数值应用. Gongcheng Lixue/Engineering Mechanics 2018, 35(7), 249-256.
- Li L, Gao Y, Hu Z, Yuan Z, Day S, Li H. Model test research of a semisubmersible floating wind turbine with an improved deficient thrust force correction approach. Renewable Energy 2018, 119, 95-105.
- Ringsberg J, Amdahl J, Chen B, Cho S, Ehlers S, Hu Z, Körgesaar M, Liu B, Niklas K, Parunov J, Samuelides M, Soares C, Tabri K, Quinton B, Yamada Y, Zhang S. MARSTRUCT benchmark study on nonlinear FE simulation of an experiment of an indenter impact with a ship side-shell structure. Marine Structures 2018, 59, 142-157.
- Li Y, Liu L, Zhu Q, Guo Y, Hu Z, Tang Y. Influence of Vortex Induced Loads on the Motion of SPAR-Type Wind Turbine: A Coupled Aero-Hydro-Vortex-Mooring Investigation. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 2018, 140(5), 051903.
- Zhou K, Hu Z, Zhao D. Hydrodynamic interactions between side-by-side offloading FLNG and LNGC under different wave directions 不同浪向下LNGC旁靠FLNG作业时水动力干扰分析. Harbin Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology 2018, 50(8), 114-123.
- Chen J, Hu Z. Experimental investigation of aerodynamic-effect-induced dynamic characteristics of an OC4 semi-submersible floating wind turbine. Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment 2018, 232(1), 19-36.
- Zhang M, Liu J, Hu Z, Zhao Y. Experimental and numerical investigation of the responses of scaled tanker side double-hull structures laterally punched by conical and knife edge indenters. Marine Structures 2018, 61, 62-84.
- Yang S-H, Ringsberg JW, Johnson E, Hu Z, Bergdahl L, Duan F. Experimental and numerical investigation of a taut-moored wave energy converter: A validation of simulated buoy motions. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment 2018, 232(1), 97-115.
- Li L, Gao Y, Yuan Z, Day S, Hu Z. Dynamic response and power production of a floating integrated wind, wave and tidal energy system. Renewable Energy 2018, 116(Part A), 412-422.
- Wan H, Hu Z, Meng X. Dynamic Performance Investigation of A Spar-Type Floating Wind Turbine Under Different Sea Conditions. China Ocean Engineering 2018, 32(3), 256-265.
- Zhao D, Hu Z, Chen G, Chen H, Feng X. Coupling analysis between vessel motion and internal nonlinear sloshing for FLNG applications. Journal of Fluids and Structures 2018, 76, 431-453.
- Zhao D, Hu Z, Zhou K, Chen G, Chen X, Feng X. Coupled analysis of integrated dynamic responses of side-by-side offloadingFLNG system. Ocean Engineering 2018, 168, 60-82.
- Chen J, Hu Z, Wan D, Xiao Q. Comparisons of the dynamical characteristics of a semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbine based on two different blade concepts. Ocean Engineering 2018, 153, 305-318.
- Chen J, Hu Z, Duan F. Comparisons of dynamical characteristics of a 5 MW floating wind turbine supported by a spar-buoy and a semi-submersible using model testing methods. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 2018, 10(5), 053311.
- Shi C, Hu Z, Ringsberg J, Luo Y. Validation of a temperature-gradient-dependent elastic-plastic material model of ice with finite element simulations. Cold Regions Science and Technology 2017, 133, 15-25.
- Hu Z, Wang S, Chen G, Chai S, Jin Y. The effects of LNG-tank sloshing on the global motions of FLNG system. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 2017, 9(1), 114-125.
- Yu C, Hu Z, Wang S. Investigation of heave response of the deepwater octagonal FDPSO using various heave plate configurations. Journal of Marine Science and Application 2017, 16(4), 446-457.
- Torres-Lopez J, Tao L, Xiao L, Hu Z. Experimental study on the hydrodynamic behaviour of an FPSO in a deepwater region of the Gulf of Mexico. Ocean Engineering 2017, 129, 549-566.
- Zhao D, Hu Z, Chen G. Experimental investigation on dynamic responses of FLNG connection system during side-by-side offloading operation. Ocean Engineering 2017, 136, 283-293.
- Xu Q, Hu Z, Jiang Z. Experimental investigation of sloshing effect on the hydrodynamic responses of an FLNG system during side-by-side operation. Ships and Offshore Structures 2017, 12(6), 804-817.
- Chen J, Hu Z, Liu G, Tang Y. Comparison of different dynamic model methods for floating wind turbines. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 2017, 9, 063304.
- Sun B, Hu Z, Wang J. Bottom structural response prediction for ship-poweredgrounding over rock-type seabed obstructions. Marine Structures 2017, 2017(54), 127-143.
- Yang S, Rinsberg J, Johnson E, Hu Z. Biofouling on mooring lines and power cables used in wave energy converter systems - Analysis of fatigue life and energy performance. Applied Ocean Research 2017, 65, 166-177.
- Shi C, Hu Z, Ringsberg J, Luo Y. A nonlinear viscoelastic iceberg material model and its numerical validation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment 2017, 231(2), 675-689.
- Duan F, Hu Z, Niedzwecki J. Model test investigation of a spar floating wind turbine. Marine Structures 2016, 49, 76-96.
- Duan F, Hu Z, Wang J. Investigation of the VIMs of a spar-type FOWT using a model test method. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 2016, 8(6), 063301.
- Duan F, Hu Z, Liu G, Wang J. Experimental comparisons of dynamic properties of floating wind turbine systems based on two different rotor concepts. Applied Ocean Research 2016, 58, 266-280.
- Shen M, Hu Z, Liu G. Dynamic response and viscous effect analysis of a TLP-type floatingwind turbine using a coupled aero-hydro-mooring dynamic code. Renewable Energy 2016, 99, 800-812.
- Yang S, Ringsberg JW, Johnson E, Hu ZQ. A comparison of coupled and de-coupled simulation procedures for the fatigue analysis of wave energy converter mooring lines. Ocean Engineering 2016, 117, 332-345.
- Ma Y, Hu ZQ, Xiao LF. Wind-wave induced dynamic response analysis for motions and mooring loads of a spar-type offshore floating wind turbine. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Series B 2015, 26(6), 865-874.
- Yu ZL, Hu ZQ, Wang G. Plastic mechanism analysis of structural performances for stiffeners on bottom longitudinal web girders during a shoal grounding accident. Marine Structures 2015, 40, 134-158.
- Gao Y, Hu ZQ, Ringsberg J, Wang J. An elastic-plastic ice material model for ship-iceberg collision simulations. Ocean Engineering 2015, 102, 27-39.
- Sun B, Hu ZQ, Wang G. An analytical method for predicting the ship side structure response in raked bow collisions. Marine Structures 2015, 41, 288-311.
- Zhao W, Yang J, Hu Z, Tao L. Prediction of hydrodynamic performance of an FLNG system in side-by-side offloading operation. Journal of Fluids and Structures 2014, 46, 89-110.
- Zhao W, Yang J, Hu Z, Xiao L, Tao L. Hydrodynamics of a 2D vessel including internal sloshing flows. Ocean Engineering 2014, 84, 45-53.
- Zhao W, Yang J, Hu Z, Tao L. Coupling between roll motions of an FLNG vessel and internal sloshing. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 2014, 136(2), 021102.
- Zhao W, Yang J, Hu Z, Tao L. Coupled analysis of nonlinear sloshing and ship motions. Applied Ocean Research 2014, 47, 85-97.
- Gao Z, Hu ZQ, Wang G, Jiang Z. An analytical method of predicting the response of FPSO side structures to head-on collision. Ocean Engineering 2014, 87(2014), 121-135.
- Zeng J, Hu ZQ, Chen G. A steady-state plate tearing model for ship grounding over a cone-shaped rock. Ships and Offshore Structures 2014, 11(3), 245-257.
- Ma Y, Hu ZQ, Qu Y, Lu G. Research on the characteristics and fundamental mechanism of a newly discovered phenomenon of a single moored FPSO in the South China Sea. Ocean Engineering 2013, 59(2013), 274-284.
- Yu ZL, Hu ZQ, Amdahl J, Liu Y. Investigation on structural performance predictions of double-bottom tankers during shoal grounding accidents. Marine Structures 2013, 33(2013), 188-213.
- Zhao WH, Yang JM, Hu ZQ, Xie B. Hydrodynamics of an FLNG system in tandem offloading operation. Ocean Engineering 2013, 57(2013), 150–162.
- Zhao WH, Yang JM, Hu ZQ, Xiao LF, Peng T. Experimental and numerical investigation of the roll motion behavior of a floating liquefied natural gas system. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 2013, 56(3), 629–644.
- Zhao WH, Yang JM, Hu ZQ. Effects of sloshing on the global motion responses of FLNG. Ships and Offshore Structures 2013, 8(2), 111–122.
- Zhao WH, Yang JM, Hu ZQ, Wei YF. Full-scale measurement investigation of the hydrodynamics of a turret-moored FPSO in a typhoon and deduction of its mooring load. Ships and Offshore Structures 2012, 7(3), 285–295.
- Wei YF, Yang JM, Chen G, Hu ZQ. Experimental study on the hydrodynamic performance of FDPSO and SRV. Ships and Offshore Structure 2012, 7(4), 357–369.
- Zhao WH, Yang JM, Hu ZQ, Xiao LF. Experimental investigation of effects of inner-tank sloshing on hydrodynamics of an FLNG system. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Series B 2012, 24(1), 107-115.
- Hu ZQ, Amdahl J, Hong L. Verification of a simplified analytical method for predictions of ship groundings over large contact surfaces by numerical simulations. Marine Structures 2011, 24(2011), 436–458.
- Wei YF, Yang JM, Chen G, Hu ZQ. The effect of axial stiffness of mooring lines on the horizontal motion of FDPSO. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 2011, 54(1), 10-15. In Preparation.
- Zhao WH, Yang JM, Hu ZQ, Wei YF. Recent developments on the hydrodynamics of floating liquid natural gas (FLNG). Ocean Engineering 2011, 38(2011), 1555–1567.
- Hu ZQ, Yang JM, Zhao YN, Bai G. Full scale measurement for FPSO on motions in six-degrees of freedom and environmental loads and deduction of mooring system loads. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 2011, 54(1), 26-34.
Book Chapters
- Chen P, Hu ZQ, Hu CH. Dynamic performance prediction of hywind floating wind turbine based on SADA method and full-scale measurement data. In: C. Guedes Soares, T.A. Santos, ed. Trends in Maritime Technology and Engineering. CRC Press, 2022, pp.355-360.
- Zhang Y, Hu Z. A nonlinear numerical simulation approach for the dynamic responses analysis of floating wind turbine under ship impact scenario. In: Developments in the Analysis and Design of Marine Structures. CRC Press, 2021, pp.278-286.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Li Y, Hu Z, Hu Z. Application of Quantitative Multi-attribute Decision-making Technology in Offshore Decommissioning. In: International Joint Conference on Civil and Marine Engineering (JCCME 2023). 2023, Dalian, China: IET.
- Xu B, Shen X, Zhu Z, Li Z, Deng X, Hu Z. Hybrid aeroelastic models on dynamic responses of wind turbine blades. In: 7th International Conference on Environment Friendly Energies and Applications (EFEA 2022). 2022, Bagatelle Moka MU, Mauritius: IEEE.
- Schreier S, Arena F, Bingham H, Fonseca N, Hu Z, Karmakar D, Kim E, Li H, Liu P, Murai M, Pahos SJ, Tian C, Wang G. Committee V.6: Ocean Space Utilization. In: 21st International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress. 2022, Vancouver: ISSC.
- Li S, Hu Z, Benson S. Ultimate strength performance of a damaged container ship. In: 5th International Conference on Damaged Ship, DS 2020. 2020, London: Royal Institution of Naval Architects.
- Robertson AN, Gueydon S, Bachynski E, Wang L, Jonkman J, Alarcon D, Amet E, Beardsell A, Bonnet P, Boudet B, Brun C, Chen Z, Feron M, Forbush D, Galinos C, Galvan J, Gilbert P, Gomez J, Harnois V, Haudin F, Hu Z, Dreff JL, Leimeister M, Lemmer F, Li H, McKinnon G, Mendikoa I, Moghtadaei A, Netzband S, Oh S, Pegalajar-Jurado A, Nguyen MQ, Ruehl K, Schunemann P, Shi W, Shin H, Si Y, Surmont F, Trubat P, Qwist J, Wohlfahrt-Laymann S. OC6 Phase I: Investigating the underprediction of low-frequency hydrodynamic loads and responses of a floating wind turbine. In: Future Wind/Measurement and Testing. 2020, The Netherlands (online): IOP Publishing Ltd.
- Yang H, Niedzwecki JM, Hu Z. Spar-type Wind Turbine Behavior: Modeling and Comparison with Experimental Data. In: 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. 2018, Sapporo, Japan: International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers.
- Deng D, Wang Z, Wan D, Hu Z. Numerical simulations of vortex shedding of a circular cylinder experiencing oscillatory flow at low keulegan-carpenter numbers. In: 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. 2018, Sapporo, Japan: International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers.
- Duan F, Liu W, Xie D, Liu J, Hu Z. Experimental and numerical investigation of aluminum alloy plates with initial crack under repeated dynamic impact loads. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE. 2018, Madrid, Spain: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
- He J, Wan D, Hu Z. CFD simulations of helical strakes reducing vortex induced motion of a semi-submersible. In: 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - OMAE. 2018, Madrid, Spain: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
- Song Z, Hu Z. A new method in identifying critical void volume fraction of GTN model for NVA mild steel in ship collision and grounding scenario. In: 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - OMAE. 2018, Madrid, Spain: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
- Fu B, Wan D, Hu Z. Vortex-induced vibrations of a flexible cylinder experiencing an oscillatory flow. In: Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. 2017, San Francisco, California, USA: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
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