Lewis Woollin
Investigating the performance of a novel total hip replacement design.
Email: l.woollin@ncl.ac.uk
Project supervisors
- Dr Philip Hyde
- Dr Alasdair Charles
- Dr Jinju Chen
- Dr John Hedley
Project description
I am exploring the wear performance of orthopaedic implants. My research focuses on total hip replacements (THRs). I am also investigating polymers used in THRs through adverse condition testing and surface modification. The results will help to improve the performance of these polymers.
I am working in partnership with my industrial sponsors, JointMedica Ltd, to assess the performance of a novel THR design. My PhD is also in partnership with the EPSRC.
Tribology, wear, Mechanical Engineering, materials, polyethylene
Also pub quizzes, bouldering, D&D
MEng Mechanical Engineering, Newcastle University (1st, Hons)