Improving the performance of III-V semiconductor MOS devices.
Graphene electrodes in microfluidic impedance cytometry devices.
Modelling cetacean populations by photo-id using deep learning.
Testing giant magnetostriction materials.
Using quantum mechanics to model material properties.
Using DNA strands to create water soluble nanowires.
Ghost Matter and the Abraham Minkowski Controversy.
Perovskite solar cells with minimal environmental impact.
Developing novel metamaterials (MTMs) and metasurfaces (MTS).
Developing a solid-state tandem Dye-sensitised Solar Cell (DSC).
Ensuring better charge control over colour centres in diamonds.
Using Convolutional Neural Networks for motion classification.
A whispering gallery mode resonator based device.
Improving the performance of perovskite-based photovoltaics.
Ions and the interface between perovskite and other materials.
ZnSb (Zinc antimonide-based) films for thermoelectric devices.
Intermolecular charge transport: a novel design paradigm.
Novel optical fibre devices and laser fibre polishing.
Solar cells made from non-toxic and earth abundant materials.
A graphene-based wireless sensor network.
Fabricating a new type of fibre.
Effects of phonon confinement on electron transport in HEMTs.
Acoustic identification of cetaceans.
Investigation into the diamond-Fe-graphite system.
Developing a novel perovskite photonics device.
Photonic Nanojets-optical fibres structures.
A novel graphene-based biosensing unit for medical applications.
Improving selectivity in graphene gas sensors.