Susana Iglesias Porras
Improving the performance of perovskite-based photovoltaics.
- Email:
- Dr Pablo Docampo
- Dr Noel Healy
Project description
Organic-inorganic lead halide perovskite solar cells are one of the most promising materials for low-cost photovoltaics. These ionic semiconductors have an ABX3 structure. They have achieved efficiency records of up to a 23.7% in less than 10 years, making them one of the fastest-growth technologies in the PV sector.
They have exceptional optoelectronic properties. But hybrid lead-halide perovskites face a crucial challenge. The material is unstable when exposed to air, water, UV light and heat. The challenge is threefold. Instabilities may arise from changes in crystal structure, chemical decomposition or halide segregation.
Such differing causes of instability has triggered an intense research strand to create stable alloys. Cation intermixing creates hybrid perovskites devoid of thermal or structural instabilities. Mixing organic and inorganic cations stabilises the photoactive perovskite phase across a broad temperature range.
We are following a similar methodology in this project. We are exploring the incorporation of mixed metals in the B site of the perovskite structure. This increases its stability upon exposure to both moisture and high temperature. By creating a fully mixed perovskite system, we will stabilise the crystal structure by relying on the crystal’s entropy increase.
Improving the lattice stability in high temperatures enables perovskite solar cells to withstand real outdoor operating conditions. It is vital that we understand the role of environmental factors in the processing and degradation of these materials. Only with this understanding will we move perovskite-based photovoltaics closer toward commercial applications.
Perovskite solar cells, photovoltaics, material science, energy efficiency, 3D CAD design.
- Research Assistant, Applied Geotechnologies Group, University of Vigo, Spain (2016-2017)
- Bachelor of Science in Energy Engineering, University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain (2012-2016)