Abdullah Bostaji
Exposure to air pollutants using different methods of transport.
Email: a.s.a.bostaji2@ncl.ac.uk
Project title
Estimating vehicles commuters' exposure to air pollutants through different commuting patterns and investigating its impact on health
- Dr Anil Namdeo
- Prof David Werner
- Prof Margaret Bell
Project description
We are measuring exposure to air pollution among commuters and travellers by buses, Metros, and private cars. From these measurements, we will determine the average rates of inhaled doses of air pollution. We will discover the effect of exposure to air pollution on commuters’ health.
Methodology and objectives
We are measuring:
- particulate matter: PM2.5 and PM10
- nitrogen dioxide: NO2
- black carbon levels
We have classified the participants into three groups:
- bus travellers
- Metro travellers
- private car travellers
Each traveller will wear a smart watch (Fitbit) for GPS and heart rate data recording. They will carry a rucksack fitted with air pollution monitoring devices. We will record data from both devices simultaneously and continuously during monitoring. The recordings will have a logging interval time of 1 minute.
We have chosen four routes in Newcastle city in which to monitor air pollution. On each route, four journeys (using buses, Metros and cars) will take place. They will start approximately at the same time. We will carry out sampling processes of the air pollutants of interest for three days a week over a month for each route.
Our results will reveal the levels of air pollution that commuters are exposed to. We will assess whether exposure to such levels affects commuters’ health. We will determine the average rates of inhaled air pollutants’ doses. We will also investigate possible techniques or solutions to reduce exposure to air pollution or reduce levels at their sources.
- MSc in Environmental Engineering, Newcastle University