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Inga Sirbu

Medical imaging of soil-water processes.


Project description

This project will study water flow in porous soil using Zr-89 as a radiotracer for positron emission tomography (PET).

The first stage will develop a suitable radiotracer based on Zr-89-ligand complexes. We will then apply it to the visualisation of flow distribution and water transport pathway patterns in the soil. The method allows the estimation of the cross-sectional velocity based on image intensity. This represents the tracer concentration.

We will then use this to visualise and make quantitative measurements of water flow through the soil. We will use a simplified system to develop and prove the method.

The method will subsequently be used to study systems of interest based on different types of soil.



  • Bajureanu R, Eni I. Sustainable development by implementing investment projects in the water supply sector and sanitation in Moldova. In: The Environment Journal 2012, 1 (61), 44.
  • Stasiev G, Eni I, Ursu A. Environmental assessment of heavy metals quantity in main soil types of Moldova. In: The Environment Journal 2012, 4 (58), 9.
  • Stasiev G, Eni I, Leah T. Environmental assessment of heavy metals content in the soil-plant system. In: Chemistry Journal of Moldova: General, Industrial and Ecological Chemistry 2012, 7 (1), 91.
  • Stasiev G, Eni I, Leah N. Environmental assessment of the content of heavy metals in the soil-plant system. In: Noosfera journal 2011, 5, 32.


  • Stasiev G, Jigau G, Nedealcov S, Tofan E, Sirbu I, Oleg M. The content of natural radioactive elements and radioisotopes in the soils and agricultural products from the Republic of Moldova. Symposium Soil Forming Factors and Processes from the Temperate Zone. Iasi - Chisinau, Romania – Republic of Moldova, 2013, 29.
  • Stasiev G, Eni I, Ursu A. The content of heavy metals in the soils of Moldova. International conference Increasing the impact of research and innovation capacity development. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, Natural and physical sciences, 2011, 188 (M 637), 191(C 74)

*Eni is my maiden name, used in publications before 2013.


History, embroidery, and gardening


  • Master degree in Environmental Sciences, a joint program of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Researches, Dubna, Russian Federation and the University of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Thesis title: The circuit of some radioactive elements in various components of the environment.