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Federico Angelini

Estimating abnormal human activity using multimodal surveillance.


Project title

Multimodal surveillance


Project description

This project focuses on Machine Learning and Fusion Techniques. The techniques will detect human activity using multimodal wide-area sensor measurements.

We will develop a robust model for video-based human activity. The model will estimate abnormal human actions. These will be based on multimodal data and contextual information.

The main techniques that we use include:

  • Deep Learning based architectures
  • multimodal data fusion
  • video data augmentation

The project involves extensive data recordings, software design, simulations and demo realisation.

We have achieved breakthrough results. These have led to:

  • academic publications
  • dataset recording
  • effective deep learning algorithms for human action classification and anomaly detection.



Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning


  • BSc in Mathematics and MSc in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”