Jianwen Xu
Asset integrity management for offshore floating wind turbines.
Email: j.xu27@ncl.ac.uk
Project supervisors
- Dr Simon Benson
- Dr Ben Wetenhall
Project description
I am finding ways to assist in the choice of casting procedure and/or inspection techniques during wind turbine design.
During wind turbine fabrication, I am finding ways to assess the significance of:
- known defects which are unacceptable to a given fabrication code, or
- a failure to meet the toughness requirements of a fabrication code
During wind turbine operation, I will assess flaws found in service. I will find ways to help make decisions about whether they can safely remain, or whether down-rating and repair are necessary.
Methodology and objectives
I am analysing a series of 5-megawatt wind turbines for their dynamic response under normal operating conditions. These models are Onshore, Monopile, ITI Barge, Spar, Tension-Leg Platform (TLP), Semi-Submersible. I am using global analysis result in the yaw bearing FE model. I am comparing stress fatigue results with fracture mechanics results.
We can compare the stress fatigue life calculated in this way with the fatigue life result calculated by fracture mechanic theory. The result should aid the fatigue design of yaw bearing and the yaw control system according to different wind turbine designs.