Shen Li
Strength of ship structures under extreme cyclic load.
Project supervisors
- Dr Simon Benson
Project description
I am investigating the buckling strength and collapse behaviour of ship structures under extreme cyclic loading.
- Li S, Benson SD. A re-evaluation of the hull girder shakedown limit states. Ships and Offshore Structures 2019, 14(sup1), 239-250.
- Li S, Benson SD. A re-evaluation of the hull girder shakedown limit states. In: International Conference on Ships and Offshore Structures (ICSOS 2018). 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden: Taylor & Francis.
- Li S, Hu Z, Benson SD. An analytical method to predict the buckling and collapse behaviour of plates and stiffened panels under cyclic loading. Engineering Structures 2019, 199, 109627.
- Li S, Hu ZQ, Benson SD. A cyclic progressive collapse method to predict the bending response of a ship hull girder. In: 7th International Conference on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT) 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Li S, Hu ZQ, Benson SD. Bending response of a damaged ship hull girder predicted by the cyclic progressive collapse method. In: 8th International Conference on Collision and Grounding of Ships and Offshore Structures 2019, Lisbon, Portugal.