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Yi Zhou

Modelling and optimal control of a hybrid propulsion system for an ice-capable ship.


Project supervisors

Project description

I am developing a sustainable propulsion arrangement with optimised control strategy for icebreaker ships.

Methodology objectives

I will investigate the general system requirement of icebreakers. I will consider how to design the matched control systems. I will explore how to model the propeller torque and speed in different loading conditions.

I will design and model a hybrid propulsion system with advanced algorithms for the energy management system (EMS). The system will need reduced fuel consumption, reduced emission and higher efficiency when compared with traditional diesel-electric propulsion systems. I will further optimise the system by using HESS ( hybrid energy storage system). This will reduce the negative impacts of load fluctuation and reduce power loss.


Simulation results prove that a hybrid propulsion system with an optimal control strategy has improved fuel consumption and responding speed than conventional systems.


Drums, fitness


MSc in Marine Engineering, Newcastle University