Zhenhua Zhang
Improving energy efficiency of ships utilising waste energy.
Email: z.zhang14@ncl.ac.uk
Project supervisors
- Dr Alan Murphy
- Dr Kayvan Pazouki
Project description
I will develop a generic thermodynamic model for using waste energy to assess ship performance under different operational conditions. I am using a systematic procedure for energy and exergetic analyses.
I will:
- develop an understanding of system structures of different types and sizes of ships
- identify different sources, types and quality of waste energy from ship systems
- identify potential energy-saving approaches to capture waste energy
- develop a mathematical model to analyse alternative energy recovery arrangements
I will undertake model validation, and apply the new model to representative ship systems.
My research will give a better insight into the complex process of ship system energy conversion. It will provide theoretical evidence for optimising ship energy management.
- Zhang Z, Tao L. Multiphase transient slugging flow in subsea oil and gas production. In ASME 2016 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering 2016, Busan, South Korea. Paper OMAE2016-55137.
- BEng in Thermal Energy and Power Engineering from Nanjing University of Science & Technology
- MEng in Thermal Energy and Power Engineering from NUST
- MPhil in Marine, Offshore and Subsea Engineering from Newcastle University