Civil and Geospatial Engineering Partnerships
We offer a wide range of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses and commercial testing services. Several of our staff are members of government panels.
We work with a wide range of commercial and governmental organisations in countries across the world. We deliver bespoke training and consultancy services through our geospatial engineering partnerships.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
In our civil engineering partnerships, we work closely with industry to ensure that our teaching and research is relevant and accessible to business. One way we achieve this is through our varied CPD programme:
- short CPD courses, including opportunities for CPD delegates to access five-day courses from our MSc programmes
- bespoke courses developed or delivered for a particular client
- GNSS and Network RTK
- High Precision GNSS using Post-Processing
- Least Squares Adjustment for Offshore Survey
Understanding the pressure on industry, we have designed courses that would usually only require one to five days away from the workplace, with options for in-house delivery.
Consultancy and commercial services
We also provide a wide range of consultancy and commercial services across our civil & geospatial engineering partnerships, including:
- Surveys
- Positioning
- Monitoring
- GNSS data capture
Developing geodesy in the Philippines
Recently, we spent a week at the National Mapping and Resource Information Agency (NAMRIA) in the Philippines. We led a training course on crustal deformation modelling and dynamic datum definition. We worked with stakeholders in the expanding Philippine Active Geodetic Network (PageNET) of continuous GNSS receivers. This was part of a project led by Ordnance Survey International to assist NAMRIA in developing geodetic user services such as network RTK GNSS.
For any enquiries, please contact the SAgE Faculty Enterprise Team:
Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering (SAgE) Enterprise Team
Tel: +44 (0) 191 208 3721