Our goals
A legacy of start-up success. Lasting relationships. Relevant, ambitious resources. A hub of learning with widened access to enterprise and opportunity. Inspiration and practical support for enterprising minds. Levelled-up opportunities. Challenged and changed perceptions. From school and college, to university, and beyond.
Establish a person-centred programme
Success looks and feels different to each of us. Regardless of where enterprise training takes each person we support, we want them to be able to look back and feel a sense of success and achievement. To be able to recognise and feel that the skills, confidence, belief they built with us – has made a difference to them.
Create value in the lasting relationships we build
We want schools and colleges to see, understand and act on the value that enterprise education can bring. We want them to take ownership of our resources and use them to inspire enterprising minds, and encourage enterprising mindsets, year-on-year. We want our work to be the catalyst for a growing enterprise movement.
Connect enterprising minds with real role models
We want to inspire and support every enterprising mind we reach. We want real life role models who can share stories, and help others believe in themselves. Role models will be able to encourage and empower by telling stories of their mistakes as well as their successes.