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Our manifesto

In a region with rising child poverty, falling start-up success rates, and lack of opportunity – we’ve had enough of waiting for help, or hoping for change. Supported by Rob Wood and Newcastle University, we’re powered by every member of our movement, and here to act. To find, inspire and equip every enterprising mind in our region, and help them to become part of a legacy of North East start-up success.

Creating an equitable, enterprising community

We’re an open space, and a community that cares. Every enterprising mind is different, and diversity brings prosperity. So whatever makes you unique is welcome here. Whatever your background, age, gender, sexuality, or beliefs – this is your network. Your opportunity. Your platform. Your movement. Let’s collaborate and create with respect.

We fail and flourish, together

This is more than learning to be enterprising. We’re also a safe place to be curious. To be unsure. To get things wrong. Whether you’re 14 and worrying about GCSE’s, about to leave university, or gain your PHD. Whether you’re a teacher, a student or a business owner, let’s learn from each other. Find new role models, share real experiences. Share true stories of successes and mistakes, with people who own real businesses, and are making enterprise work for them. We’re a community of real people, ready to share real success and make real impact.

Nothing can hold us back

There’s potential in everyone. We’re here to help enterprising people of all ages to believe in themselves. To be courageous, driven and limitless in their thinking. We’ll strive to stop your background, struggles or disadvantages, from holding you back. Whether you’re at school, college or university – we’re here to share skills, tools and resources that will help you:

  • learn more about yourself
  • discover your potential to build your own business
  • enjoy a future career that brings your passion to life and work

Building a legacy for life

Be part of our movement. A network of self-starters, training and growing together. We give as much as we get, by learning from each other and paying it forward – helping the next enterprising mind we meet, to build their own start-up success. We believe in honesty, courage and hard work. Be yourself, work hard for yourself, and for those around you. Together, we’ll:

  • build lasting change, reach more enterprising people of all ages, and support more growth mindsets
  • support successful start-up stories, and inspire better futures in our region, and beyond