Programme Approval and Changes
The University's policies for the approval of new programmes and programme changes will guide you through the processes for programme approval and progamme changes. Further guidance is available in the sections below.
Development of New Programmes
The Educational Governance and Policy Service can help support the development of new programmes.
Part of our work is to ensure that standards are maintained by assuring the quality aspect of academic programmes offered by Newcastle University.
This is in line with the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)'s UK Quality Code, Advice and Guidance for Course Design and Development. The University's policy for the approval of programmes will guide you through the process.
Supporting documentation:
- Strategic Approval Form
- Business Case Approval Form
- External Adviser Report Form
- Planned Fees Form
- Mapping of Cost Centres to Schools and Institutes
- Undergraduate Programmes Market Analysis Checklist
- Taught Postgraduate Programmes Market Analysis Checklist
- Undergraduate Entry Requirements Form
- Postgraduate Entry Requirements Form
- Accessible Design Checklist
- Programme Specifications
- Qualifications and Credit Framework
- Critical Friend Role Description
- Regulations Exemption Request form
- Programme Approval Summary Flowchart
- Contact List for new programmes
- Programme Approval Committee Report form
All documentation can be also found in the Policies A-Z or Forms A-Z.
Other areas of interest relating to the development of a new programme:
Useful External Links:
- QAA UK Quality Code, Advice and Guidance: Course Design and Development
- The Framework for Higher Education Qualifications
- Subject Benchmark Statements
- HECoS Subject codes
How EPGS and LTDS can help
EPGS and LTDS can provide you with expert advice covering such areas as:
- Writing aims and learning outcomes
- Assessment
- e-Learning technology e.g. ReCap, VLEs
EPGS and LTDS will also provide support and guidance through these processes whether it be providing examples of good practice, advice on completion of documentation or what should be submitted as well as the design of a programme, etc.
For more information, contact us.
Programme Approval
Programme Approval is an important element of what we deliver to our students to enhance their experience. EPGS ensures that standards are maintained by assuring the quality aspect of academic programmes offered by Newcastle University. This is in line with the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)'s UK Quality Code, Advice and Guidance on Course Design and Development.
The University's policies for programme approval and programme changes will guide you through the processes.
Please consult your Faculty Education Team for guidance on the arrangements for approval, and the support available, when commencing work on a proposal for a new programme or to amend an existing programme.
Faculty Education Teams
HaSS – HASS Education team
Med – FMS Education Team
SAgE – SAGE Education team
Cross-Faculty – Educational Policy and Governance Service
How can EPGS and LTDS help
EPGS and LTDS can provide you with expert advice covering such areas as:
- Writing aims and learning outcomes
- Assessment
- Teaching technology e.g. ReCap, VLEs
Other areas of interest relating to Programme Approval:
More information is available in our Policies A-Z and Forms A-Z sections.
Useful External Links:
- QAA UK Quality Code, Advice and Guidance: Course Design and Development
- The Framework of Higher Education Qualifications
- Subject Benchmark Statements
For more information, contact EPGS.
Programme Changes
Programme changes are categorised in a number of ways and the procedures vary in accordance with the scale of change.
The Policy on Changes to Programmes provides full details of the categories, summaries of which are listed below:
- Major changes involve fundamental changes to the programme aims, learning outcomes, assessment and/or structure of an existing award. Approval of such changes is made at Faculty level upon provision of a completed major change form and any associated documentation. Examples include:
- the introduction or removal of a placement year or year abroad
- a substantial change to programme learning outcomes
- a substantial change to progression requirements (altering the designation of modules from optional/compulsory to core)
- a substantial change in the balance between the component subjects
- a substantial change to the assessment balance over the programme as a whole
- a change to the mode of delivery of a programme (change to full- or part-time, distance learning or work-based or placement learning)
- any change that entails a request for an exception to University Regulations and/or quality management policies
- an additional award within an existing programme (for example a Postgraduate Diploma from an existing master's programme)
- any change that would require additional major resources or the duplication of facilities already available in the University
- a substantial change in partnership arrangements for an educational partnership
- Minor changes do not involve amendments to a programme's aims, learning outcomes or structure. Minor changes include changes to module outlines and changes to programme regulations and specifications that are a normal part of the annual maintenance of modules and programmes. Guidance on the process for approval of minor changes can be found in the policy.
- Programme Withdrawal(s) or Suspension. Guidance on how to do this can be found in the policy.
- Change of Programme Code or Title. Guidance on how to do this can be found in the policy.
- Transfer of Programme Ownership to another School/Faculty. Guidance on how to do this can be found in the policy.
- Major changes form
- Minor changes - see policy document
- Programme Suspension
- Programme Withdrawal
- Programme Code or Title change
- Transfer of Programme Ownership change
- Regulations Exemption Request form
If you require advice or support on making alterations to programmes please contact
Further information
- NUIT Consultation form (search for New Programme Approval in the NUIT Service catalogue and complete the fields to provide NUIT with the information they require)
- Modules - please refer to your own Faculty webpages for relevant forms:
Further information and templates for Programme Regulations and Specifications can be found on the dedicated programme regulations and specifications web pages.