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Policies A-Z

Policies A-Z

This page offers an alphabetical index of policies and procedures that are maintained and/or operated by the EPGS. A list of all the forms associated with the above policies and procedures, and guidelines to assist in the completion of these forms, is also available.
Summary of changes to policies for the 2024-25 academic year.


Annual Monitoring and Review Policy
Anonymity in Boards of Examiners, Principles and Policy
Assessment and Feedback Policy
Assessment Retention Schedule
Assessment Tariff
 (being phased out, see Framework for Assessment Design below)

Board of Examiners - Chair of BoE role descriptor
Board of Studies - Chair of BoS role descriptor
Board of Studies - membership, terms of reference and schedule of business 
Board of Studies - Subject Adviser

Code of Practice for Research Degree Programmes
Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy

Degree Programme Handbooks Guidelines 
Degree Programme Director role descriptor
Director of Education, Role Description 

Education Strategy
Educational Partnerships Policy 
External Examiners of Taught Programmes Policy

Framework for Assessment Design 
Framework for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies

Graduate Framework
Group Work with Peer Assessment Guidance 
Guidance on disruption to programme delivery, examinations and assessments arising from an emergency situation

Joint and Combined Honours Guidelines

Learning and Teaching Review Policy and Procedure (suspended from 2024-25 onwards)

Moderation and Scaling PolicyModule Approval Process: Guidance Notes
Module outline forms

Guidelines on writing a MOF 

Module Leader responsibilities

Off-campus Assessment Principles and Policies

Ownership, Protection and Exploitation of Intellectual Property for Students

Peer Dialogue for Teaching Policy
Personal Extenuating Circumstances Procedure for Students
Personal Tutoring
Postgraduates who Teach Policy
Postgraduate Research Examination Information
Professional Accreditation - Policy and Process for Monitoring PSRB activity
Programme Approval policy
Programme Changes policy

Qualifications and Credit Framework
Quality Assurance and Enhancement Framework for Research Degree Programmes

ReCap Policy
Register of Educational Partnerships
Register of Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs)

School or Faculty representatives on Committees and Groups
Secure Communication
Student Attendance Monitoring Policy
Student Feedback Policy
Student Representation Policy



For policy queries, or to request copies of the documentation below in alternative formats, please contact us.

Additional University Policies 

University policies maintained by other sections of the University can be found on the following websites

University Regulations including the University calendar

Student Progress Service Policies - including exam rules, attendance, finance, health and safety, dignity and respect

Student Progress Service Procedures - including academic queries and appeals, assessment irregularities, complaints, disciplinary, fitness to practise, support to study and progress

Student Wellbeing Policies and Procedures  

University Policies