University Events

Event items

Lunchtime Concert - Faye MacCalman & John Pope - 14 November 2024

Date/Time: Thursday 14 November 2024, 1.15pm

Venue: King's Hall, Armstrong Building

Long-time collaborators, improvising adventurers and Newcastle University alumni, Faye MacCalman and John Pope, perform a rare set blending their original genre-defying compositions with their own take on avant-jazz tunes and grooves ranging from Sun-Ra to Don Cherry.

Faye MacCalman (saxophone/clarinet/voice/FX)

John Pope (double bass)

Free admission

You will not be expected to wear a face-covering at concerts/events; however, do feel free to wear one if it makes you feel more comfortable, and please be mindful of others’ personal space.  If you show any Covid symptoms, or are testing positive for Covid, we ask that you do not attend concerts in the King’s Hall.