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Overseas exam arrangements

For students who would like to take resit or deferred in-person exams in their home country.

Overseas exams

If you have a permanent home address outside of the UK then you may be able to take resit or deferred exams in your home country during the three exam periods.

Overseas Exam Application Dates 2024

Please ensure you have checked with your school which exam period your examination falls into before applying. 

SemesterApplications openApplications close
Semester One Exams 11 October 2023 8 November 2023
Semester Two Exams 29 January 2024 23 February 2024
Resit and Deferred Exams 10 June 2024 4 July 2024

Students who are due to have exams in more than one exam period should apply for these exams seperately, in the relevant application window. 


August Exam Period 2024