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Results, Documents and Verifications

How to view your exam results and where to find official documents.

Exam results

Results will released by your School Office after the board of examiners have met. This can be a several weeks after your assessment. Your transcript of results can then be accessed in the 'Documents' tab of the Student Portal, or a stamped copy can be printed by your School Office or via the Student Services Helpdesk. If you have any queries related to marks, inaccurancies on your Transcript or deadlines please contact your School Office.

Documents (Current students)

If you are a current Newcastle University student you can download a number of different documents to verify your studies. All of these documents are free of charge. Click on the below sections for further information.

Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR)

What is it?

The HEAR provides a comprehensive and detailed record of your achievements throughout your time at Newcastle University. The HEAR is stored electronically the Parchment platform (formerly known as Digitary CORE) and can be shared easily and instantly with a third party of your choosing.

Who is it for?

An interim HEAR will be issued to UG students* following the end of each stage (i.e. July, or September for resit students).

A final HEAR will be issued to UG/PGT students* normally during the month of graduation.

  • *Not available for the MBBS programme or UG programmes in the School of Dental Sciences - bespoke transcripts are available from your Faculty Office

What does it contain?

  • your details
  • degree title and level
  • dates of study
  • access requirements
  • modules studied and marks
  • classification (e.g. 2:1)
  • awards and academic prizes
  • details of work experience
  • extra-curricular activities
  • a link to the programme specifications
  • information on the function on the qualification
  • information on the National Higher Education System
  • language of teaching and assessment

How to access a copy:

For more information about accessing your electronic documents click here

Electronic Degree Certificate

What is it?

A digitally authenticated copy of your Certificate. The certificate is stored electronically on the Parchment platform (formerly known as Digitary CORE) and can be shared easily and instantly with a third party of your choosing.

Who is it for?

All graduates, from July 2018 onwards.

What does it contain?

A secure and verified digital version of your Degree Certificate.

How to access a copy:

Please click here to find out more about accessing your electronic documents

Certificate of Registration

What is it?

A Certificate of Registration is a letter confirming you are registered for a specific academic year.

Who is it for?

Current student needing to prove their registration status. For Council Tax, please see the Council Tax Exemption Certificate.

What does it contain?

  • student name
  • student number
  • programme title
  • expected duration
  • start date
  • expected end date

How to access a copy:

You can view and download a copy via the Student Portal.

If you require a stamped copy please visit either:

Do not print a copy, we will print and authenticate a copy for you. If off campus please email us.

If you require a copy for Schengen Visa purposes please check the Visa Team’s page first.

Council Tax Exemption Certificate

What is it?

A certificate to provide to the Council for purposes of applying for Council Tax exemption or discount.

Who is it for?

Full-time Newcastle University students.

What does it contain?

Confirmation that you are registered on a full-time programme, with your start and end dates.

How to access a copy:

You can produce one from the Student Portal. This document does not require a stamp.

If for any reason you are unable to print the certificate yourself, you can also obtain one from the following locations:

  • HaSS and SAgE Students: Student Services, Level 1, Great North House
  • Medical Students: Medical School Office
  • Dental Students: School of Dental Science School Office
Introduction letter for UK Banks

What is it?

A letter confirming a student’s address in the UK and correspondence address in their home country as well as course details to use when opening a UK bank account.

Who is it for?

International Students opening a UK Bank account.

For UK students, a UCAS AS12 Confirmation Letter or Certificate of Registration will be sufficient to open an account.

What does it contain?

Your UK and home address plus course details.

How to access a copy:

Request a bank letter by visiting the Student Services Helpdesk on Level 1, Great North House.

Please ensure that your addresses are up-to-date on the Student Portal before visiting the helpdesk and you know which bank you are applying to.

Transcript of study

What is it?

A Transcript of Study is a comprehensive list of modules taken and marks achieved. Please also see the Higher Education Academic Report (HEAR).

Who is it for?

Current Undergraduate or Postgraduate taught students requiring evidence of modules and marks.

What does it contain:

  • your details
  • degree title and level
  • modules studied and marks
  • dates of study
  • classification (e.g. 2:1)
  • language of teaching and assessment
  • award date

How to access a copy:

Current taught students can produce their own transcripts via the Student Portal.

You can request a stamped copy either:

You do not need to print a copy in this instance, we will print and stamp on request. MBBS, Dental and PGCE students please contact your School Office.

Documents (Former students)

If you are a former Newcastle University student you can order documents using the links below. For all documents we will require proof of identity (e.g. a scan of your passport or driving licence).

Graduated from 2018 onwards:

Electronic Degree Certificate (Free)

What is it?

A digitally authenticated copy of your Certificate. The certificate is stored electronically on the Parchment platform (formerly known as Digitary CORE) and can be shared easily and instantly with a third party of your choosing.

Who is it for?

All former students who graduated from July 2018 onwards.

What does it contain?

A secure and verified digital version of your Degree Certificate.

How to access a copy:

Please find out more about accessing your electronic documents here


Free to access, view and share.

Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) (Free)

What is it?

The HEAR provides a comprehensive and detailed record of your achievements throughout your time at Newcastle University. The HEAR is stored electronically on the Parchment plaform (formerly known as Digitary CORE) and can be shared easily and instantly with a third party of your choosing.

Who is it for?

Former Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught students who completed studies from July 2018 onwards (except graduates from UG programmes in the School of Dental Sciences - bespoke transcripts are available from your former Faculty Office). MBBS students will receive a bespoke Transcript, from 2021 onwards, at the end of your studies only.

What does it contain:

  • your details
  • degree title and level
  • dates of study
  • access requirements
  • modules studied and marks
  • classification (e.g. 2:1)
  • awards and academic prizes
  • details of work experience
  • extra-curricular activities
  • a link to the programme specifications
  • information on the function on the qualification
  • information on the National Higher Education System
  • language of teaching and assessment

How to access a copy:

Please find out more about accessing your electronic documents here


Free to access, view and share.

Replacement Degree Certificate (£50)

What is it?

A replacement for lost, damaged or destroyed original Certificates. Only one original Degree Certificate is permitted at a time. If you graduated from July 2018 onwards, please also see Electronic Degree Certificate.

Visit our Congregations pages for information regarding replacement degree certificates.

Who is it for?

All Newcastle University graduates.

What does it contain?

A copy of your certificate, with degree details, printed on parchment paper.

How to access a copy:

Order a Replacement Degree Certificate via our webstore.



Graduated before 2018

Statement of Qualification (£10)

What is it?

A Statement of Qualification is a concise letter confirming the award you received and dates of study.

Who is it for?

All former students requiring verification of their degree and/or the dates they studied. If you graduated from July 2018 onwards please see information regarding the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR).

What does it contain?

  • your name
  • degree title and level
  • date awarded
  • classification (e.g. 2:1)
  • start date of registration
  • end date of registration

How to access a copy:

You can order a copy via the Webstore.


£10 for 2 copies

Transcript of study (£25/ £70)

What is it?

A Transcript of Study is a comprehensive list of modules taken and marks achieved. If you graduated from July 2018 onwards please see information regarding the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR).

Who is it for?

Former undergraduate or postgraduate taught students who completed study from 1963 until May 2018.

What does it contain?

  • your details
  • degree title and level
  • modules studied and marks
  • dates of study
  • classification (e.g. 2:1)
  • language of teaching and assessment

How to access a copy:

You will have access to transcripts via the Student Portal for 7 months after the end of your studies. Select the documents tab and then enter the first year the study year, e.g. for the 2022/23 academic period enter '2022' as the year.

If you no longer have access to the Student Portal, or require a stamped copy, then you can order a copy via the Webstore, unless you studied MBBS/Dental sciences.


£25/ £70 for 2 copies

Certified copy of Degree Certificate (£15)

Post-2018 Graduates

If you graduated from July 2018 onwards, please see Electronic Degree Certificate.

Pre-2018 Graduates

What is it?

A stamped and signed copy of your Degree Certificate.

For more information regarding certified copies of your parchment see Congregations webpage.

Who is it for?

All Newcastle University Graduates.

What does it contain?

A copy of your parchment (we will require you to send a colour scan of the original), that is verified, signed and stamped to certify its authenticity.

How to access a copy:

Order a Certified Copy of Degree Certificate via the Webstore.


£15 for 2 copies

Replacement Degree Certificate (£50)

What is it?

A replacement for lost, damaged or destroyed original Certificates. Only one original Degree Certificate is permitted at a time.

For more information regarding replacement degree certificates see Congregations webpage.

Who is it for?

All Newcastle University graduates.

What does it contain?

A copy of your certificate, with degree details, printed on parchment paper.

How to access a copy:

Order a Replacement Degree Certificate via our webstore.



Document Recognition

World Education Services (WES) Applications

If you are applying to WES we use a secure FTP server to transmit documents. The following documents are usually required, however, please check with WES beforehand as we cannot take responsibility for incorrect applications.

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught

Pre-2018 Graduates - Transcript only required. Please order from our Webstore entering your WES application number as the 'delivery address'.

Post-2018 Students – HEAR and Electronic Certificate. WES are a partner organisation with Parchment (formerly known as Digitary CORE). Simply log into your account, select your documents, click ‘share’, and find WES in the drop-down list of registered organisations. Enter your application number where indicated.

Postgraduate Research Students

Pre-2018 Graduates – A Statement of Qualification (SoQ) and Degree Conferral form are required. Please order the SoQ from our Webstore entering your WES application number as the 'delivery address'. The Conferral Form can be found on the WES Webpage. Complete the first section and email this to us.

Post-2018 Students – An Electronic Certificate and Degree Conferral form are required. WES are a partner organisation with Parchment (formerly known as Digitary CORE). Simply log into your account, select your documents, click ‘share’, and find WES in the drop-down list of registered organisations. Enter your application number where indicated. The Conferral Form can be found on the WES Webpage. Complete the first section and email this to us.

CSCSE Qualification Evaluation (Chinese Nationals only)

To streamline the degree verification process for Chinese graduates, following the completion of their degree, Newcastle University will be providing the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE) the following information for all Chinese graduates:

  • Full name
  • Degree title (e.g. Bachelor of Arts in History)
  • Date of award (i.e. the date your degree was awarded)
  • Date of birth

If you are a Chinese national and you DO NOT want your information to be shared, then you can opt. This option is given when applying for your Graduation ceremony. You will receive an email from Congregations inviting you to the ceremony and to fill in a form with your details, the opt out is at the end of the form.

Opting out will increase the processing time of your CSCSE application.

Please contact us if you have any questions or would like further information.

Notarisation, Legalisation and Apostille


If you need to have your degree certificate notarised you will need to contact a notary public or solicitor:

Legalisation of documents and Apostille

If you are going to use British documents overseas, for business or personal reasons, you may be asked to have your documents legalised before they can be accepted. Legalisation is carried out by the Legalisation Office of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. Newcastle University does not provide this service.

Please visit the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office website for more information.


Confirmation of Study details

We can provide verification (proof) of study details to third parties including commercial organisations, agencies, government bodies and other higher education institutions.

We are unable, centrally, to answer questions such as attendance and suitability for a role. Character reference requests should be directed to individual Faculties, Schools & Research Units and/or tutor.

Electronic Documents from June 2018 onwards

From June 2018 Newcastle University has been issuing electronic documents, to students, via the Parchment (formerly known as Digitary CORE), a secure and trusted provider of electronic documents. Documents currently available are Higher Education Achievement Reports and Digital copies of certificates (upon graduation).

It’s free, instant, and secure. If your candidate left the University from June 2018 onwards, they can share their documents with you directly. No need for consent forms, no need to check its validity if shared via Parchment (from

The HEAR contains information on modules, marks, study dates, subject, award, award date, location, whether it was full or part time, links to programme regulations plus so much more. It comes from the same systems that we manually verify study details from, its just quicker, and easier for all involved.

How it works

  • The student logs into their Parchment account, selects their document(s), clicks 'share', enters your email address
  • You receive an email from our Parchment/Newcastle University email address with a link to the system
  • You log in with your email address (and a PIN/Password provided by the student - optional)
  • You can view, save, and print the documents
  • Each document will include a digital certificate proving its authenticity and tamper evident features for 100% confidence in validity

For more information please check our Electronic Documents page and Parchment's FAQs at Parchment.

Verifying Electronic Documents

There are four areas to look at:

  1. Ensure the URL of the site that you have been directed to either starts with the following: The link may be sent to you directly by the student or from the Parchment platform (formerly known as Digitary CORE). In either case the document has been issued by a vetted organisation, not a third party, and the student cannot alter the content of the document.
  2. Document status does not say Revoked or has expired
  3. Check that the document has the Certified blue ribbon icon
  4. Vew the certificate information

Note that additionally, on the same page, you can view information about the institute that issued the document.

That’s it. The Parchmment application, itself, will verify details of the signing certificate that has been used to authenticate the document you are viewing. Once a document is marked as Certified on the Parchment site, NO FURTHER VERIFICATION is required on the part of the verifier.
However, if you would like to view greater details of the certificate chain, you can do so by viewing the digital certificate details in an external PDF reader.

You can download the PDF and open up the document with Adobe Reader version 9 or later to view the certificate chain and signing certificate details.

Real Time Verification: When a verifier views the document on the Parchment system, this is a real time event; the document is retrieved from the Parchment database and displayed to you, the verifier, at the time of verifying the document.

Pre-July 2018 students

How to make a Verification Request for students without access to digital documents:

If your candidate left before June 2018 (or is a Medicine, Dental, PGCE or PhD Student) there is a simple two-step process:

  1. The candidate (student) completes the NU Student Consent Form, ensuring that all sections are completed and the form is hand-signed. Pass the consent on to the organisation requesting a reference.
  2. The organisation, requesting the reference, submits the consent form via the Academic Verification Request Form. Company consent forms or emailed requests will not be accepted.

If the student left from June 2018, please ask them to share their Parchment (formerly known as Digitary CORE) documents to verify their award. This will speed up the process and reduce workloads.

What information do we require in the request?

We ask for the following information in the request to assist us in identifying the correct record. Please ask the candidate for this information prior to making the request.

  • candidate’s full name (at time of study)
  • candidate’s date of birth
  • candidate’s level of award (eg Undergraduate)
  • candidate’s degree/qualification (eg Bachelor of Arts)
  • candidate’s subject of study (eg History)
  • award classification/result (eg first class honours)
  • programme start date (as a minimum, the year must be provided)
  • programme end date (as a minimum, the year must be provided)

We will check these details and advise on any discrepancies in our response.


Requests are usually completed within 15 working days; however, we may take longer at peak times (during and after graduation/exam periods). Any requests for those with Parchment access may be longer as pre-June 2018 students will be prioritised. It is highly recommended you use Digital documents where possible.

If you have any questions, regarding the process, please contact us by email.


Reference Requests will be sent to the responsible department. They can be contacted by emailing: