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Charlotte Carpenter

Lay Member of Court

(Date first appointed: 2021)

Charlotte is Executive Director of Growth and Business Development at Karbon Homes, a leading social landlord. She is responsible for Karbon’s development programme of 550 new homes a year, the investment plans for Karbon’s existing 30,000 properties, and also leads the strategy and insight, and communication and business development teams.

Charlotte began her career in the Civil Service Fast Stream, where she undertook roles in several high-profile areas in the Scottish Government. These included: working as a member of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Scotland Bill team; acting as the secretariat for an Independent Review on the Retention of Organs at Postmortem; and supporting the economic recovery measures in response to the Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak in Scotland.

Charlotte has a passion for housing’s role in the economic and social regeneration of the North East. This was borne from senior roles with One NorthEast (where she led on the development of the North East regional Economic Strategy) and The Northern Way - a precursor to the Northern Powerhouse.

She joined the social housing sector in 2008, working for Home Group as Director of Strategy, Policy and Communications. And subsequently joined Karbon as part of the newly formed Executive team on its creation in May 2017.

Charlotte is an alumnus of Cambridge and York universities and holds a PhD in Medieval History.
She is a member of the CBI North East Council, the CBI’s National Infrastructure Board, and the Chartered Institute of Housing’s Policy Advisory Committee. She also holds a CaCHE Fellowship exploring the role that housing associations can play in the Foundation Economies of ‘Left Behind Places’.

Outside work Charlotte is an adventurous and prolific traveller, and an enthusiastic runner with Tyne Bridge Harriers.