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Helen-Ann Hartley

Lay Member of Court

Bishop of Newcastle
(Date first appointed: 2023)

The Right Reverend Dr Helen-Ann Hartley is the Thirteenth Bishop of Newcastle, taking up her role in early 2023. Prior to that, Helen-Ann was Bishop of Ripon, and before that, Bishop of Waikato in New Zealand’s North Island (from 2014-2018). Helen-Ann completed her undergraduate studies in Theology at the University of St Andrews in 1995 and undertook postgraduate studies at Princeton Theological Seminary in the USA, and her DPhil at Worcester College, Oxford in 2005. She was ordained deacon and priest in the Diocese of Oxford and taught Biblical Studies in Oxford and New Zealand. In 2019, Helen-Ann was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Education from the University of Sunderland. Helen-Ann has a particular interest in education in its broadest sense. She is married to Myles, an organist and freelance musician who has just completed his doctoral studies in Music at the University of York.