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Jo Matthan

Academic Board appointed Member of Court

Jo Matthan is a clinical anatomist and medical educationalist, with a background in Medicine and English and a previous career in the corporate world. She is Director of Academic Studies and Senior Lecturer at the School of Dental Sciences, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University. She teaches all areas of gross anatomy, with a particular interest in the head and neck region, and works across the Faculty of Medical Sciences, predominantly with dental students. She runs postgraduate level surgical and dental anatomy courses with Health Education North East (HENE), as improved patient care and patient safety through a grounding in anatomical knowledge is close to her heart. Externally, she serves as Honorary Secretary on the Anatomical Society (AS, UK), Councillor on the British Association of Clinical Anatomists (BACA) and Honorary Secretary of the Trans-European Pedagogic Anatomy Research Group (TEPARG) as well as is on the UK Clinical Reasoning Committee. She represents the Anatomical Society on the European Federation for Experimental Morphology (EFEM) and International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA), and the British Association of Clinical Anatomists on the Anatomy Associations Advisory Committee (AAAC) and is on the equality, diversity and inclusion committee (FICEDA) of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists. You can find her on Twitter @DocMatthan or