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Professor Richard Davies

Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Global and Sustainability

Professor Davies became Pro-Vice-Chancellor Global in 2014. His responsibilities changed to Pro-Vice-Chancellor Global and Sustainability in October 2022. He is a petroleum geologist who started his career with various postings in the UK and abroad in the oil and gas industry, mainly with ExxonMobilHe is now working on climate change, marine methane hydrates and building projects in the area of carbon capture and storage.
He has held a number of pan-university leadership roles, including the founder and first Director of the Durham Energy Institute at Durham UniversityHe later became Dean for Knowledge Exchange and Impact and was responsible for implementing the University's strategy for research impactHe is responsible for home and international student targets, international presence and impact of the university, international student recruitment, world rankings, the entry of international students into the University and our two overseas campuses. The sustainability element includes our university net-zero target and our research and education across the UNSDGs.

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