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Academic Board

(See also University Statutes)

1. Secretary 

The Registrar


2. Membership

All staff on Grade E and above.


3. Terms of reference 

The Academic Board:

(i) may discuss and declare an opinion on any matter whatsoever relating to the University, including any matters referred to it by the Council or the Senate;

(ii) may enter into communication directly with the Council or the Senate on any matter affecting the University;

(iii) shall appoint seven members of the Court in accordance with the provisions of statute 16.


4. Procedure

(a) There shall be an ordinary meeting of the Board each year. Other meetings shall be determined by the procedure under 4(b).  At the ordinary meetings of the Board, the order of business shall be:

(i) Minutes of previous meeting;

(ii) Any matters arising from the Minutes;

(iii) Statutory business, ie matters which must, by Statute, be brought before the Board;

(iv) Members’ business, ie any motion, notice of which has been given to the Registrar in writing signed by not less than ten members not later than ten days before the date of the meeting;

(v) Report from the Vice-Chancellor and statements from such other University officials as he may from time to time suggest.  (Any member of the Board may ask the Vice-Chancellor to include a topic for discussion in this report.)

(vi) Questions to the Vice-Chancellor from members of Academic Board (written notification of questions should be requested, with a deadline of noon one week prior to the date of the meeting).

(b) The Vice-Chancellor may at any time at his discretion, and shall upon the requisition in writing of not fewer thantwenty-five members of the Board stating the purpose for which the meeting is to be called, summon a meeting of the Board.  At extraordinary meetings of the Board, the order of business shall be: 

(i) Purpose of the meeting;

(ii) Report from the Vice-Chancellor and statements from such other University officials as he may from time to time suggest.

(iii) Questions to the Vice-Chancellor from members of Academic Board (written notification of questions should be requested, with a deadline of noon two days prior to the date of the meeting). 

(c) A quorum shall be 100 members. 


Established by Council Minute 13, 06.11.89

Revised by Council Minutes 42, 19.11.90; 143, 22.04.91; 147, 04.07.94; 80, 19.02.96; 65, 12.02.01; 105, 9.6.2003; 9, 11.10.2004; 22, 12.12.2005

Revised in accordance with the following Senate Minutes: 315, 17.02.81; 536, 19.05.81; 135, 16.11.82; 563, 19.06.84; 93, 01.12.87; 218, 14.06.94; 114, 25.03.97; 23, 26.10.99; 46, 30.11.99; 32, 17.1.06; 50, 20.3.18

Editorial amendment - in accordance with national guidelines on university governance, June 1995

Editorial amendment - in accordance with management re-structuring, July 1999

Editorial amendments October 2001, October 2003, November 2007, June 2013.