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Biosafety Committee

(Sub-Committee of the University Health & Safety Committee) Terms of Reference

1.0 Constitution 

1.1 Appointed member:

  • A Chairperson appointed by Council. The Chairperson shall serve for a period of three years and be eligible for re-appointment. 

1.2 Ex officio members:

  • The Chairpersons (i.e. the designated representatives) for each of the approved School/Institute/Faculty GM committees
  • The Biological Safety Adviser. 

1.3 Co-opted members:

  • Up to three members co-opted by the Committee for periods of up to three years at a time and who shall be eligible for re-appointment 

These members are to supplement the expertise of the Committee, as required. 

1.4 Attending persons

The Committee may summon or invite persons to attend in order to provide advice, guidance and report.

Routine attendance expected:

  • Head of Occupational Health & Safety Service or deputy

To be invited when specific issues require, for example:

  • Biological Safety Supervisors
  • Unit Safety Officers
  • Persons responsible for GM (contained use) work in other organisations working on University premises

1.5 Quorum 


A quorum shall be no fewer than one third of the members. 

1.6 Secretariat:

Provided by Occupational Health & Safety Service.


2.0 Terms of Reference 

2.1 To monitor and keep under review the biosafety and/or biosecurity arrangements for the possession, use and control/containment of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and hazardous biological agents or materials; and to approve, issue and update the same.

2.2 To ensure that biosafety and/or biosecurity arrangements (e.g. Health & Safety Management Standards) incorporate all appropriate statutory requirements. 

2.3 To scrutinise and approve or reject risk assessments and other relevant documentation for all projects involving:

a. genetic modification (GM) work;

b. the use of biological agents above ACDP (Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens) Hazard Group 3 biological agents;

c. the use of specified animal pathogens;

d. the use of plants, plant products and plant pests requiring a licence/certificate, and/or;

e. the use of Schedule 5 pathogens and toxins.

2.4 To monitor and keep under review arrangements for the management of all necessary records pertaining to the possession, use and control/containment of GMOs and hazardous biological agents or materials.

2.5 To monitor and report, as appropriate, to University Health & Safety Committee on compliance with statutory and University requirements.

2.6 To provide reports, give advice and make recommendations to and on behalf of the University Health & Safety Committee on any matter involving biosafety and/or biosecurity arrangements for the possession, use and control/containment of GMOs and hazardous biological agents/materials.

2.7 To establish, where appropriate, ‘local’ committees (at School/Institute/Faculty level) for the control of experimental genetic modification and to receive regular reports therefrom.

2.8 To consult on matters of common interest with the University Research Committee, the appropriate NHS Trust(s) or any other body, as required.

2.9 To provide advice to the nominated member of Executive Board with responsibility for Health & Safety upon request.

2.10 To make recommendations to the nominated member of Executive Board with responsibility for Health & Safety and the University Health & Safety Committee concerning the appointment of the University Biological Safety Adviser. 


3.0 Organisation - University Committee Structure 

Groups who report to the Biosafety Committee

  • Biological Safety Adviser 
  • School/Institute GM committee. Attended by GM Chairs 
  • Containment Level 3 (CL3) user group 

Groups who report to Faculty Health and Safety Committees

  • School/Institute Safety Committees. Attended by GM Chairs, Biological Safety Supervisors and Unit Safety Officers
  • Containment Level 3 (CL3) user group (FMS only)

Groups who report to University Health and Safety Committee

  • Biosafety Committee
  • FMS Faculty Health and Safety Committee
  • SAgE Faculty Health and Safety Committee
  • HaSS Faculty Health and Safety Committee

View the Biosafety Organisational Chart as a PDF.