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Budget Setting Group

(Sub-Committee of Executive Board)

1. Secretary

Accounts Assistant, Finance & Planning  


2. Membership 

Vice-Chancellor and President (Chair) 

Executive Director of Finance (Vice-Chair)

Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellors 

Registrar Executive Director of Academic Affairs 


3. Terms of reference 

(b) To agree and promulgate the key financial assumptions for the preparation of draft budgets by faculties and other bodies. 

(c) To consider draft overall budgets and any competitive bids. 

(d) To recommend to Executive Board the allocation of available resources to faculty and other budgetary units.  


Established by Council Minute 8, 11 October 2004. 

Amended by Council Minute 126, 14.7.2008 

Amended by Chairman, on behalf of Executive Board, December 2007. 

Editorial Amendment, 01.04.15.

Amended by Executive Board 16 June 2020