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Nominations Committee

(Committee of Council)

1. Secretary 

Head of the Excutive and Governance Office 


2. Membership 

Ex officio members

(a) The Chair of Council (Chair)

(b) The Vice-Chancellor

(c) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor or a Pro-Vice-Chancellor

Appointed members

(d) Two members of Council who shall not be members of the academic staff or salaried officers of the University, appointed by Council to hold office in accordance with (4) below.

(e) The three members of Court Steering Committee.

A quorum shall be not fewer than one third of the members, provided that at least one ex officio and one appointed member is present.

In attendance: The Registrar and the Senior Independent Governor.


3. Terms of reference 

(a) To make recommendations to Council in respect of appointment to the following offices:

The Chair of Council

The Vice-Chair(s) of Council

The Honorary Treasurer

(b) To make recommendations to Council in respect of the appointment of Chairs of Council committees.

(c) To keep under review the periods of membership of lay persons appointed to the membership of Council and to make recommendations to Council for the appointment of members in this category.

(d) To keep under review the membership of committees and other bodies on which Council appoints members and to appoint members to vacancies. 

(e)  To review any new declarations by members of Council relating to the University’s Fit and Proper Persons test. 


4. Appointment and re-appointment of members - rules

(a) The governing body must routinely reflect on its own composition and consider taking steps to ensure that it reflects societal norms and values.

(b) Members appointed by Council shall be appointed for a period of three years from 1 August.

(c) Periods of appointment may be varied in order to provide for continuity and rotation of membership.

(d) Members of the Committee shall be appointed for three years and shall be eligible for re-appointment for further periods provided that the total consecutive period of service does not exceed nine years. 

(e) Chairs of University Committees and other persons proposing candidates and seeking exemption from the above rule should state their case for doing so when submitting their recommendations to Nominations Committee.

(f) Any appointed members taking up a statutory office as, for example, ex officio the Chair/Vice-Chair of Council or the Chair of a Committee, will be deemed to have commenced a new period of appointment linked to that office.  On vacating office, an ex officio member or a Chair is eligible for election as an appointed member commencing a new period of appointment.

(g) Any person appointed to fill a casual vacancy created by resignation or other reason, shall serve for the remainder of the term of appointment of the member he/she will replace.  Thereafter, such members will be eligible for re-appointment in accordance with rule (c).

(h) Members vacating office under (d) shall be eligible for reappointment after two years have passed since the expiry of their previous appointment. 


5. Procedure

(a) Any member of the University's staff or students, as well as any member of Council itself, may suggest names of lay persons for consideration for appointment on Council.

(b) The invitation to suggest names for appointment under (a) shall be published annually.  Suggestions shall be submitted in writing to the Registrar by a date determined by him/her.  The Registrar shall communicate any such suggestions to the Nominations Committee for consideration.

(c) Chairs of Council Committees shall be invited to submit recommendations regarding the appointment of Council appointed members on Committees, after taking account of any names submitted by Heads of Schools or Directors of Research Institutes.

(d) The recommendations of the Nominations Committee shall be transmitted to Council.

(e) Any member who has a pecuniary, family or other personal interest in any matter under discussion at any meeting of the committee shall, as soon as practicable, disclose that fact to the meeting and shall withdraw, unless requested to remain by the Chair, from that part of the discussion.  A member is not, however, considered to have a pecuniary or personal interest in matters under discussion merely by being a member of staff or a student of the University. 


Established by Council Minute 59, 13.02.95

Revised by Council Minutes 83, 31.3.03; 55, 29.3.2004; 122, 16.7.2007; 47, 14.12.2015.

Editorial Amendments April 2000, April 2011, August 2014, April 2015.