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Standing Orders of Council

The University Statutes contain provisions regarding the conduct of University business in general and of the University Council and other statutory bodies in particular.  The Council and other statutory bodies may appoint such committees and determine Standing Orders for the purpose of the exercise of their powers and duties provided that they do not conflict with University Statutes and regulations.

In performing the duties of a member of Council, University colleagues must not be constrained by the normal line management structures from expressing an opinion or supporting or opposing a proposal. 


1. Meetings

(a) Ordinary meetings of Council shall be held at such times and in such places as the Chair of Council shall determine. The Chair of Council may cancel or change the date of ordinary meetings.

(b) Special meetings of Council may be held at such times and in such places as the Chair of Council may determine.

(c) The Chair may summon Extraordinary meetings in cases of urgency. On a written requisition signed by not less than ten members of Council, the Chair shall summon an Extraordinary meeting.

(d) No business shall be taken at a Council meeting which does not appear in the agenda papers unless the Chair of Council decides otherwise.

(e) The agenda for ordinary and special meetings shall be issued not less than five days before the meeting unless the Chair of Council determines otherwise in the light of the nature of the business.


2. Notice of motions/proposals

Any member of Council may request that a motion or a proposal be placed on the agenda for a meeting of Council by giving notice in writing so that it reaches the Registrar by not later than seven days before the meeting.

The Chair of Council shall have discretion to decide whether the proposal/motion shall be considered at the next scheduled meeting or to refer the matter to another University body or officer.  If the Chair decides on the latter course of action, the member of Council concerned shall be so advised and the action taken reported to the next ordinary meeting of Council. 


3. Categories and classification of buiness

(a) Council agenda items are presented in the following categories:   

Part 1. Governance:

  • Conflicts of interest
  • Minutes
  • Matters arising
  • Health and Safety
  • Chair
  • Vice-Chancellor
  • Risk Register
  • KPI summary

Part 2. Strategy and KPIs

Part 3. Reports:

  • Council committees
  • Policies and discussion items

Part 4. Reserved Business 

Part 5. Routine business:

  • Chair’s circular
  • Other business 

(b) The category and classification of items of business for Council meetings shall be determined by the Registrar. The Registrar shall, where appropriate, consult the Chair of Council.

(c) There shall be no discussion at Council on any items in Section 5 of the agenda unless the Chair determines otherwise or unless a member of Council notifies the Chair or the Registrar at least twenty four hours before the meeting of their wish to have such discussion. The Chair of Council may waive the notification requirement.


4. Conduct of business

(a) The conduct of business shall be directed by the Chair of the meeting.  The Chair’s ruling upon a point of order shall be final.

(b) All motions except those from the Chair must be seconded before being put to the meeting.

(c) Reports of Committees shall be moved by their respective Chairs or their representatives.  The Chair of Council may invite the Chair of a Committee presenting a report to Council, but who is not a member of Council, to attend the meeting and speak to the report.

(d) Any person not being a member of Council attending in connection with an item of business shall normally be invited to stay throughout the discussion on the item.

(e) The motion ‘That Council proceed to the next business’ shall be put to the vote immediately and without discussion.

(f) Any member of Council who has a pecuniary, family or other personal interest in any matter under discussion at any meeting of Council shall as soon as practicable disclose that fact to the meeting.  The Chair shall determine whether the member shall withdraw from the discussion. A member is not, however, considered to have a pecuniary or personal interest in matters under discussion merely by being a member of staff or a student of the University. 

(g) All papers except those marked ‘Strictly Confidential’ or ‘Commercial in Confidence’ will be made available on the University’s website both internally and externally.

(h) The contents of any papers circulated to members of Council which are marked ‘Strictly Confidential’ or ‘Commercial in Confidence’ must, in no circumstances, be divulged or discussed with any person who is not a member of Council without the consent of Council.  The removal of the ‘Strictly Confidential’ or ‘Commercial in Confidence’ classification of papers is determined by the date on which Council decides on the matter in question, unless in certain circumstances Council otherwise determines. 


5. Voting

(a) All proposals put to the vote shall be decided on by a show of hands at the meeting except when the Chair orders a ballot.

(b) In the case of an equality of votes, the Chair shall have a casting vote, irrespective of having voted previously on a motion or proposal.

(c) No decision shall be rescinded or altered during the University academic year in which it was resolved, unless a proposal to reintroduce the subject in question has been put to the vote and carried by the members present at the meeting.


6. Minutes

(a) The Registrar shall prepare Minutes of the meeting which shall be presented to Council for approval at the following meeting.

(b) Unreserved Minutes of Council shall be made available on the University’s website, both internally and externally. 


7. Suspension of standing orders

A motion for the suspension of Standing Orders shall only be carried if three quarters of the members present at the meeting vote in favour of it. 


8. Delegation

The Chair shall be empowered to take action on behalf of Council between meetings on routine matters and specific matters where authority is required immediately and provided that in such urgent cases he/she must obtain the approval of at least two other officers (Vice-Chair(s) or the Treasurer) or, if unavailable, two other lay members of Council. Where Chair’s action is taken a written report shall be made to the next meeting of Council. 


9. Advice to Council

The Registrar acts as secretary to Council and is responsible for the provision of advice.  There may be rare occasions when the Registrar is conflicted and the Chair of Council believes that it would be desirable to obtain independent advice.  In such a situation, the Chair has the authority to obtain independent legal advice. 


10. Senior Independent Governor

The Senior Independent Governor acts as a sounding board for other members of Council, and to sense-check the effectiveness of governance arrangements. 


11. Publication of members' names

Minutes of Council will be included in the University’s Publication Scheme as required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Members are advised that, unless they inform the University of their objections under the Data Protection Act, their names will appear in published Minutes. 


12. Election of colleagues to serve on Council

All colleagues on Grade E and above on full-time or part-time contracts, irrespective of contract length, shall be entitled both to stand for election to Council and to vote in Council elections.

Colleagues who are eligible to stand for election by a given deadline shall receive an email from the Registrar. 

Candidacy for election is made by self-application (without the need for a supporting nomination) or by nomination by another colleague.  If there is a nomination it should be in writing and should not be made without the consent of the candidate. Each candidate shall prepare a statement of up to 250 words for the information of the electorate. A further email, inviting eligible colleagues to vote, shall be sent by the Registrar.

The term of appointment as a member of Council shall be three years. 

The results of Council elections shall be communicated to successful and unsuccessful candidates and reported on the Council agenda. The full election results shall be published on the University’s internal website.

An independent scrutineer shall be appointed by the Registrar to oversee the voting process.

The University has a Policy on the Diversity Profile of Members of University Committees. In line with the Policy, those wishing or nominated to stand should consider the principle that membership of committees such as Council shall reflect the diversity profile of the population eligible for these vacancies. 



Reprinted April 1999, following editorial amendments consequential upon Council’s decision to re-structure its Agenda papers.

Revised by Council Minutes: 36, 4.11.2002; 3(b), 27.10.2003; 24, 12.12.2005; 27, 20.10.2008; 62, 7.2.2011; 125, 6.6.2011; 96, 26.3.2012; 83, 19.02.2018. September 2003 (editorial amendments).  July 2013 (editorial amendments). October 2021 (editorial amendments). October 2022 (editorial amendments).