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(Committee of Court)

1. Secretary 

The Registrar


2. Constitution

Ex Officio Members

The Vice-Chancellor

The Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council

Appointed members

Three lay members appointed by and from Court, one of the three to be appointed as Chair by the Committee.

The appointed members shall hold office for three years and be eligible for re-appointment.


3. Terms of reference 

(a) To advise the Chancellor on issues affecting the University where Court might usefully be consulted, and on the conduct of business at meetings of Court.

(b) To keep under review the membership of Court and to make recommendations to Court, through the Chancellor, in respect of the appointment of co-optative members of Court.

(c) To recommend to Court the names of persons to be awarded Honorary University Fellowships in accordance with the agreed principles for these awards.


4. Procedure

(a) The Chair of the Court Steering Committee will report to the Chancellor and should liaise as appropriate with the Pro-Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and Registrar.

(b) Any member of the University's staff or students, as well as any member of Court itself, may suggest names of lay persons for consideration for appointment on Court.

(c) The invitation to suggest names for appointment shall be published annually.  Suggestions shall be submitted, in writing to the Registrar by a date determined by him/her.  The Registrar shall communicate any such suggestions to the Court Steering Committee for consideration.

(d) The co-optative members of Court would be expected to be drawn from a range of external constituencies including, for example, members of local health authority(ies), local government, and alumni, and a proportion of the membership should be drawn from outside the region.

(e) The recommendations of the Steering Committee shall be transmitted to Court and the Chancellor as appropriate. 


Committee established by Court, 15.12.2003

Membership and Terms of reference amended by Court, 11.05.2012

Editorial amendments 18.09.2023