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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee 

Sub‐Committee of Executive Board 

1. Secretary

Human Resources Adviser (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) 


2. Constitution

Ex officio members:

(a) Dean of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (Chair)

(b) Deputy Vice‐Chancellor

(c) The Directors of Faculty Operations 1

(d) The Faculty Directors of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 1

(e) The Students’ Union Welfare and Equality Officer responsible for representing students in matters of equality, diversity and inclusion

(f) The Registrar2

(g) The Executive Director of Human Resources3

(h) The Academic Registrar4

(i) A nominated Senate member

(j) The Chair of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Consultative Group

(k) The HR Adviser (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion ) (Secretary)5

Appointed members:

(l) A member appointed by Council who shall not be a University employee

(m) A student member elected by the Students’ Union6

The appointed member shall serve for a three year period and shall be eligible for re‐appointment.

In attendance (as and when required for individual items):

Appropriate University and Students’ Union Officers including:

Representatives from Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Groups

Head of Student Wellbeing

Disability Adviser

Admissions Officer

Director of Estates

This list is not exhaustive 


3. Terms of reference 

(a) To make recommendations to Executive Board to drive initiatives to meet and help deliver the University’s vision and strategy.

(b) To make recommendations to Executive Board (via the Executive Director of HR) on the formulation and evaluation of the University’s policies, procedures, strategies and measures, and the actions required to comply with and fulfill the University’s statutory obligations and Executive Board to take forward to Council.

(c) To monitor the institution’s progress against the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy by considering reports from the HR Adviser (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion), sub‐committees and working groups.

(d) To submit the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report to Council once agreed by Executive Board and oversee its publication once approved.

(e) To audit annually the equality analysis process to ensure they have been carried out to the agreed standard, making recommendations for improvements and giving approval for publication.

(f) To establish, as and when necessary, working groups to investigate and report on other Equality, Diversity and Inclusion matters.

(g) To report to Council annually via Executive Board, and at such other times as may be appropriate.

(h) To consider annually, equal opportunities monitoring information and to make recommendations to other committees (e.g. Executive Board) on the basis of that information.

(i) To promote and support the work of the equality, diversity and inclusion staff groups.

(j) To promote embedding of equality, diversity and inclusion and best practice across the institution. 


4. Responsbilities

1 The Directors of Faculty Operations and Faculty Directors of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are responsible for informing the faculty management on required actions to achieve compliance with equality legislation, ensuring effective communication between the Faculties and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee and reporting faculty progress back to the Committee.

2 The Registrar will be responsible for informing the Senior Officers Group on required actions to achieve compliance with equality legislation and for reporting progress from the Senior Officers Group back to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.

3 The Executive Director of Human Resources will be responsible for progressing required actions where they apply to staff.  The Executive Director of Human Resources will report progress back to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee and will be responsible for reporting actions required to Executive Board.

4 The Academic Registrar will be responsible for reporting on progress within student administration and for advising correct name on required actions for compliance.

5 The HR Adviser (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) will be responsible for reporting progress from various working groups and updating the Committee on progress against the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy.

6 Role normally filled by the Students’ Union Activities Officer 


Established by Council Minutes 104, 19.04.1999 

Revised by Council Minutes 44, 10.12.01; 99, 19.7.2004; 24, 12.12.2005

Re‐printed August 2002 (Editorial Amendments)

Revised and re‐named Diversity Committee by Council Minute 7, 10.10.2005

Revised to report to be a sub‐committee of Executive Board by Council on 12.12.05

Revised to add additional student representative by Diversity Committee 13.1.06

Updated for job titles and other terminology 11.4.13

Revised and re-named Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee by Council Minute 49, 17.12.2018