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Executive Board Terms of Reference

(Committee of Council and Senate)

1. SECRETARY  Dr Simon Meacher, Head of Executive and Governance Office 


(a) The Vice-Chancellor and President (Chair)

(b) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (if appointed)

(c) The Pro-Vice-Chancellors

(d) The Registrar

(e) The Executive Director of External Relations

(f) The Executive Director of Finance

(g) The Executive Director of People Services

A quorum shall be not fewer than one third of the members.


(a) To keep under review the University’s strategy and make recommendations on the development of the strategy to Senate and Council.

(b) To exercise an integrated overview of the University's policies and resources through the implementation of the strategic plan 

(c) To consider plans for Faculties and Professional Services.

(d) To ensure a prompt and strongly co-ordinated approach to the evaluation of academic and business opportunities and of proposals for major new initiatives.

(e) To ensure efficient and effective project management of major initiatives.

(f) To take ownership and management responsibility for key risks.

(g) To review relevant reports from Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee and monitor implementation of their recommendations.

(h) To keep under review, through the monitoring undertaken by the Financial Monitoring & Budget Scrutiny Group and the Budget Setting Group, the use of resources and financial performance of all budgetary units.

(i) To approve, for report through Senate to Council, the annual financial allocations to the Faculties and other budgetary units.

(j) To recommend the framework, timetable and format for the annual planning and budgetary exercise for approval by Senate and Council.

(k) To review the mechanisms for the internal allocation of resources based on agreed principles and to report to Council.

(l) To consider value for money issues (economy, efficiency and effectiveness) as part of the ongoing business of the University and as an essential requirement of all policy decisions.

(m) To identify the relevant University key performance indicators against identified strategic objectives; to monitor performance against those indicators on a regular basis; to take appropriate action to address issues identified under performance and report to Council on the outcomes.

(n) To recommend to Senate appointments to fill vacancies for Senate appointed Chairs of University Committees and other bodies and Senate appointed members on major University Committees.

(o) To report to Council on health and safety issues and forward any reports from Health and Safety Committee directly to Council.

(p) To report to Council on diversity issues and forward any reports from Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee directly to Council.

(q) To report to Council on People issues.

(r) To report to Council on ethical issues and forward any reports from Research Ethics Committee directly to Council.


Any member who has a pecuniary, family or other personal interest in any matter under discussion at any meeting of the committee shall, as soon as practicable, disclose that fact to the meeting and shall, if requested by the Chair, withdraw from that part of the discussion.  A member is not, however, considered to have a pecuniary or personal interest in matters under discussion merely by being a member of staff or a student of the University.

Established by Council Minute 42, 10.12.01 and by Senate Minute 35,  03.12.01

Revised by Senate Minutes 65, 18.03.03; 21, 16.11.2004; 85, 19.6.2007; 96, 16.7.2008; 38, 11.1.2011; 71, 12.4.2011 and by Council Minutes 76, 31.03.03; 20, 13.12.2004; 24, 12.12.2005; 63, 3.4.2006; 122, 16.7.2007; 129, 14.7.2008; 62, 7.2.2011; 124, 6.6.2011

Editorial Amendments August 2003; October 2003; August 2014; April 2015; January 2020; March 2020; June 2022; May 2023.