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University Health & Safety Committee

Terms of Reference (a Sub-Committee of Executive Board)

1 Secretary

Head of Occupational Health & Safety Service


2 Membership

The Committee shall be composed of management and Union members, with attending members of relevant expertise. 

A Management members:

  • Chairman (Appointed by Council for a three year term)
  • Lay member Appointed by Council
  • Member of Executive Board responsible for Health and Safety
  • Chairman of the Radiation Protection Sub-Committee 
  • Chairman of the Microbiological Hazards and Genetic Modification Safety Advisory Sub-Committee 
  • Director of Estates Support Service (or nominee)
  • Director of Accommodation and Hospitality Services (or nominee)
  • Chairs of Faculty Health & Safety Committees and Professional Support Services Health & Safety Committee

B Elected members:

The appointment and election of these members of the University Health & Safety Committee is undertaken under the local rules of the bodies concerned.

  • Students’ Union Society (two appointed Sabbatical Officers)
  • UCU (two members)
  • UNISON (three members)
  • UNITE (two members)

C Attending persons:

These are expert persons who the Committee may summon attendance to provide advice, guidance and report.

  • Routine attendance expected
    • Head of Occupational Health & Safety Service
    • Deputy Head of Occupational Health & Safety Service 
    • University Occupational Health Practitioner 
    • University Insurance Officer
  • To be called when specific issues require
    • University Biological Safety Adviser
    • University Radiation Protection Adviser

D Invited attendees

To facilitate communication between employers sharing workplaces as required under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations.

  • Chairman Dental School / Hospital Joint Health & Safety Committee (or nominee)
  • Representative of the Newcastle Hospital Trust Safety Office

E Quorum

A quorum shall be not fewer than one third of the members (groups A and B above).


3 Terms of Reference

The terms have been extracted from the University Safety Strategy approved by Council in April 2008.

  • University Health & Safety Committee will oversee and manage the co-ordination of safety policy and will manage and monitor the implementation of the University Safety Strategy, to ensure the mission and strategy is delivered.
  • University Health & Safety Committee’s key tasks are to:
    • develop and maintain the safety strategy on Executive Board’s behalf
    • develop and monitor the action plan for strategic safety matters
    • report to Executive Board on progress in achieving the safety strategy and action plan
    • set, monitor and review University safety policy
    • monitor how routine health and safety work is undertaken including relevant reports to enforcing authorities
    • provide a consultation forum for management, staff and unions on health and safety matters
    • monitor the provision of health and safety support services at the University via the Occupational Health & Safety Service and Faculty / School level provisions
  • To undertake these roles the Committee will include a Council-appointed independent Chair (from senior staff); a Council appointed lay member; a Member of Executive Board responsible for Health and Safety; and Trade Union representatives. The University Health & Safety Committee is also supported on a day-to-day basis by the Occupational Health & Safety Service.


Date of Last Review: 26.06.14

Date Approved by Executive Board: 03.03.15