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Higher Education Innovation Fund Oversight Committee

(A Sub-Committee of University Executive Board)

1. Secretary 

Executive Assistant to PVC RSR 


2. Membership

Ex officio members:

(a) The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research Strategy and Resources) (Chair)

(b) Three Faculty Deans with responsibility for knowledge exchange (eg Deans of Research & Innovation or of Engagement/Internationalisation)

(c) The Dean of Engagement and Place

(d) The Dean of Innovation and Business

(e) The Director of Business Development and Enterprise

(f) The Dean of Culture and Creative Arts

(g) The Engagement Manager

Additional members:

Up to three additional members of staff with expertise and responsibilities in knowledge exchange may be invited to join the committee 

A quorum shall be not fewer than one third of the members

In attendance:

The Assistant Accountant, Finance, Business and Research, Central Projects and Services Manager. 


3. Terms of reference 

(a) To develop and review as appropriate the five year strategy for HEIF funding allocations required by Research England.

(b) To develop and submit reports to Research England on HEIF allocations.

(c) To recommend annual allocations of HEIF funding within the Institution for consideration by UEB.

(d) To ensure that allocation of HEIF funding aligns with the University’s strategic objectives.

(e) To monitor HEIF expenditure quarterly and make adjustments to budget allocations as appropriate.

(f) To monitor the outcome of initiatives funded under HEIF. 


4. Frequency of meetings

The Committee to meet at least quarterly.


BRW/YSL/Last updated 05.04.2019