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Honorary Degrees Committee

(Committee of Senate)

1. Secretary    

The Registrar 



2. Membership

Ex officio members: 

(a) The Vice-Chancellor (Chair) 

(b) The Senior Public Orator 

(c)The Public Orators 

(d) The Chair of the Public Lectures Committee 

(e) The Chair of Convocation 

(f) The Deputy Chair of Convocation (if appointed) or an alumni representative nominated by Convocation

(g) Two Sabbatical Officers nominated by the President of the Students’ Union 

Appointed members: 

(h) Three from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (if appointed) and the Pro-Vice-Chancellors, appointed by Senate 

(i) One member of Senate from each Faculty, not being an ex officio member, appointed by the Faculty 

(j) One member of Court, appointed by Court 

(k) One member of Council, appointed by Council 

A quorum shall be not fewer than one third of the members.


3. Terms of reference

(a) To recommend to Senate the name of persons for the conferment of honorary degrees in accordance with the Standing Orders of Senate. 

(b) To make recommendations to Senate on any matter connected with the award of honorary degrees.


Established by Senate Minute 3, 01.08.63. Revised by Senate Minutes 388, 26.04.88; 100, 01.02.94; 149, 18.06.02; 85, 19.6.2007; 29, 13.1.2009; 61, 21.4.2009; 75, 12.4.2011; 49, 18.01.2023

Editorial amendments November 2003, February 2006, September 2007, August 2014, April 2015, October 2016, December 2022.