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Infrastructure Strategy Group

Terms of Reference


The Infrastructure Strategy Group (ISG) is responsible for setting ambitions, priorities and plans for the development of all elements of physical and digital estate, facilities, and infrastructure so that they best serve the University’s strategic priorities and are aligned with other developments in the University. ISG is also responsible for monitoring progress against these plans.

ISG is a sub-committee of University Executive Board. Members of ISG represent the professional services and academic leads for infrastructure across the University. ISG provides advice to University and Faculty Executive Boards, Finance Committee and Council where decisions are made on infrastructure investments under the University’s delegation of authority framework.

ISG’s remit extends to all physical campuses where the University holds or shares responsibility for provision of infrastructure, including in the city of Newcastle, the North East region, and in Singapore and Malaysia. It also extends to digital provision for all students and employees of Newcastle University and its subsidiaries.

ISG does not hold responsibility for implementation of individual projects or for budgetary control relating to university infrastructure. Implementation and operation responsibilities are devolved to the Estates & Facilities project steering groups, NUIT and other governance structures, all reporting to FMBSG and/or University Executive Board.

ISG supersedes the Estate Capital Strategic Planning Committee, Digital Campus Strategy Group, and Campus of the Future group with effect from 1st October 2022.





Deputy Vice Chancellor (chair)

Brian Walker

Strategic Projects & Change team


Melissa Turner or deputy

Director of Estates & Facilities

Iain Garfield

Interim Director of NUIT

Clair Elliott

NUIT Chief Technology Officer or deputy

Jonathan Taylor/Alan Cecchini

Director of Academic Services and University Librarian

Jill Taylor-Roe

Academic Registrar or deputy

Lucy Backhurst/Naomi Oosman-Watts

Chair of the Environmental Sustainability

Group and PVC Global & Sustainability

Richard Davies

Head of Sustainability

Matt Dunlop

Faculty Deans of Strategic Projects

Paul Fleet (HaSS)

John Fitzgerald (SAgE) TBC (FMS)

Dean of Digital Education

David Kennedy

Executive Director of Finance or deputy

Nick Collins/Neil Bonnington

Other members as co-opted by the Chair




  • Set out the principles for provision and design of university infrastructure
  • Ensure that plans for infrastructure development are aligned with the core values and serve the strategic priorities and plans of the University, including for net zero carbon and sustainability
  • Ensure alignment of infrastructure development with other developments in the University across education, research, engagement and internationalisation portfolios and in support of the University’s culture and enablers
  • Identify opportunities for synergies and efficiencies in location and provision of facilities that serve multiple academic units
  • Seek and incorporate the views of all stakeholders, including the voices of students and colleagues, in shaping the infrastructure agenda and enable linkages with student-led projects
  • Take ownership of, regularly review and consider the integration of the University’s Estates Masterplan and Digital Strategy Framework.
  • Receive reports on progress and implementation of the infrastructure development plans from implementation groups.
  • Make recommendations to University Executive Board, Finance Committee, and Council regarding the University’s infrastructure development and capital expenditure plan


Format and cadence

ISG will meet for 2 hours every 8 weeks. Meetings will be held in different venues and will be combined with tours of the university estate. Extraordinary meetings may be arranged at the discretion of the Chair.

Standing items will include the Estates Masterplan, Digital Strategy Framework and Environmental Sustainability plan. Strategic items for discussion will include infrastructure requirements for education, research, knowledge exchange, and internationalisation.

ISG will receive informal reports and formal infrastructure plans and proposals from faculties, professional services including Estates & Facilities and NUIT, and relevant major project groups including the CAV Joint Venture Board.

ISG may commission or organise briefing sessions, consultation events or other work to be undertaken on its behalf by internal or external groups.

Deputies may attend when members are unavailable. Outputs will be agreed by consensus amongst all members, either present at the meeting or by electronic correspondence. A quorum will be at least 50% of members.

Outputs from ISG will include an Action Log and Minutes which will be shared at least annually with University and Faculty Executive Boards.