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Intellectual Property and Spin-Out Committee

(Sub-Committee of Executive Board)

1. Secretary 

Financial Administration Manager, Finance and Planning


2. Membership

(a) The Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research Strategy and Resources (Chair)

(b) The University Dean of Business and Innovation

(c) The Executive Director of Finance 

(d) Up to two representatives from each Faculty (Dean and Associate Dean), most closely associated with Research and Innovation 

(e) The Director of Business Development and Enterprise  

(f) The Head of Company Creation 

(g) The Head of Legal and Intellectual Property 

(h) Up to three lay members, appointed by the Committee, one of whom will act as Deputy Chair  

A quorum shall be not be fewer than one third of the members. 


3. Procedure

3.1 Meetings 

Meetings will be held quarterly

3.2 Reporting

  • Quarterly update report to Newcastle University Holdings Ltd. 
  • Annual spin out and IP activity report to Executive Board. 


4. Terms of reference

i. To develop the University’s Policy on Ownership, Protection and Exploitation of Intellectual Property for Employees and associated procedures, reviewing them regularly and recommending changes as necessary to Executive Board, Finance Committee and Newcastle University Holdings Ltd.  

ii. To provide a strategic overview of the University’s approach to filing and maintaining patents and licensing use of its intellectual property, receiving regular reports from the Faculty subgroups established to manage this on a day to day basis. 

iii. To provide a strategic overview of the adequacy and use of the University’s patent budget.

iv. To agree the University’s “standard offering” for spin outs including: equity stakeholding; use of University assets; provision of staff time and contribution to patent costs, etc.  

v. To review and endorse the University’s “standard offering” on an annual basis. 

vi. To consider proposals for the formation of companies involving University staff and/or University Intellectual Property. 

vii. To consider requests for deviations from the University’s “standard offering” on a case by case basis as requested by the relevant Faculty Dean and to refer these as necessary to Newcastle University Holdings Ltd. Such deviations will usually be in return for increased equity. 

viii. To consider, in conjunction with Newcastle University Holdings Ltd., requests for investment funds for spin-out companies on a case by case basis, and make recommendations where appropriate to Finance Committee. 

ix. To consider any post-formation requests as recommended by the relevant Faculty Dean and to refer these as necessary to Newcastle University Holdings Ltd., Finance Committee and Executive Board.  

x. To consider requests from companies to take a licence to the University’s corporate trademark on products/services which the University been involved in developing 

vii. To receive and consider quarterly update reports from each of the Faculties, the Company Creation Unit, the Intellectual Property Team and Newcastle University Holdings Ltd. 

viii. To consider annually the University’s equity schedule. 


Updated October 2018, Approved by Executive Board 29th January 2019