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Knowledge Exchange and Policy Oversight Committee

1. Secretariat 

Commercial Projects Team Manager  


2. Membership 

(a) Dean, Engagement & Place (Chair) 

(b) Pro-Vice Chancellor Research Strategy & Resources (Vice Chair)

(c) Faculty Deans of Research & Innovation and  Engagement and Place

(d) Dean of Innovation and Business

(e) Dean of Lifelong Learning and Professional Practice

(f) Dean of Culture and the Creative Arts

(g) Co-Director Policy Academy (Deputy Director Projects & Partnerships)

(h) Director of Business Development and Enterprise

(i) Director of Student Experience

(j) Head of Engagement

(k) Head of Corporate Communications

In attendance:

Assistant Accountant, Financial Performance

Commercial Projects Team Manager, BDE-Commercial Projects

Administrator & Policy Academy Manager, Projects & Partnerships

Business Analyst, Research team 


3. Terms of reference 

(a) The purpose of the group is to oversee strategic and operational matters relating to Knowledge Exchange and Policy. It will report to Executive Board on activities including: 

i. Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF) 

ii. Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF). 

iii. Knowledge Exchange Concordant (KEC) 

iv. Quality Research (QR) Strategic Priorities Fund (SPF) in relation to Research to Policy engagement activities. 

v. Higher Education – Business & Community Interaction Survey (HE-BCIS) 

(b) To ensure alignment of knowledge and policy exchange activities with University strategic priorities and key national and global policies e.g. UK Industrial Strategy Grand Challenges and UN Sustainable Development Goals.

(c) To ensure commitment to a fully rounded approach to Knowledge and Policy exchange activities, engaging relevant networks.

(d) To ensure the institutional approach commits in practice, to embedding Equality, Diversity & Inclusion. 

(e) To ensure that institutional communications with our partners locally, nationally and globally are cohesive and consistent with our strategic principles and values demonstrating clear leadership.

(f) To ensure the institutional approach contributes fully and equitably to supporting activities across the social, economic, cultural, environmental & policy-making spectrum.

(g) To develop appropriate mechanisms to benchmark, review & enhance institutional performance, leading to the collation of quantifiable evidence for effective reporting to the Vice-Chancellor, Executive Board, UKRI and UUK and others, as required.

(h) To ensure that appropriate policies and processes are in place to provide: (i) a reporting mechanism (ii) scrutiny and assurance (ii) compliance; with HEIF and Quality Research (QR) Strategic Priorities Fund (SPF) funding regulations. 


4. Frequency and format of meetings 

a) The Group will meet formally on a quarterly basis 

b) Meetings ordinarily will be of 2 hours duration.  Where the Group will be meeting to review and approve annual plans or report submissions the length of the meeting will be amended accordingly.

c) Actions will be assigned to Committee members only.  Where appropriate, time-limited task groups will be established with relevant additional members and report back to the Committee. 


Approved by Executive Board 6 October 2020