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University Museum and Gallery Board

(Committee of Senate)

1. Secretary

Mrs Yvonne Lee, Executive Assistant



2. Membership

ex officio members:

(a) The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Engagement and Place) of Newcastle University (Chair)

(b) The Director of Tyne and Wear Museums

(c) The Executive Director of Finance of Newcastle University

(d) The Dean of Culture and Creative Arts of Newcastle University

appointed members:

(e) A member appointed by Newcastle City Council (Vice-Chair)

(f) A member appointed by the Natural History Society of Northumbria

(g) A member appointed by the Society of Antiquaries, Newcastle upon Tyne

(h) A lay member of the Council of Newcastle University, appointed by Council

(i) A member appointed by the Senate of Newcastle University

Co-opted members:

The Board may co-opt additional members, either for set periods or indefinitely. Co-opted members shall not have voting rights.

(The members in categories (e) - (i) shall hold office for three years, and be eligible for re-appointment.)

In attendance:

The Museum Manager, Great North Museum: Hancock.

A quorum shall be not fewer than five members, including the Chair or Vice-Chair, or both. 


Terms of reference 

(a) To maintain sight of the mission and goals of the Great North Museum: Hancock and Hatton Gallery and help deliver the respective plans for the venues.

(b) To ensure that the Great North Museum: Hancock and Hatton Gallery meet the accreditation standards of Arts Council England and that both venues continue to receive full recognition as a University Museum and Gallery through relevant organisations, including UKRI.

(c) To strategically support the financial sustainability of the Museum and Gallery and to observe the highest standards of integrity and objectivity in relation to stewardship of public funds and management.

(d) To be accountable to University Executive Board and Senate for the activities of the Museum and Gallery, reporting annually and making recommendations to ensure the objectives within respective business plans are met.

(e) To promote and encourage advocacy for the Great North Museum: Hancock and Hatton Gallery and bring influence to bear in supporting existing and developing new relationships with the potential to advance work.

(f) To ensure that the collections of the Great North Museum: Hancock and Hatton Gallery are well cared for, well documented, researched, maintained and displayed for public benefit.

(g) To ensure oversight of the relationship between the University, the Natural History Society of Northumbria and the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne and its collections where relevant.


Established by Council Minute 106, 18.5.2009

Amended by Chair of Council action, 1.2.2011

Amended by Council Minute 62, 7.2.2011

Amended by Senate Minute 70, 12.4.2011; 16, 20.11.2018