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Northumbrian Universities Military Education Cttee

1. Secretary

Dr Simon Meacher, Head of Executive and Governance Office, Newcastle University     

[The Committee is serviced through the Office of the Registrar, Newcastle University, King’s Gate, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU]     


2. Membership

Ex officio members:

(a) The Commanding Officer, Northumbrian Universities Officer Training Corps

(b) The Commanding Officer, Northumbrian Universities Air Squadron 

(c) The Commanding Officer, Northumbrian Universities Royal Naval Unit 

(d) The Commanding Officer, ‘Trojan Squadron’, Defence Technical Undergraduates Scheme 

(e) The Air Officer Commanding and Commandant, Royal Air Force College, Cranwell (or their representative)

(f)The Commodore, Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth (or their representative)

(g) The Chief Executive , Reserve Forces and Cadets Association for the North of England, Durham (or their representative)

Appointed members:

(h) A Chair appointed jointly by the Senates of the Universities of Newcastle and Durham in consultation with NUMEC.

(i) Four members appointed by the Senate of Newcastle University.

(j) Three members appointed by the Senate of the University of Durham.

(k) Two members appointed by each of the Universities of Northumbria, Sunderland and Teesside.

(l) One student member appointed by the Commanding Officer of each University Service Unit.

(m) Up to four members co-opted by the Committee. 


3. Tenure of appointment 

(a) The Chair, and appointed members shall serve for a period of up to three years and shall be eligible for re-appointment. 

(b) Co-opted members and student members shall serve for two years with the option of re-appointment for one further year. 

(c) Terms of appointment may be amended and/or extended by the Senates of the Universities of Durham and Newcastle, on the recommendation of the Executive Committee of NUMEC.  


4. Terms of reference

(a) Principal aims:

(i) to encourage the study of defence-related issues within the constituent universities;

(ii) to promote the selection, instruction and training of candidates for Commissions in the Regular and Reserve Forces;

(iii) to co-operate with the Ministry of Defence in all Service matters affecting the universities;

(iv) to ensure that the time spent by undergraduates enrolled in a Service contingent is not to the detriment of their academic studies;

(v) to encourage liaison between the university Service contingents and the Regular and Reserve Forces at regional level;

(vi) to report via the Senates to the Councils of the universities, or their equivalent statutory bodies, on all matters which require their financial consideration, and all matters which affect the roles of the Service Units in the universities.

(b) Role in relation to University Service Units:


a) To advise and support the Unit in its role as an organisation within the academic communities.

b) To liaise with the Ministry of Defence, the Corps and the universities on all matters concerning UniversityService relationships. 

(ii) NUAS

a) To advise and support the Squadron in its role as an organization within the academic communities.

b) To liaise with the Ministry of Defence, the  Squadron and the universities on all matters concerning the University-Service relationships. 

(iii) NURNU

a) To advise and support the Unit in its role as an organization within the academic communities. 

b) To liaise with the Ministry of Defence, the  Unit and the universities on all matters concerning university relationships.

(iv) DTUS

c) To advise and support the Unit in its role as an organization within the academic communities. 


5. COUNCIL OF MILITARY EDUCATION COMMITTEES (COMEC) NUMEC will subscribe to the Council, and will appoint representatives to attend the annual meeting of COMEC on behalf of the universities.

8. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION NUMEC will have powers to recommend an annual subscription, the level of which will be subject to the approval of the Chair. The subscription will be payable by each university represented on NUMEC; the NUMEC membership of any institution failing to subscribe will be deemed to be in abeyance.



Established by Senate Minute 4(b), 01.08.63

Revised by Senate Minute 65, 25.10.88; 62, 30.11.93; 52, 28.1.03; 52, 5.3.19

Reprinted February 2003

Editorial amendments December 2003, April 2005, June 2007, May 2008 (in line with Government legislation);

17 March 2014 (in line with changes to army recruitment); October 2022.