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People Matters Group (PMG)

(Sub-Committee of Executive Board)

1. Secretary 

Personal Assistant to Executive Director of People 


2. Membership

Ex officio members: 

(a) Executive Director of People (Chair)

(b) Vice-Chancellor

(c) Deputy Vice-Chancellor

(d) Pro-Vice-Chancellor for the Faculty of SAgE

(e) Pro-Vice Chancellor for the Faculty of HASS

(f) Pro-Vice-Chancellor for the Faculty of FMS

(g) Executive Director of Finance

(h) The Registrar

(i) Executive Director of Academic Affairs

(j) Head of People Solutions

(k) Head of People Operations

(l) Head of People Engagement and Culture

In attendance 

Other members as necessary at the invitation of the chair


3. Quorum

A quorum shall be not fewer than one third of the members. 


4. Terms of reference

  • Provide proactive and strategic advice and guidance on the University’s People strategic enabler and the policies and practices designed to achieve them. The people strategic enabler will be translated into an annual people plan and approved by EB in June/July and prior to the start of the new financial year.
  • Evaluate and consider the progress, effectiveness and co-dependency of the people strategic enabler between the delivery of the University’s Vision, Values, Guiding principles, four core strategies and the other strategic enablers.
  • To encourage innovation with respect to the University’s employment policies and practices and to give considerable care and attention to input from colleague engagement and give due consideration to issues of equality, diversity and inclusion in all areas of work.
  • To receive advice from and provide support to the Executive Director of People in relation to matters of corporate interest. Provide a forum for input, discussion and feedback on contemporary people insight and practice.
  • To identify external and internal developments and drivers which are relevant to the university’s success which in turn inform its people strategic enabler.
  • Proactively review and analyse colleague experience and engagement (opinions and attitudes) to support successful and sustainable organisation cultural evolution.
  • To ensure the university’s annual people plan and its implementation continues to be consistent with stakeholder expectations.
  • To regularly review the University’s key performance indictors with regard to the annual people plan, for example, engagement survey index, EDI, H&S, Recruitment and Operations.
  • To help identify key people risks for inclusion on the University risk register.  Provide advice and counsel on the effective organisation and management of the risks. 
  • To consider and recommend to Council, via Executive Board, any major changes to our annual people plan, policy or practice.
  • Promote and uphold the University’s and guiding principles by working with academic and professional colleagues
  • Identify opportunities to promote the University’s values and guiding principles 


5. Relationships with other committees/groups and forums 

The PMG has two new sub committees. They are: 

  • The People Policy Forum
  • The Reward Forum

The PMG shall receive and exchange information and assurances from other committees such as; 

  • EDI
  • Health & Safety
  • Strategy Implementation Group
  • Trade unions 

The relationship with other committees, groups and forums will be a standing agenda item to ensure the PMG acts on appropriate actions points.

The PMG may receive escalated matters of concern from other committees/groups and forums in relation to the people plan that require further review and may, if necessary, raise concerns or request assistance and input from other committees/groups and forums in order to meet the terms of reference. 


6. Procedure

  • The PMG will meet at least four times per year, Meetings will last no longer than three hours. The PMG may consider urgent matters through correspondence.
  • Actions, agendas and pre-reading materials will normally be circulated to all PMG members at least 5 working days in advance of the meeting. Late papers may be circulated up to two days prior to the meeting.
  • Working groups may be convened to consider specific topics and may include academic and/or Professional Services colleagues and trade union representatives as a means of gaining wider views and ownership.
  • Any member who has a pecuniary, family or other personal interest in any matter under discussion at any meeting of the committee shall, as soon as practicable, disclose that fact to the meeting and shall, if requested by the Chair, withdraw from that part of the discussion.  A member is not, however, considered to have a pecuniary or personal interest in matters under discussion merely by being a member of staff or a student of the University. 


7. Annual report

  • The PMG will prepare an annual report at the end of each financial year, which will be reviewed and agreed at the last PMG of the respective financial year. The annual report will then be shared with EB for final review and approval. 


Approved by Executive Board: 18 June 2019

Revised Membership approved by PMG 1 May 2020