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Principles of Council

  1. Council is collectively responsible for the strategic and financial direction of the University, acknowledging that Senate is, by statute, the supreme governing body of the University in all academic matters. 
  2. Members of Council have a corporate responsibility for ensuring that Council functions in the best interests of the University. Members shall exercise their responsibilities in the interests of the institution as a whole rather than as representatives of any constituency.
  3. Council will hold the University to account in a demonstrable and open way that promotes public confidence in the University. It will ensure it receives the information it requires to fulfil this role. 
  4. Council conducts its business in accordance with best practice in higher education corporate governance ensuring compliance with the statutes, and provisions regulating the University and its framework of governance.
  5. Members of Council subscribe to the seven principles of public life first established by the Committee on Standards in Public Life (“the Nolan principles”): selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.
  6. Members of Council subscribe to, and will champion the value system set out in Newcastle University’s Vision and Strategy, fostering an environment in which it is achieved.   
  7. Members of Council will be proactive in the exercise of their responsibilities and commit to developing the knowledge required to exercise them. They will make use of their skills and experience when exercising their responsibilities and play a full part in the taking of corporate decisions. 
  8. Members of Council will endeavour to establish constructive and supportive, but collegially challenging, working relationships with the University’s senior management team.
  9. Members of Council subscribe to the Office for Students Public Interest Governance Principles. 

Approved by Council, 24 October 2011

Editorial Amendment, 12 October 2018