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Radiation Protection Sub-Committee

(Sub-Committee of Safety Committee)

1. Secretary 

Assistant University Safety Officer 


2. Membership 

Ex officio members:

(a) The University Radiation Protection Officer

(b) The University Radiation Protection Adviser

(c) All appointed Radiation Protection Supervisors

Appointed members:

(d) A Chairman appointed by Council to serve for three years and eligible for re-appointment

Co-opted members: Up to two members co-opted by the Committee to serve for periods of up to three years at a time and who shall be eligible for re-appointment.

A quorum shall be not fewer than one third of the members.

The University Safety Officer shall normally be in attendance. 


3. Terms of reference 

(a) To monitor and keep under review all relevant legislation and codes of practice relating to radiation, and to advise Safety Committee on the steps necessary to implement such legislation and codes of practice. 

(b) To ensure the establishment and maintenance of records of all sources of radiation in the University and of all those engaged in work liable to expose them to radiation hazards. 

(c) To consult on matters of common interest with University Research Strategy Group and with the appropriate Health Authority and Hospital Trusts. 

(d) To provide reports, give advice and make recommendations to Safety Committee about any matter relating to protection against radiation hazards. 

(e) To appoint, on behalf of the PVC and subject to report to Safety Committee and the PVC, Radiation Protection Supervisors. 

(f) To report annually to the nominated PVC and Safety Committee on the exercise of such executive powers which may have been delegated to the Sub-Committee by the nominated PVC. 

(g) To provide advice to the nominated PVC upon request. 

(h) To make recommendations to Safety Committee and the nominated PVC concerning the appointment of the University Radiation Protection Officer and the University Radiation Protection Adviser . 


Committee established by Council Minute 04, 01.08.63.

Revised by Council Minutes 278, 06.44.87; 256, 09.05.88; 42, 19.11.90, 79, 14.2.94; 172, 04.07.94; 140, 08.07.02; 122, 16.7.2007