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University Research and Innovation Committee

(Committee of Senate)

1. Membership

Ex officio members:

(a) The Pro Vice Chancellor (Research Strategy & Resources) (Chair)

(b) The Dean of Innovation & Business

(c) The Dean of Research Culture & Strategy

(d) The Director of Newcastle University Academic Track

(e) The Faculty Deans of Research & Innovation

(f) The Director of Research Strategy & Development

(g) The Deputy Director of Research Strategy & Development & Head of NJRO

(h) The Director of Business Development & Enterprise

(i) The Heads of Faculty Research

(j) The Research Strategy Manager

(k) Head of Research Funding

(l) The Chief Information Officer, NUIT

(m) The Director of Academic Services & University Library

(n) A Senate representative

(o) The Student Union PG Sabbatical Officer

The following shall be in attendance at meetings of University Research & Innovation Committee:

Representatives as the Chair deems necessary to support the effective conduct of the Committee’s business.

A quorum shall be not less than one-third of the members in attendance.


2. Secretary

A member of the Research Strategy & Development


3. Terms of reference

(a) To advise University Executive Board through the Chair on all issues relating to research and innovation including the strategic deployment of resources in support of the University Research Strategy and Innovation and Business Strategy and associated monitoring of Key Performance Indicators.

(b) To regularly monitor and review research and innovation related risks and controls identified within the University’s Strategic Risk Register.

(c) To focus on research horizons, needs and strategy, to be responsible for taking a holistic view of research landscapes, strengths and opportunities, and to deploy strategic funding made available by the University to realize its vision for growth in research and its commercial applications.

(d) To identify strategic and organisational issues resulting from interdisciplinary research, to promote synergies and funding opportunities at the institutional level, and to recommend appropriate organizational structures to capitalise on these opportunities.

(e) To have strategic oversight of the University’s research management IT systems.

(f) To promote a vibrant research and innovation culture across all three faculties and ensure the University delivers good practice in research that meets funder standards and governance.

(g) To advise on the appropriate promotion and profile raising activities relating to the University’s research and business enterprise activities.

(h) To advise on issues associated with the accuracy, validity and use of research data.

(i) To advise on the strategy of equipment provision and avoidance of duplication and to monitor its effectiveness in the context of a devolved funding environment.

(j) To oversee the implementation and operation of the University’s research ethics and integrity related policies and procedures ensuring compliance with the Concordat to Support Research Integrity.

(k) To keep under review the University’s implementation of The Concordat to support the Career Development of Researchers (via the Developing Excellent Researchers subcommittee) and other relevant aspects of people management in support of research.

(l) To oversee the co-ordination of preparations for national Research Excellence Framework exercises (via the REF Steering Group sub-committee), including, review and internal assessment in conjunction with Faculty Research & Innovation Committees.

(m) To co-ordinate responses to national consultations relating to the research and innovation agenda.

(n) To report quarterly to Executive Board regarding research income and awards and regularly to Senate, as appropriate.


4. URIC Sub-Committees

(a) REF Steering Group

(b) Global Research Oversight Group

(c) Research Culture Co-ordination Group

(d) PG Sub-Committee


August 2022