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Riddell Memorial Lectures Committee

(See University Statutes)

1. Secretary

Public Lectures and Events Manager


2. Membership

Ex officio members:

(a) The Lord Bishop of Newcastle

(b) The Vice-Chancellor, Chair (or their nominee)

Appointed members:

(c) Seven members appointed by Senate representing as far as possible the subjects covered by the lectures

(d) One person appointed by the Senate of the University of Durham

(e) Such other persons not exceeding four in number as Senate may from time to time determine


3. Terms of reference

Under the terms of the Trust Deed the Committee is appointed to recommend to Senate the names of suitable persons for appointment to the Riddell Memorial Lectureship and (subject to the confirmation of the Senate) to control the funds of the Endowment.

(Circumstances have changed since the Trust Deed was drawn up so that the present practice is for the Committee to report to Senate the names of suitable persons for appointment to the Lectureship and to approve all arrangements in connection with the Lectures and their publication.  The Lectures are now financed in large measure by the University.)