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Senate Delegation of Powers and Authority

Senate is the supreme governing body of the University in all academic matters and shall, subject to the powers reserved to the Court and Council, take such measures and act in such a manner as shall appear to it best calculated to promote the interests of the University as a place of education, learning and research. Senate’s key role is to focus on the University’s academic policies and strategies. The nature of the University’s academic work is extremely complicated and Senate cannot expect to exercise detailed control over matters which require such attention to specific details.


Delegated Authorisation Schedule

This schedule lists the authorisations delegated from Senate.



Regulation of academic dress

University Education Committee

Approval of changes to University regulations and associated procedures that raise no substantive issues of academic precedent or principle

University Education Committee

Proposals (and associated regulations) for the introduction of new undergraduate degree programmes, and programmes of study for other award bearing qualifications in the University

University Education Committee

Proposals (and associated changes to regulations) for amendments to existing degrees and programmes of study for other award-bearing qualifications of the University

University Education Committee

Proposals for the re-approval of programmes following recommendations made by periodic review

University Education Committee

Proposals (and associated regulations) for new postgraduate programmes, taught and research, (and amendments to existing programmes)

University Education Committee

Proposals for the withdrawal of degree programmes, and programmes of study for other award bearing qualifications of the University

University Education Committee

Proposals to establish partnerships with other institutions for the delivery of collaborative provision

University Education Committee

Oversee the monitoring of educational provision

University Education Committee

To oversee the University’s engagement with external regulatory requirements relating to its educational provision, and to oversee the monitoring of action taken following receipt of reports relating to these requirements or from Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies.

University Education Committee 
Concessions  University Education Committee 

To co-ordinate preparations for national research assessment exercises, including review and internal assessment in conjunction with Faculty Research Strategy Groups 

University Research and Innovation Committee 

To recommend to Executive Board for approval by Senate and, in the case of Research Institutes, by Council, the establishment, plans and activities of University Research Institutes and University Research Centres, and to assess their overall performance, and to conduct periodic reviews on which to base recommendations for continuing Institute/Centre status 

University Research and Innovation Committee 

To oversee the implementation and operation of the University’s research ethics policies 

University and Faculty Research Ethics Committees 
To determine the strategic provision and allocation of University Research Fellowships and Studentships  University Research and Innovation Committee 

Approved by Senate Minute 7, 14.11.2006

Amended by Senate Minutes 15, 13.11.2007; 57, 2.3.2010; 47, 11.1.2011; 54, 10.01.2012

Editorial amendments October 2017; July 2018; September 2022