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Student Disciplinary Appeals Panel and Committees

(Sub-Committee of University Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Committee)

1. Secretary  

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching)


2. Membership

(a) A Student Disciplinary Panel comprised of members of academic or administrative staff on grade F or above appointed by UTLSEC who are qualified by reason of their experience of student matters, and three students appointed by ULTSEC on the nomination of the Students’ Union.

(b) A Disciplinary Convenor who shall be a member of academic staff who has recently served on the Student Disciplinary Panel, appointed by ULTSEC.  The Convenor will be regarded as a member of the Panel for the purposes of (d) and (e) below.

(c) A Deputy Disciplinary Convenor who shall be a member of the Student Disciplinary Panel nominated by the Disciplinary Convenor.

(d) A Student Disciplinary Committee which shall comprise of one or two members drawn from the staff members of the Student Disciplinary Panel, appointed by the Disciplinary Convenor.  The Convenor shall appoint one of the members as Chair.

(e) A Student Disciplinary Appeal[s] Committee which shall comprise of one member for less serious, less contentious cases and two members drawn from the staff members of the Student Disciplinary Panel and one member drawn from the student members of the Student Disciplinary Panel for more serious or complex cases, appointed by the Disciplinary Convenor.  No members of the Student Disciplinary Committee in a particular case may be appointed to the Appeals Committee for the same case.  The Convenor shall appoint one of the staff members as Chair.

Members in (a) to (e) above shall be appointed for three years in the first instance, with the normal expectation for renewal for a further three years. It is not the normal expectation that members serve for more than six years, but reappointment beyond six years is possible if it is in the interests of the University.


3. Terms of reference

To exercise on behalf of ULTSEC the powers conferred upon it by the Student Disciplinary Procedures approved by ULTSEC.