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Student Experience Sub-Committee

(A sub-committee of University Education Committee)

Membership and Terms of Reference


A member of staff from Student & Academic Services (Lizzie Taylor) 


1. Membership 

Ex officio members:

(a) The Academic Registrar (Chair) (Lucy Backhurst)

(b) The Director of Student Experience. (Deputy Chair of the Sub-Committee) (Marc Lintern)

(c) One member of academic staff from each faculty, nominated by the chair of the relevant Faculty Education Committee, to include at least one Dean or Associate Dean.

FMS: Dr Carys Watts (Senior Lecturer, School of Biomedical, Nutritional & Sports Sciences)

HaSS: Dr Katy McDonald (Senior Lecturer, School of Arts and Cultures & Associate Dean)

SAgE: Dr Sara Marsham (Senior Lecturer, School of Natural & Environmental Sciences & Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching)) 

(d) Three student representatives, nominated by the Newcastle University Students’ Union. (Eleanor Killner (Activities Officer), Pablo Charro de la Fuente (Education Officer) and Karina Sorrels (Postgraduate Officer)). 

(e) A member of the Library, nominated by the University Librarian. (Elizabeth Oddy)

(f) A member of NUIT, nominated by the Director of NUIT. (Dave Sharples)

(g) The Head of Student Progress, or nominee. (Angela McNeill)

(h) The Director of the Student Health and Wellbeing Service, or nominee.  (Sally Ingram)

(i) The Director of Accommodation Services, or nominee. (Paul Bandeen)

(j) The Director Of Membership and HR (Newcastle University Students’ Union) (Lindsey Lockey)

(k) The Director of Studies & Student Experience, INTO Newcastle University (Stephen Grinsell)

(l) A representative of Newcastle University London (vacant)

(m) The Students’ Union Coordinator (London) 

(n) A representative from the Senior Tutor Forum (Alison Howard and Rob Davidson)

(o) The Deputy Directors of Faculty Operations (FMS: Muriel Snowdon, HaSS: Sophie Brettell and SAgE: Laura Thomson)

The Sub-Committee may co-opt up to three further members, each for a period of up to three years.

In attendance:  Such officers as necessary in order to ensure the effective conduct of the Sub-Committee’s business. 

A quorum shall be not fewer than one third of the members.


2. Terms of reference 

(a) As directed by University Education Committee (UEC) to ensure the effective implementation of the extra and co-curricular elements of the holistic student development theme within the University Education Strategy

(b) To consider and make recommendation on strategic and associated operational issues of relevance to the student experience

(c) To monitor and make recommendations to UEC on policies and procedure on the student voice in relation to extra and co-curricular provision

(d) To be responsible to UEC for monitoring the provision of those Professional Services that support the student experience, and making recommendations to UEC as appropriate on the basis of this monitoring.

(e) To consider any other issues referred to it by UEC