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University Student Recruitment Strategy Committee

(A Sub-Committee of Executive Board)


1. The following shall be ex officio members of Student Recruitment Strategy Committee:

a. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor – Education (Chair)

b. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor – Global

c. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor – Faculty of Medical Sciences

d. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor – Humanities and Social Sciences

e. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor – Science, Agriculture and Engineering

f. The Director of Student Recruitment, Admissions and Progression

g. The Director of International Affairs

h. The Chief Information Officer

i. The Director of Marketing

j. The Director of Strategic Planning

k. The Director of Accommodation Services

2. The following shall be in attendance at meetings of USRSC:

Such officers as the Chair deems necessary to support the effective conduct of the Group’s business.

3. University Student Recruitment Strategy Committee shall have the authority to establish Task and Finish Groups to undertake specific projects/investigations the outputs of which will feed into strategy development.

4. A quorum shall be not fewer than one third of the members.



5. The secretariat to University Student Recruitment Strategy Committee will be drawn from Student Recruitment and Admissions.


Terms of reference

6. To take a forward looking view to develop and recommend to Executive Board high level strategy and policy on all aspects of Home, EU, International, Undergraduate and Postgraduate recruitment in light of internal and external environments.

7. To be responsible to Executive Board for ensuring the achievement of the University’s strategic aims and objectives for student recruitment and reporting to Executive Board on this.

8. To agree annual Student Recruitment Targets aligned with the Student Number Planning process and the University’s ambitions re size and shape. 

9. To have oversight of recruitment and management information and ensure that the most appropriate, accurate and timely information is considered and presented to Executive Board.

10. To consider recruitment aspects of the institution’s programme portfolio and facilitate Faculty Executive Boards’ consideration of existing portfolios and new programme opportunities through provision of recruitment and management information.

11. To consider and approve the strategic approaches to recruitment, admissions and marketing recommended by the Student Recruitment Management Group.

12. To request specific activities/actions from the Student Recruitment Management Group.

13. To facilitate and promote the alignment of the services supporting Student Recruitment to enable delivery of the University’s strategic aims and objectives for Student Recruitment.

14. To make recommendations to Executive Board in relation to additional/alternative resource for student recruitment.

15. To oversee the recruitment approaches and outcomes at NUMEd and NUIS.

16. To oversee the University’s engagement with external bodies including for regulatory requirements relating to Student Recruitment such as OfS’ requirements re the Access and Participation Plan, and to oversee the monitoring of action taken following receipt of reports relating to these bodies/requirements including Access and Participation Plan.

17. To support the communication and implementation of university-wide strategic approaches to student recruitment and widening participation.

18. To endorse end of cycle reports from Student Recruitment Management Group on Student Recruitment outcomes for consideration and approval by Executive Board and for further consideration by Senate and Council. 


Ways of working

19. University Recruitment Strategy Committee will conduct its business in accordance with its terms of reference, and with the University’s Standing Orders for Committees.


Frequency and dates of meetings

The following items will need to be considered:

  • Review of performance – longitudinal – 5 year view including International campus data
  • Setting of targets 
  • Changes in the internal and external landscapes
  • Annual portfolio review 
  • Areas of challenge
  • Strategy for year ahead
  • ……

Meetings will take place four times per year:

Late January, April, July, December


Approved by Executive Board on 29 January 2019